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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)


Appears to be roto calls - leaving 8 - 10 messages daily on my home answering machine stating "this is the internal revenue service, you are being sued and must contact us immediately to avoid having this turned over to the local law enforcement agency" So, with full knowledge this is a scam, I first reported to the Indiana State Attorney's office on the do no disturb line, then called the number back. The special agent advised that I was going to be sued - so I promptly replied that I knew it was a scam, that I had reported to SAG and remove my number from their calling roles. I was put on hold, he came back and said Never mind...

Caller ID indicated they were out of New York, and so I did a reverse look up on the internet - comes up with information about this scam. Then a few days later, began getting the same calls but caller ID states California.

Calling telling me he's the IRS and then when I tell him, "No, you are not" he called me a Mother[censored]er and said "[censored] you" three times.

A foreign man called my cell phone & said he was an IRS agent & that I owed back taxes of $9800. He said if I did not pay $4000 today there would be a warrant for my arrest & that my license would be suspended. I asked to speak to a manager & he acted like he transferred the call but it really was the same person. He proceeded to use the F word & said that this was a serious offense & if I did not pay I would go to jail for 5-7 years. I was at my place of employment when the call came & I was so upset I had to leave my job. When the caller hung up on me he said "thanks for wasting my time". I googled the phone number that he called from & saw that it was a scam. I don't understand why these people are able to do this & why they are not being arrested for fraud!

There number called. I called back because I missed the call. The man said that he was with the irs. He asked me for my name and dob. He then asked for the last 4 of my social. I told him that I wouldn't give it to him, but I would called him right back if he gave me a number and extension to verify that he was with the irs. He asked me why and said that he was making a courtesy call. I told him that I would not give him any information unless I could verify that he was with the irs by calling and hearing a recording that asked for an extension number. He then hung up.

- Slidell, LA, USA

Caller claimed to be from the United States Internal Revenue Service that I won $9000

- Dayton, OH, USA

Received call from IRS threatening me with jail.

Call claiming to be from IRS telling me I owed money

Just wanted to report I received a telephone call from representative from the IRS in regard to them filing a suit against me for tax evasion. They left message and phone number for me to call. Decided to call BBB first.

they assured me it was a scam.

Received 7 automated calls from 347-394-1622 which stated that there was a lawsuit against me by the IRS and I needed to call back ASAP. Upon calling back, the person on the other end asked me my name and address and stated it was a mistake. He stated, in very broken English, that I would be removed. I then received 2 more calls within 2 hours of this conversation.

I called back again asking about why my phone # was still on the list. I was HUNG UP on 4 times, as they were unable to answer my questions and kept interrupting me while trying to clarify (again, in very broken English). I then received a call from an 800 number, which appeared to be the IRS #800. However, upon speaking with yet another gentleman who did not speak English well, he also hung up on me after asking very simple questions.

Received a voice mail from IRS stating I had to call back immediately to settle the case. Spouse returned the call which was answered by a foreign person. When questioned they hung up then would not answer again

They called ask for my wife & they were going to file suit against her for her taxes from 2010-2015. I said we were on Social Security & no taxes due 8560 if we didn't pay it they'd have the cops to pick up in 48 hrs & loose everything. He said if we didn't have that then send 300 & they'd dismiss everything then I said we couldn't do that then said they'd just dismiss the whole thing & hung up

Phone call saying that the IRS was filing suit for unpayed taxes. Did not answer the call but a voice mail was left.

- Pensacola, FL, USA

this group called claiming the IRS has filed a lawsuit against me, 3-times i returned the call from another phone and each time i started asking questions they continuously hung up

- Cherry Hill, NJ, USA

Called this morning and left a VM said I was being sued by the IRS and to call them regarding the case (no case number). It's less than a 30 second message. They did not ask for money on the message but I am sure that if I would have called back they would. If you look at and reverse phone number, there were three other people besides me that got the same call. White pages also reports it as a scam.

According to the here is the info

Scam or Fraud

Flagged as Extortion

(301) 534-5660

Ymax Communications VoIP

Indian Head, MD

Hope this helps.

- New Castle, DE, USA

(347) 906-8672 stated they were the Irs and there is a lawsuit filed against me. Total scam

Said that this was a final warning that the IRS was coming after me for money.

I returned the phone call, male on the other end said he was with the IRS. Ask me my name, and at this point I hung up the phone.

IRS is filing a law suit against you call 785-370-9273 about case file. I received 6 of these phone calls on September 19th 2016. I did not call the number.

Automated message from the IRS saying it was their last attempt to reach me, and that they were giving me notice of a pending action against me. Never have heard from the IRS, and I'm sure they would have attempted to contact me in writing had they not been able to reach me previously by phone. I didn't return the call.

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