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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

Warrant for arrest

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

They are calling saying they are the IRS and there is an arrest warrant for me and to call them back

- Dallas, TX, USA

I am just reporting as an FYI. I did not fall for the scam so no money was lost. It was two identical pre-recorded phone messages, a woman with a robotic/strange voice posing as an IRS agent threatening with prosecution for fraud and then asking to call them back to have it resolved.

Caller claims to be a debt collector for the IRS

- Marietta, NY, USA

they left message saying they were the irs and I would be going to jail if I did not call back to resolve the issue

- Vancouver, WA, USA

Exact words of the phone message:"This message is intended for you. This is Officer Michelle Morris and I am calling you from IRS criminal investigation department. This message is in regards to a legal case which has been filed under your name and your physical address which is under investigation. So don't try to disregard this message and do return the call on my number 313-921-6875, repeat 313-921-6875."

I received this message 3 times in 2 days; Sept. 25 in the daytime and Sept. 26 at 9:22am and 12:15pm. I called our who told me to contact you.

- Memphis, NY, USA

Threating to have an arrest warrant served from the IRS for back taxes

- Stoughton, WI, USA

I received a call from Allison Miller, IRS, IRM8974, who told me that I owed money to the IRS. She gave me a case number of CP501 and then transferred me to Richard Weber, SA1756. I was told to keep this confidential and that the phone was being traced. They wanted $7600 on a credit card. When I said I did not have that kind of money, they asked if I had a car and wanted my VIN number. I gave it to them and after a few minutes said that I needed to sell by car to pay them the $7600. If I did not, the Rockford IL Sheriff's Dept would arrest me, take me to jail and take all my possessions. That got me thinking as why the Rockford, IL Sheriff would come and arrest me in WI. Made no sense. I happen to owe the IRS money and have been using National Tax Experts for my case. I contacted them and was told that this was a scam.

- Kuna, ID, USA

called my personal cell phone twice now, claims to be a Officer Chris Morris. I have received calls from two different numbers today, one from 253-234-1284 & 3 from 509-412-3157. I consider this harassment.

I called the number from a different phone- he identified his name as Officer with IRS. Had a Indian accent.

I asked why did you call my number-not identifying my number or name. He laughed and then said he was with IRS. I told him-Bye not interested in what you have to say.

- Delmar, NY, USA

Got a recorded call saying the IRS is Sueing me and if I didn't call immediately I would have a warrant for my arrest I called the guy out on the phone and he threatened to have me killed....

- Spokane, WA, USA

I answered my phone and there was a recorded message claiming to be from the IRS saying there was an arrest warrant for me for tax fraud and to call them immediately at the number I listed above. I knew it was fraud and reported it to this site at BBB.

I received a message on my machine that said it was the IRS calling and that I should not ignore the call or there will be legal action.

- Honolulu, HI, USA

I got a call from 202-897-4515 that there was a warrant out for my arrest because I owed $ to the IRS.  I knew it was a scam.

A woman left a message on my phone saying she wanted to notify me that the IRS has issued an arrest warrant against me and that both myself and physical property are being monitored and that it is very important that she hear back from me to resolve this issue. She then gave me a number to call and repeated that it was urgent that I call her back.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

I received a voicemail that in which a woman said that I am being watched by the IRS and will soon be arrested. She then insisted that I need to call her back to take care of "this matter" at 703-972-8956. She repeats the number and hangs up.

- Meridian, ID, USA

Received a call: from Tax/IRS scheme, told me I was being audited for tax fraud, not paying taxes since 2011 - 2016. I let them know I knew this was fraud. I just wanted to report the phone number. I told him I was going to report this. I didn't let him get far as to ask me for money. He is answering his phone each time I called back.

Robocall saying IRS was going to arrest me.

- Dallas, TX, USA

I received a call saying they are from the IRS Federal government for fraud and wanted me to resolve my issue over the phone without ever receiving any type of notice of such payment that I owe and without being audited or receiving notice from the IRS.

Pay tax bill or police will arrive to arrest.

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