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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

I had a message left on my answering machine that said they were the IRS and I needed to call *** immediately.

IRS has filed a lawsuit against me, This is the third call I have received.

The first number they wanted me to call was 207-809-2954. Now they want me to call 248-747-4492

I have voice mails for both.

I did not call the numbers

- San Diego, CA, USA

Claiming to be the IRS filing a lawsuit against me for tax years 2010-2014.

- San Diego, CA, USA

Caller leaves this voice message. " The reason for this call is IRS is filing a lawsuit against you. To get more information about this case file please call immediately on our department phone number 440-214-5390. I repeat 440-214-5390. Thank you"

- Kissimmee, FL, USA

I was recently a victim of IRS scam and lost $15,000 dollars and spoke to my pastor about this he suggested I contact the BBB, so if there is anything you can do to help me it would be appreciated.

I received a vmail to call 256-283-1438. Frank Martin badge # GS45480 gave me a case # DC1928. Then transferred me to Victor Dias badge ID# GS23056. Victor told me IRS had filed a complaint against me and there was a warrant for my arrest due to tax evasion in the amount $5896. I had never received anything in the mail from the IRS which made me suspicious. The said to cancel my warrant I would need to pay $3000 otherwise I would be placed under arrest and assets seized within 30 min. I asked for the complaint# filed against me so I can call DC Court to verify and he said that # was not available until after I made the payment. He said he would call my cell # to tell me I had to go to Best Buy to purchase federal tax vouchers to make the payment. I put him on hold and Googled DC Federal Court. The DC Fed Court clerk said that was a scan and not to pay as that was not their protocol for notifying anyone for any claims. He suggested I get back on the line and I tell the Victor that I confirmed with DC court that I am to report this to the as it was not standard process. I got back on line and informed Victor I was going to call to report this call and he hung up. It was indeed a scam.

Been receiving multiple calls from this number today stating that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me and that I needed to call that number back ASAP.

Today I received a call from someone purporting to be from the tax evasion office of the IRS.

I quote the message that was left on my answering machine : "This is Officer Sarah Williams calling you from the legal investigation department of the IRS. The nature of my voice mail is to inform you that we have received a legal petition notice regarding a tax evasion, a tax fraud against your name. So before your case is registered into the Federal claim courthouse and before we issue the arrest warrant against your name, please call us back at area code 205-564-6348..repeat number 205-564-6348."

I recieved a phone call, they left a voicemail. It was a lady stating the IRS was filing suit if they did not hear from me right away. I called the number above and a lady answered that didn't speak english very well. She informed me that she was Agent 151 with the IRS and I had bad Tax. She proceeded to ask me my address and phone number which right away I red flagged since they called me. I didn't give her any information but I did ask her what bad tax was and she could not tell me. She just kept repeating herself saying she was Agent 151 and I had bad tax. I didn't give tham a chance to ask any more information and I hung up.

Called and said I owed money to the IRS and that I needed to call immediately not to have actions taken against me.

tax fraud from 2005-2009 amount of 11,780. called from 1-802-673-2596 persons names and badge no. s Bella Conrad IRM 120714 and Kim Anderson IRM 52304 . Both women was Asian spoke fast and kept saying if I didn't tell the truth they were connect to the IRS could see my records .That they would alert the police to arrest me. Even if I hang up the phone. I had 2 choices to pay. Have the police arrest me for fraud or make payments. I was to go to Target then call 1-800-829-1040 to wait on how to make a payment. I wasn't able to ask any question because we were being recorded. The only thing I did give was my last 4 no.s of ss#. This was ask at the beginning of this phone call. I hung up the phone and called my tax person. Was told this is a tax scam ....

- I was first introduced to this scam about two months ago. I received many calls on my answering machine telling me this was a call from the IRS and they wanted me to contact them as soon as possible. My wife kept deleting the messages. When I heard the call on the machine, I had my suspicions, but I contacted the agent anyway who told me I owed the IRS twenty thousand dollars in back taxes. First off my wife and I have been doing taxes together for the last ten years and we had H&R Block do them for us. I did mention that to him and it looked like he didn't care he kept telling me that I owed them this amount and kept wanting to transfer me to the collection agent in the IRS. After that I hung up on him and just to satisfy myself I called the number the next day and the number was disconnected. I received another call about two weeks later and it was the same scam but it had a different ID name and number than the first one. If you need any more information to stop this company please don't hesitate to call. I will give you both names and numbers First- Alex Johnson 202-241-5788 Second-

The phone number called me 5 times on 9/8/2016. When I would answer there was a recorded message saying that it was the Internal Revenue Service and that they were in the process of filing a lawsuit against me for unpaid taxes. I knew that the IRS does not make phone calls so I did not fall for the scam.

- Fresno, CA, USA

Someone at the phone number above called my mobile phone, and left a voice mail to the effect of: "To know more about this case file, call our number, 929-270-7413." I called the number. I asked the man, who had a thick accent, what corporation or entity this was. He said it was the IRS. I immediately told him that his phone call was a scam, and that I was hanging up. This happened at around 10:00AM, Pacific Time, on Friday, September 9, 2016. I tried to call the IRS, and they directed me to fill out a form from their web site.

Call on home land line claiming to be "IRS" threatening a "lawsuit" requesting me to call their number (see above). This phone is on the "DO NOT CALL" registry, for all the good that does.

Hope you can catch these creeps.

- Maple Shade, NJ, USA

Told case filed against you, call number provided to avoid being arrested and having to go to court, did not call number

Final notice from IRS claiming they are filing a lawsuit against them. 256-454-5257,315-796-6226

I was called by 917 341 2052 on my cell phone stating it was the IRS and to call that number immediately. I work for a phone company and knew this was a scam. When I called the number back to ask them to remove my number off their list and I knew this was a scam, the person used vulgar language and I hung up. This number needs to be reported as I am sure they are calling numerous cell numbers .

They said someone is going to arrest me due to a law suit.

told that IRS has filed lawsuit against me, told to retain criminal lawer throu then, would not discuss any relevant information, ie. what the suit was about, what address they had for me, never mentioned or asked for social, than threatened me with arrest warrant if i hung up and told me that police was on the way to pick me up

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