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Sharing is caring! Are you having problems with Use ScamPulse to file a complaint. Reports & Reviews (139)

Received in the mail an official looking invoice for Annual Website Domain Listing for $289. Lists dates from October 10, 2022 to October 10, 2023. Has our email address, address, and we do renew in the fall.

I received an invoice for website domain registration. My domain is held through a different co. When I called the company that holds my domain they informed me that this was a scam letter.


They are an advertising company that sent out what looked like a bill for our business website / domain name hosting. But when reading carefully you realize they are trying to get you to pay for an add on THEIR website and actually have nothing to do with your own business website


Scam company sending out ads in the form of invoices with very little noticeable information stating it is not a bill.

Fake online marketing invoice. See attached


Domain Netwoks sends a 'bill' for your specific business domain, stating that an amount is due for an annual term. They include your registrar and a due date for the bill. In much smaller print it states that this is not a bill and is for a listing subscription.


Domain Networks is a predator. In this case, it hurt children by targeting a non-profit charity that gives free new shoes to needy kids. Domain Networks sent this volunteer-run charity a letter that looks very much like an invoice. The volunteer treasurer believed it was an invoice for the charity's website domain hosting and sent Domain Networks $289. That represents the loss of 18 pairs of shoes for kids who need them. I am a co-director of this charity and am reporting Domain Networks to everyone I can think of. The letter really does appear to be an invoice, although if you read it carefully, you will see it is "a solicitation". Anyone not familiar with their company's website agreements could fall for this and send a check to these predators.


This started last year when I got a letter from Internet Domain Name Services saying my website domain was about to expire. I accidently fell for it and paid them $190. Later I found out that they had nothing to do with my website domain hosting and I reported them to my credit card company. I also contacted them directly for a refund and they were rude and accused me of being a terrible person. This company sent me another letter this year under a different company name, this time the bill was for $289.

The scammer invoice looks very much like a required Domain Registration invoice to keep your current URL active. The language on the invoice is only clear in the small print that the very expensive price is only for being listed on their obscure, unhelpful website. It has nothing to do with keeping your DNS entries correct so that people can access your URL and website. It is rediculously priced at $260+ dollars per year. By placing your URL and Registrar information (publicly available), they make the invoice look like it's from a legitimate vendor. Small businesses are vulnerable to paying the false bill thinking it's a valid cost of maintaining their website.

This looks like a bill to keep the website for the business (target). They have nothing NOTHING to do w/ your website. There is a disclaimer, on the back of the page, at the end of a long paragraph: This is not a bill. This is a solicitation, you are under no obiligation to pay the amount stated above unless you accept this offer.

This is a total scam, fraud and attempt to take the money of unsuspecting businesses.


Received in the mail what looks very professional bill for marketing services / Annual Website Domain Listing for $289. Their website also looks legit. The big issue is I had never heard of them before receiving this bill. I have never signed up for any domain services of any kind.

This company may offer insignificant service and piggyback, sending out bills in mass quantities. Some people pay them without question, and others like us question the charge with a reply: "we will delete you from our system, so you don't get charged again." This is not fixing the issue of this company sending out faulty bills and making money on those who go ahead and pay them. How are they still in business?


This “company” has been sending us invoices with payment amounts of $289.00. They first communicated that we needed to pay to keep our domain active, even though we have never used this company for my domain or website. The second invoice, also for $289.00 communicated we needed to submit our payment by July 28, 2022. This company is sending what looks like legitimate invoices to businesses that do not use this “service”. They are preying on people and businesses in hopes they can get money from people who are not even their customers! So terrible!

I received this intentionally mis-leading invoice in an email that also appeared to be an official request for payment.

Company sends dozens of mailers over the years that deceptively looks like important domain registration in hopes that someone will pay this as a bill - the business model is carefully constructed around this with legalese on their website. I have pulled this from our mail dozens of times over the years (we have multiple domains) - but one almost snuck through and our bookkeeper printed a check and almost mailed it until I caught it before I left for vacation. A day later and this would not have been caught.


Received a "bill" from Domain Networks totaling $289 for Annual Domain / Business Listing on for our corporate website. As others have stated, there is fine print on the second page reading "THIS IS NOT A BILL. THIS IS A SOLICICATION." but the entire document is misleading, appearing as an invoice for services rendered.


I received a statement from Domain Networks with charges for annual website domain listing on their directory for $289. They listed the company I have my website registered with. The bill looks legitimate. Before I read the paragraph on the back of the invoice statement I thought it was real. The paragraph states that it is a website listing offer. It would be easy to fall for the scam.

Our organization received a false invoice in the mail for domain hosting services. Whilst the invoice itself does have fine print saying "this is not a bill. This is a solicitation. You are under no obligation to pay the amount stated above unless you accept this offer.", the document itself is misleading and clearly laid out to mimic a formal invoice that encourages recipients to send payment(s) for services for which they are not currently subscribed nor have any obligation to pay.

Domainnetworks scams people by sending a spoof domain registration invoice to businesses. The invoice includes a buried wording that it is not a bill, but most of the wording on the mailed document looks like a bill. Their hope is that you will not be paying attention and will pay it. Don't be fooled - this is a SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!

An invoice was sent saying we owe a bill. We have not asked for any goods or services

This scam is designed to look like a bill from your website hosting service. If you pay it they will automatically host your website and take over your site.

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