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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Appleton, WI, USA

IRS agent Ron Watson, badge # 0026249 called to say that I owed $6,000 in taxes and that I needed to pay or they would be turning it over to the Federal Marshal and I would be arrested. The number was 202-306-0453

A few weeks earlier I had a call from Agent Christopher Madisroon, badge 11738, who stated I owed $6350 in interest and penalties and again I was told I would be arrested. Both had foreign accents and wanted to know if I had access to money.

- Frederick, MD, USA

We have been receiving phone calls stating that the IRS is suing us for unpaid taxes. The call back number is 206-204-4739. When I called them back and told them I was calling from an attorney's office and was going to have them arrested they promptly hung up the phone on me. We have received these types of scams before and we're getting tired of it. They not only had our phone number but our names and our address! This is scary and upsetting!!!!

- Lizella, GA, USA

Received call from someone posing as the IRS stating there was a warrant for my arrest and I needed to settle the back taxes.

- Gray, GA, USA

Recording - letting me know there was a warrant for back taxes.

- Macon, GA, USA

Received call - recording, didn't get the number. they identified themselves as Sergeant Menendez with the IRS wanting to discuss a warrant for me due to back taxes. Called the to report scam. I have an accountant and know that I do not owe back taxes.

- Kathleen, GA, USA

Called twice, left voice mail that there was a warrant for me.

They said that he was from the IRS

Received message that I had a warrant for arrest from the IRS and I was directed to call them back.

- Ocean Springs, MS, USA

They called and left a voicemail several times saying that they were from the IRS. They said I had past due taxes and that if I didnt call them back to make a payment I would end up going to jail.

IRS scam call from a gentleman with a heavy accent stating that they were from the Chicago office. They hung up on me when I challenged them.

- Alexandria, LA, USA

The caller said they had been trying to get in touch with me. They said they were the IRS and suit was fixing to be filed against me - to call them immediately. Note I received the call on December 7 or 8th, 2015, and today, December 9, the attached article was in our local news paper, The Town Talk - so the police are aware.

- Clinton, NY, USA

I received a phone call from 210-807-8097 saying the IRS was filing a lawsuit against me and this was my 'final notice' - I never got a first notice. So I googled the number, and a bunch of people said they had received similar calls and it was a scam. The IRS should be aware that people are posing as them.

They said there was a warrant for my arrest from the IRS. to find out more about it I had to call back. I did not call back as I was informed by BBB this is a scam.

Received call claiming consumer owed and a warrant would be issued if they did not settle.

Caller stated they are the IRS and that I must pay money to avoid being arrested.

- Macon, GA, USA

Said I owed and there was a warrant.

- Green Bay, WI, USA

Recorded messages stating to avoid prosecution call back immediately. IRS, you owe taxes. Three calls this morning.

was told this was the last time trying to get a hold of me and they were going to file suit

- Spokane, WA, USA

Called to say IRS was filing a lawsuit against me.

- Shreveport, LA, USA

Someone claiming to be the IRS called me and left a number to call back and for me to ask for Officer Lauren Mathews. I called back and a man answered. He said if we did not comply he would send the sheriff to our house. I laughed and hung up.

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