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IRS Reports & Reviews (5102)

- Spokane, WA, USA

I received a prerecorded call on my personal cell phone from the IRS stating that "this is an official final notice as I am being sued by the IRS for fraud and they are taking legal action and are filing a legal claim in my name." The instructions tell me to call their office at the number stated above.

Robo call received by me last week in Texas to my cell phone and my mother in Ohio received to her home phone landline. Call tells you there is a "warrant out for your arrest and you must call the IRS immediately at one of two numbers -

318-554-9987 or 850-464-4109

I called both and they were foreign accents and when I tried to get more information about who they were they said "you are trying to run away from this situation maam". I am afraid they are scamming people who don't know any better and are giving info to them thinking they are the IRS calling with a warrant for their arrest in a robo call.

Thank you.

A call supposedly from the IRS, stating that the IRS will be coming after me if I do not provide information.

These kinds of calls are coming in once or twice a week, with different phone numbers.

I haven't answered a call but on the voicemail they leave it states that the IRS is investigating me.

Received 3 calls in one morning. Each time they stated that it was the IRS and they were contacting me because they were filing a lawsuit against me for "Tax Fraud and Unpaid Taxes". They asked if I had an attorney to represent me or if I wanted to deal with them directly. I told them I had not received anything in writing from them. They said they had sent certified letters, but they were returned "unclaimed". They would not verify what address they were sending them to so I hung up.

Phone number claims to be from IRS collecting back taxes and that the person called should contact them immediately to resolve.

I recd a call on my business phone stating that there was a outstanding lawsuit against me. I was to call 619-366-9407. In speaking with a so called IRS officer he explained that there is a warrant for my arrest for fraud since I filed my federal income tax incorrectly. I owed $3200. If I did not work something out with them the local sheriff would be at my door in 1/2 hours......... I'm still waiting.

During our conversation I was actually cut off. I called them back and got the same person. 619-366-9407

I spoke to 2 people: Bill Dobson #GS60692 and Ron Miller #7501. Both had a very hard time speaking English. I ask to give me the address they were trying to reach me. It was actually an old address. However he quoted the city and said IA for the state. I asked what IA stood for...... He did not know.

Arabian/Iranian guy answers the phone (you hear a bunch of people saying the same script in the back ground. They immediately tell you "lets put the irs issue aside , i am your friend" and then the begin asking you random questions - "whats is your last name" "where do you stay" "did you graduate" ... from that point i questioned him why he needed this information, it has nothing to do with my irs payment. I asked him what company he worked for and he kept repeating forget about the irs im your friend. I told him i had plenty of friends and i didn't need another, i just wanted to simply take care of my irs payment. he said " if thats the case I'm Officer Jack Martin and you will be arrested for failure to answering the questions i need from you . i quickly hung up.

I received a phone call of a recorded message that stated a name and phone number of an "IRS agent, Ms. Gray" cautioning me to not ignore the call from 818-330-5440. I called back and reached a man with a Jamaican accent who identified himself as an agent. I heard several voices talking in the background like a Telemarketing company. I asked for MS. Gray and he said she was not available because she had "gone home". I asked who he was calling for because it was a new phone number and I keep getting texts and phone calls for the previous owner of the phone number. He told me my name. He asked if I knew why Ms. Gray called. I said no. He said it was because I had filed my taxes incorrectly. I repeated, "I filed my taxes incorrectly?" He said yes. I told him he would have to send me a letter. I hung up the phone. I KNOW I have not filed incorrectly.

I had a missed call, voicemail stated to call asap due to outstanding taxes that are due for tax year 2009-2013.

The gentleman was really hard to understand. He stated if I don't pay something today my home, car, bank account, etc. will all become frozen and have liens put on them. The amount he stated I owed was $ 8,729.00 My DL would become suspended and I would have a warrant out for my arrest. I had 30 minutes to pay before they send cops out to arrest me. He was very rude. Even after I asked to speak to someone whom I could understand, someone that spoke clear-proper English.

This was just horrible especially when I am at work and very busy at that. It made me feel like I was nothing. I just want this to be known so no one else is taken advantage of out there.

The phone number was 337-661-9795 that called me pretending to be the IRS....

FYI I called the 1-800 number for the real IRS and I have nothing on the books meaning I am free & clear of any amount owed to IRS. Thank goodness.


I received a call from the IRS & they are filing a suit against me & to contact them immediately.

The supposed IRS is calling multiple times per day to tell me that if I do not call them immediately I will be sued by the IRS for back taxes. Fed up with this I called them to ask that I be removed from their scam call list. No such luck. The supervisor (my guess is that everyone who answers the phone is a supervisor), in her perfect Indian dialect told me to anticipate the law suit any day now.

Can you do anything to get rid of these pests?

Thank you.

these callers are claiming that the IRS is pursuing a law suit against you and that you must make a payment immediately. If you do not answer, they will leave you a message warning you that this is your last notice from them and urging you to call back immediately.

This past week I've received phone calls from random numbers throughout the US. I don't answer a call unless I know who it is so it would go to voicemail. A recording on the voicemail just says "call us about the the case". Doesn't say who it is or what it's about. I called one of the numbers back this morning that was located at Farmington, IL, and a gal that answered the phone on the first ring and said "IRS how can I help you?" I said "Who is this?" She then started to say a different name then quickly corrected herself to say "IRS". I asked her "what is this about?" She said, "Can I have your first and last name and I can pull up your file?" I said, "No, if the IRS has something they would have mailed it to me," Her response was, "Oh, okay." then hung up on me.

I called another number back that was located in Uvalde, TX and it was her again. She quickly hung up.

Not sure what to do with this information. I'm pretty sure it's not the IRS. I didn't get far enough with them to find out what their agenda is.

Individual with strong accent in English called telling us in an irate form that we were going to be arrested for debts with the IRS for the las 3 tax returns. Claimed was calling from IRS, and had a very insulting tone. Called number back with employee ID and name and they told us this individual did not exist.

Call claimed to be IRS filing a lawsuit.

They called my cell phone and left a message saying that the IRS is filing a lawsuit against me to call their department at 207-809-2954

I did not call them back.

I have a recorded message on my phone. From that number.

I was scammed by these people a few weeks ago and they continue to call me. They have called me nearly every day since the initial scam that I stupidly fell for. They initially called and left me a voicemail. I called them back where they pretend to be with the IRS providing lots of information like a case # and amount of debt, etc. I have everything written down on a folder. They told me they had filed a suit against me and that if I didn't pay them right then they would have me arrested. So they had me go to CVS and purchase ITunes gift cards which they explained could be turned into cash as they had an agreement with ITunes so that my account could be credited immediately and I would not be arrested. It showed that I wanted to work this out and pay them. Said I could only by cards in increments of $50-$400. I could not buy $500 cards. They told me that if I did not do this I would go to jail immediately. Me being so afraid of jail and breaking the law, I did what they said even though in the back of my mind it did not seem right and I questioned them over and over. Event after paying them, they continue to call me. I want to call them back and give them a piece of my mind but I don't want ruin any chance of maybe catching them. I am willing to help any way I can. I have the original voicemail saved on my cell along with all of my notes from the incident in question.

This person just called me saying they were an IRS agent and that I owed money for me to go to my local store to purchase a debit card and pay them the money I owed. I know this is a scam because there's no way I owe money and second of all IRS would not call you nor make you go to store to purchase a debit card in order to pay them. This is ridiculous!

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