Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1086)
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Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location MS 39564, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location LA 71303, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 13323, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location GA 31210, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location WI 54303, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WA 99206, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Los Angeles, NV, USA
Country United States
Victim Location LA 71106, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 13114, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 13069, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location GA 31210, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
The number is: (646-583-2409) I am a retired Civil Servant and take this seriously. I also
know that our work history data was comprimised and we received letters confirming
this. I want you to check into this immediately. On the answering machine;
they claim it is a lawsuit and we must responde. I know better. Thanks for your service.
Victim Location GA 31210, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection