Online Retailer Scam Reports & Reviews (1828)
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Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $70
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's website Elederhosen
Scammer's address ADDRESS 12538 Basque Pl Woodbridge VA 22192 USA, Woodbridge, VA 22192, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $209
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $50
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Total money lost $80
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address 907 W. Valley Street, Staten Island, NY 10312, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $85
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Total money lost $79
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address IN, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $48
Type of a scam Online Purchase
I would like a refund for the Lexas window shade I order, the window shade is not up to my standards, whomever did the packing folded it in half, and it left a center fold in the middle of the shade. And for $ 48 dollars I excepted the logo to look more professional. I’m a dissatisfied customer and would like to return your unused Lexas sunshade for a full refund.
Thank you,
Did you receive our previous email?
Please send us some pictures of the Product so we can understand the problem, and a picture of the Label Shipping + QR code (if any) on the Package
We need to know the product problem to be able to assist you, which is a required process
Good morning
This is my third request for a refund, please provide instructions on how to get my refund on this window shade
To whom it May concern:
I would like a refund for the Lexas window shade I order, the window shade is not up to my standards, whomever did the packing folded it in half, and it left a center fold in the middle of the shade. And for $ 48 dollars I excepted the logo to look more professional. I’m a dissatisfied customer and would like to return your unused Lexus sunshade for a full refund.
The product folding we have specified on the Product Description, and all Sunshade on the market fold the product like that, because of the large size of the product.
Our products are made to order, and the print you receive is very nice, this print quality if you buy it from another store it is difficult to get the same quality.
We cannot assist if our product is free from Manufacturing defects, which is required as it is tested and approved by other Authorities.
We can assist you by refunding 10% of this order (this is also our full profit on your order).
Hope you understand.
Best regards and thanks!
The problem is, I’m not satisfied with the quality of the window shade. I have not used it, I have ALL of the original packaging I’m also with in the 30 return policy
Thank you
I did read and understood the policy. I’m not satisfied with the print screen. And that should qualify as a manufacturing issue if the buyer/customer is not satisfied with the quality of the product. And what I don’t see in the policy, is you’ll give 10% back after you’ve met all the requirements for a refund.
I’m comparing my old windows shade with the one I order from you. The print is my defined and the butterfly has three fold in it from shipment. I’m not satisfied with the screen print of the Lexus car window shade. May I please have my refund. I provided all the information requested. The address I provided is were the window shade was shipped from
This is the representative office: 16 Madison Ave. New York NY 10016
As of now no further communication.
Thank you,
Scammer's website
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $89
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address Houston, TX, USA
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address NY, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $143
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $38
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Total money lost $44
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Up To 100% Off!”
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $50
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address 4420 Village Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $107
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's address 557 Madison St, Brooklyn, NY 11221, USA
Scammer's email [email protected]
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Site offers very specific small market professional video, audio cases and accessories. I placed my order and noticed within a few hours I was not emailed a receipt. I contacted them and received an email receipt. The receipt was suspicious. I called my credit card company to report it and cancel my card. They managed to charge me for the case for 95$. The following day a charge for &2500.00 for a auto repair shop.
Scammer's website
Scammer's address NY, USA
Total money lost $7,000
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $50
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $36
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Type of a scam Online Purchase
Scammer's email [email protected]
Total money lost $45
Type of a scam Online Purchase