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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Sylvania, OH, USA

IRS is filing a lawsuit against me

I didn't return the call; so I don't know any details about the lawsuit .

I had a missed call and Voicemail from the number I listed above. The voicemail said it was the IRS telling me that they were filing a lawsuit against me for not paying my taxes. I owe about $45, which I thought it was taken care of, so I thought I'd give them a call back. The guy who answered asked for my name and current address (not the address that I filed under, which after I got off the phone with him, I thought was suspicious). He put me on hold for a minute, came back and said that I had a lawsuit against me from the IRS and that I owed $8,100! I told him that I had not received any notice of this amount and I would like to speak with someone else about this, and he kept arguing with me. After the final time I said, "No, please let me speak to someone else", he hung up on me. After the call, I was thinking that it was a scam, because if it really were the IRS, they would've asked more questions for verification that it was truly me they were speaking to. No DOB, SSN#, etc.

Being investigated and would face criminal charges if I do not call them back.

They called me and as well left a voicemail that said the IRS is taking a lawsuit against me. I needed to call the number back immediately. I called and called no answer!!!!!

If I don't come up with $500 today he will issue a warrant for my arrest. He keeps threathing me & send someone over here & take my truck, put freeze on my account & a lien on my property. When I said I would call my local authority & report him to the attorney general he hung up>

*** ** ***

- Walnut Creek, CA, USA

Robocall proportedly from IRS from above telephone number. Received calls at 8:34 am and 3:pm today. Have received these calls 2-5 times/week for last 2-3 months.

- Villa Rica, GA, USA

A robocall from someone claiming to be the IRS. They say that I am being sued by them. I checked with my local office and have nothing showing that I owe the irs. I told the person that and hang up quickly. I receive 5 calls per day.

- Memphis, TN, USA

They told me they were the IRS & call to inform me they would be filing charges against me for tax evasion & I hadn't been honest on my tax returns. They would send someone to pick me up & then they asked for my passport number, tried to get me to go to the computer & I told them I didn't have a computer. They said if I didn't respond I would have to report to a judge.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

A person called my cell saying they were from IRS and that they had tried numerous times to reach me and that IRS was going to sue me unless -- I hung up at that point. But my husband said to report it to yiu

- East Greenwich, RI, USA

I've received several calls from *** stating it was the IRS and my name was listed in a law suit and that I should call them right away.

Left a message on the recorder telling me I owed taxes to the IRS and were going to sue me.

Left message that I was being sued by the IRS. I ask them if they were the United State Federal Gov and they would not answer the questions and then told me they were reporting me to the FBI.  

I received a message on my phone stating they were from the IRS and that they were going to file a law suit against me. I knew it was not real. When I tried to look up the number, it showed that it was from Brooklyn, New York. I called the number and it sounded like it was transferred overseas. The man sounded like he was from India. He already knew my name without me giving any information. He wanted to know the name of my attorney. I gave him a few choice words and hung up.

Phone number called me 4x in about 4 hours. Left message saying it was IRS and they would be taking immediate action against me because I have not returned calls regarding tax issue.

Called the number and a foreign accent man answered. I asked who was calling and his name. He said IRS. I asked name again. He said what do you want. I wanted calls and harassment to stop. Asked his name again and said that the call was fraud. He laughed and said he would not call back.

I first was contacted 09-13-2016 robo call from the IRS twice yesterday. Today some one who clamed to be an Officer of the IRS named George Smith ( I dare say is his given name because he sounded like he was from India or Packastan ) saying I was being sued by the IRS. I let him have it cusswords and all. I informed him that the IRS would never call first.

This is the scam where they call you and tell you the IRS is going to arrest you, take you to court, etc and it is imperative you call back the number. I work for the NYS Assembly and we have had constituents fall for these scams.

They tried to victimize me as well. I was called three times - the first time was on Sept. 13 on my cell phone and returned the call, knowing it was a scam. The person I spoke with said he was with the IRS and asked for my name. I told him he obviously knew who I was from my caller ID so why did he need my name? He hung up. The second call came that evening and I was busy so I ignored it. The third call came this morning, Sept. 14 on my cell phone from a different number, but same area code and prefix. I called it back, again knowing it was a scam. I gave a made-up name as well as made up social security number and the woman who responded said she found my case and that I owed $5,782 in back taxes that the IRS says I intentionally avoided paying. She continued to read me a very long official sounding letter and I was not to interrupt her. Basically, it said the IRS would ruin my life if I did not pay it today and I would find myself in court and in jail. My options were to go to the courthouse and fight it but if I lost, I would be liable for up to $55,000 and I could spend five years in jail. But if I wanted to avoid the courthouse, I could pay something ( in this case, $2,000) today. I agreed to do that, and I was transferred to a man who instructed me to get in my car with my cell phone and drive to a government authorized center ( in this case a Walgreens in Newark, NY) and purchase gift or itunes cards with my debit card from my checking account. I was told I had to stay on the line and that the whole thing was being recorded and that the IRS and a jury was listening in. This is exactly what happened to one of our constituents who did not realize ( we don't know WHY because it sounded so bogus) it was a scam. They also said after the transaction was finished, they would come to my house with all sorts of documentation, etc. I acted very fearful and told them no, I did not want them to come to my house, and the man said OK. I figured at that point I had taken it far enough -- I told the man HE was actually speaking to a government official from the IRS fraud unit and the whole conversation had been recorded and someone was coming to Emporia, Va. to arrest him. He hung up abruptly. We contacted the Emporia Va. city police, who traced one of the numbers to W***, who actually lives in the county, outside the city. We don't know if he is part of this or not -- he could have been scammed too. We have now contacted the sheriff's department there are they are working the case. What else can I tell you? The call seemed to come from a large room where many people were conducting business. All the people I spoke with had very heavy foreign accents. I am not sure from where. The people I spoke with were not angry or threatening, but the last man was insistent. Perhaps, because I knew it was a scam, I did not feel threatened as someone else would have. These scams must be stopped. Don't FALL FOR IT. The IRS would never, ever, ask you to do the things that these people are asking.

I have been receiving phone calls weekly from IRS is suing us

Reaceived a phone call from 390 347 0806 requesting I call back immediately or Federal marshalls would appear at my door and take me to federal court.

I know this is a scam and that the number is probably fake, but wanted to let others know.

have had 4 calls today saying last warning that IRS is fileing a law suit against me and i need to call this number right away to settle.

- Corpus Christi, TX, USA

The message they left was that a lawsuit had been filed against me for delinquent taxes. They asked me to call 707-706-0091 to settle up. The voice was garbled and sounded like it was being modified so that we couldn't recognize the original voice of the caller.

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