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- Miami, FL, USA

Postal Letter received from Domain Networks with a bill for $289.00 in regards to domain registered on Go Daddy. Contacted Go Daddy to verified authenticity and validity of letter. Go Daddy customer service confirmed scam and that they do not have a relationship with this company.

- Humble, TX, USA

Received a letter made specifically to look like and invoice with a charge of $286.00 to renew internet domain listings as if it legitimately has to do with ownership of the domain.

Scam bill saying "make check payable to Domain Networks", with instructions on how to renew your "Annual website domain listing" - something this company has nothing to do with. In teeny tiny print in at the very end of their disclaimer it says not a bill. Fraudulently misleading, they should be put out of business for using these scammer tactics.

I have my domain registered with GoDaddy for about fifteen years or more. This company pretended to be GoDaddy and pretended that I must send $289 to keep my domain, ***************, alive. Which is a lie and a flat out, unmistakable fraudulent act. They made it sound like I had to subscribe to keep my own website up. They obviously researched me, knew I owned it and send me a BILL for annual service of $289.00. These are scammers, they need to be put out of business.

We have our business’s website domain through google… And they sent this saying our total for the domain is 289 dollars… It’s very misleading and I feel it’s confusing and I almost paid it. I’d like to report the way they sent this and worded everything.

I received what appeared to be a bill saying my annual bill for my web site would be $289.this is NOT the company who provides me web site domain or hosting.

Sends a bill/invoice to be paid to renew a domain. Complete scam. Almost fooled my elderly parents. I am sure they are getting paid a lot from unuspsecting elderly people.

They sent us as a fake invoice, and when we reached out they said "This is an advertisement for our domain listing services"

and the mailer points out to a page that captures payment info:

US Postal letter looked like an invoice from a domain name service that was hosting one of my domain names. It is actually an offer to list the domain on their "marketing site". This is the Internet twist on the classic "Yellow Pages" scam, the fine print makes this clear, but it is a misleading none the less. The "marketing site" is nothing more than a giant list of websites less useful than google... The letter was sent to my business where an unwitting employee might have paid the "invoice".

We pay go directly for a domain listing and our website which they are claiming we owe for is actually through media 99. It's a completely false bill that they want us to pay.

Request appears as an invoice with a make checks payable to: Domain Networks $289

With a notice date and even lists on the document which is where I do host my website.

I received a billing in the mail from Domain Networks saying my domain name will expire if I do not pay their bill by November 6, 2022 - I called my domain provider, Go Daddy and they confirmed the scam. - almost paid but did not - please warn others

I received a bill in the mail, on September 22, 2022 with a due date of October 29, 2022. The amount due is $289.00. The business sends it out as if you are renewing your domain for your business website, when in fact they are not a provider. It provides many options to pay your "bill", and if people are not savvy they may feel they owe this money. They do state on the document that this is a solicitation, and not a bill, however I feel it is still a deceiving practice and needs to be stopped.

Appears to look like an invoice with Payment sub & return envelope with a "return by date" and the letter looks a lot like an invoice.

This company sent an invoice for "Marketing Services" for a domain I own making it look like I am already a customer and just need to pay the bill.

Sent invoice for Annual Website Domain Listing.

Domain Networks sent a solicitation to our office stating we need to submit an online payment for a domain renewal of one of our businesses for $289. We are registered through a legitimate company, GoDaddy with a $19.99 annual fee. If any of our staff were to see this, they would assume that we were needing to pay the $289 for our domain annual fee. I'm so sick of other businesses preying off of legitimate businesses.

We received a very official looking invoice from a Marketing Services Renewal Notice. It is fake and said so in the fine print at the bottom of the page.

I received a postal mail from asking me to purchase a website named This letter was sent to my personal address with the domain name asociated to it. This website exist and has my personal phone number and my personal address associated to it.

Cleverly disguised "marketing" meant to look like an invoice.

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