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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Towson, MD, USA

Received a voicemail from 917-688-4301 and they identified themselves as the IRS and they had a case against me and it was a final notice. I called back and spoke with a gentleman with a very thick Indian accent who identified himself as James Edward. He said I had outstanding taxes due for years 2009 - 2012 in the amount of $1,100.45 and what was I going to about it and that they were taking me to court. When I said I didn't receive any documentation he said thay had attempted to send it to me 3 times and had proof of attempted delivery. When I asked for an ID number he said EL4321 and when I asked more and more questions he became very agitated and said he would see me in court and then hung up.

- Oregon, WI, USA

IRS claiming to file a lawsuit against me. Message left on my home phone at 7:16 AM from 346-971-6231

Got a call and vm got automated recording stating it was the IRS and they were going to file a lawsuit against the consumer.

Message left on machine says this is an official final notice of the IRS filing a law suit and I'm to phone the following number for information on the case.

Dept. # 346-971-6372

Called me three different times in one day and each time was a prerecorded voice telling me that it was my final notice and I was going to be taking to court.

- Norwich, NY, USA

On November 9, 2015 we received 4 recorded phone messages that we were to call the IRS because we had tax invasion. It was a women caller and the number was a cell phone from Georgia, which was 470-424-9650. We never returned the call because we knew the IRS didn't make phone calls they send notices by mail.

- Bainbridge, NY, USA

Somebody called me and claimed to be the IRS and that a lawsuit is being brought on to me. When I called back and realized he wasn't what he claimed, he started to be offensive with me. He called me a 75 year old ***! Please help stop this scam artist. He was definitely targeting older citizens. Watch out for any number beginning with 202 area code. His number is 1-202-617-8053. We need to get this word out to families so they will watch out for their elderly loved ones. This man didn't care that I was reporting him as he spurred all kinds of disgusting name calling. No morals, no soul. Just an easy way to get money from others because they're to lazy to work for it themselves. Please help to stop them.

Called to say I had unpaid taxes and they were going to come to the house and I needed an attorney.

- Alexandria, LA, USA

I received 3 of the same calls on the same day: "A final message from the Internal Revenue Service. The reason for this call is to inform you that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. To get more information about this case file, please call immediately on our department number, 202-864-1311. Repeat 202-864-1311. Thank you."

Called saying final notice lawsuit by IRS to get info call immediately

2 calls two separate numbers



- Abilene, TX, USA

Bogus call saying IRS was suing.

- Shreveport, LA, USA

Consumer was contacted by phone. A recording stated that the IRS would be filing a lawsuit against them and they need to call 1-202-361-2393.

called my # and left message of a class action law suit from the I R S and left a number to call back 360-335-3137.

when I called the number I could understand the person and said someone call me and left this #. They hung up so I called them back, and that time some on answered and said "IRS" I asked if they were the Internal Revenue Service and they said yes. I asked where they were located and they hung up again. I am going to block this number but I think some one should look it to them.

Thank you !

I was left a voice message stating that it was the last and final notice and that a law suite was being filed against me. I called the number and spoke to a woman who then gave me the rundown. She said that the IRS had been monitoring my taxes from 2008 to 2014 and that I owed them $3895.00 in back taxes. I was asked if I wanted to resolve this issue or have them continue with the law suite. I was also told that I was given three previous notifications and that an IRS agent had been sent to my house. I was told that I sheriff would be sent to my workplace and I'd be arrested. When I started questioning and saying that I'd have to get back to them in an hour because I didn't have the money in my account right now and of course I didn't want any issues with the IRS. In the end the woman then asked me if I had the money in my account right now I said no. She then asked me "well what do you have in your account right now then." At this point I realized it was a scam and hung up the phone.

automatic phone call 2533364968, Seattle Washington, 10/29 @ 10:23am

saying I was being sued by the IRS, need to call a number, I hung up

- Cazenovia, NY, USA

Said I was being sued by the IRS left a number to call immediately. Called twice in a row. Said to cal 509-872-5401.

- Stonewall, LA, USA

The exact message left on my answering machine, three times: "This is a notice from the IRS. The reason for this call is to inform you that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. To get more information against this case file please call immediately on our department number 617-708-6522 - MA. (That was one message. The same message was left later with a different phone number, 916-579-2940 - CA)

Recorded message there was a tax lien and they would be arrested if they did not pay.

- Fort Valley, GA, USA

Received call from IRS stating this was my final notice or I would be going to court. They left a number on my machine for me to call back. Automated call sounding like a robot.

- Texarkana, AR, USA

Consumer received a recorded phone message stating that she owed money to the IRS and they would be filing a lawsuit against her. She was instructed to call back at 202-657-4238.

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