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Social Security Administration Imposter

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Social Security Administration Imposter Reports & Reviews (447)

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Received a call from who the caller described themselves as The Social Security Administration. It was a robotic sounding voice (recording) informing me that my social security was being suspended for suspicious and fraudulent activity. That I needed to call 917-246-4879. I didn't call of course. I had recently seen a Scam Alert concerning such a phone scam.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Call us now so that you won't be arrested for the suspicious activity related to your SS#

- Conroe, TX, USA

I received a phone call from a federal officer with badge number 11948 Ray Jones. He indicated that they made an arrest in El Paso Texas and documentation with my name on it was at the scene, therefore I will be charged with money laundering and drug trafficking. During this phone call I was passed to a Senior DEA Adam Garcia badge number 714326. He did an apparent criminal background check on me during our conversation and he stated I did not have anything on my record including no speeding tickets. Mr. Garcia wanted to know what accounts I had and assets. However, he did not ask for account numbers or any indicators to hack my accounts. The call ended and I called the local FBI office and was notified it was a scam. I have been receiving at least 40 phone calls a day from all over the United States. At least once a day, I am left with a voice mail stating I must present myself in front of a magistrate to clear up this illegal matter.

- Twin Falls, ID, USA

2 phone messages saying it is the Social Security Administration and legal enforcement actions have been filed on my social security number, a lot of activity on my number and before the number is suspended to call "at very right moment" this number. It is a computer generated voice.

Voice mail “ So when you get this message kindly call back at the earliest possible on our number before we begin with the legal proceedings that is 915-208-4463 I repeat 915-208-4463 thank you…” When calling the number back Foreign sounding male States he is with the Social Security administration. Asked to speak to his superior and was hung up on multiple times. No information was given when requested on where he was located .

- Greenville, SC, USA

I got a call from the SS Administration. It was a foreign sounding man and he stated that I have been involved in fraud and my social security benefits are going to be revoked.

- Boise, ID, USA

The caller says he is an officer from Social Security Administration and there has been suspicious activity on my account. He advises to call back immediately before Social Security benefits are canceled or suspended.

- Greenville, SC, USA

I got a call from the Social Security Administration asking me to activate my new Medicare card. I spoke with Aaron Jackson, ID # 28752233. He gave me all the information that was on my Medicare card and asked me to verify the account number to activate the new card. He stated their office was in San Diego. I then spoke to a woman named Alice, who asked for the same information again.

- Cincinnati, OH, USA

Received a call and voicemail stating my social security number had been discovered to have fraudulent activities and to call them back immediately before legal proceedings were started against me. I called back and someone with a very heavy accent answered like he was with the Social Security Office. He immediately asked for my social security number and date of birth. When I ask what company I was contacting he stated The Social Security Administration. I replied no this is not and he began swearing and hung up on me.

Called stating my social security number was compromised and they found drugs, a house, and a car rented with blood in my name abandoned at the southern border.. wanted more info from me.. threatened me with u.s marshals and FBI.. I hung up.

- Melba, ID, USA

I have received two threatening phone calls from this number, stating that I must return their call at their direct line..240-900-9459. They said that they were the Social Security Administration and my social security number has been involved in illegal activity. If I did not return their call immediately, they would not be able to help me! I must call immediately! Of course, I have never returned their calls. They still call with the same threat!

- Pendleton, SC, USA

I have a message left on my answering machine in a recording says that my social has been found to be compromised and that if I don't return the call, my social security benefits will be dismissed.

Victim stated he was contacted by "Agent Clarissa Hernandez" of the Social Security Administration and stated he was subject of a Arrest Warrant.

Victim stated there was no financial loss but he did provide the Subject with his social security number.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I received a cell phone call at 1:39 PM on wed sept 19 from a number that came up from EL Paso tx. I did not answer and they left a msg that read in part that I needed to call this #915 799 0371 as soon as possible before they begin legal proceedings. I called back and the person who answered sounded east indian and said this was the social security administration, they needed my SSN to pull up my records. I refused, he tried again and again I refused and hung up. I did not give them my name or SSN. I called my MOM to ask her and she said absolutely NOT will the SSA call for ones SSN so I came to this to warn and help

- Meridian, ID, USA

Someone called from the "social security administration" and that they are going to issue a warrant to garnish SS $ advised to call 888-342-2916 to avoid collection

- Bethlehem, PA, USA

I received a phone call from 310-984-6716 on Monday August 13th at 1:22pm. I did not answer and received an automated message saying, "The Administration to inform you that your social security number is suspended due to criminal activity under your name. So call our direct line number which is 310-984-6716. I repeat 310-984-6716. Thank you." I called and was told about the scam. I did not call the number back!!

- Spokane, WA, USA

Received a robocall from this number, telling me that my SS# had been found to be used in fraudulent activities. It threatened to issue an arrest warrant if I didn't call the number back.

The guy calling me, Edward Brown, said he was from the Social Security board. He wanted me to verify my Social Security number and when I started to question him why he said because someone was using my number for criminal activity. When I kept questioning him and asked to speak to someone in management he got very upset with me and hung up the phone on me.

- Dundalk, MD, USA

Received a call from someone that spoke very poor English. To the point where the caller could not be understood. The accent appeared to be of Mid Eastern Descent.

I was told that my ssn was tracked to fraudulent behavior and that criminal fines were are being prepared to be filed against me. Angrily and with a lot of profanity from my end, I asked to be removed and never contacted again on my phone. I used the Mr. Number phone app to block the call in going forward.

I don't understand that if my telephone number is on the do not call registry, how and why I am still receiving sooo many robo and scam calls. I am way passed frustrated.

I received multiple phone calls stating that my social security number has been suspended due to fraudulent activity. The names I was given were Linda Gomez and James Wilson. Numbers are 254-626-6001 and 740-936-7250. They were automated messages that sounded urgent but it also raised some red flags for me.

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