Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1086)
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Scammer's address Jacksonville
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
A co-worker of mine went so far to take off from work and go straight to the bank and withdraw the money that he was told was due. He told the bank teller that he was told to then put the money on an Apple gift card. The teller told him it's a scam. He then drove to the IRS, and was told the same thing.
Country United States
Victim Location WA 99208, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Agoura Hills CA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
"There is a lawsuit filed under your name. An arrest warrant has been issued. To get more more information about this case file give call us back at 818-309-1017. I repeat 818-309-1017."
Country United States
Victim Location WI 53202, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Renton, WA 98055, USA
Country United States
Victim Location WA 98055, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location MD 21702, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 14120, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WI 54220, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Anchorage, AK 99504, USA
Country United States
Victim Location AK 99504, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
“ arrest warrant has been issued”
“...state authorities will be contacted”
I did not call the number, but suspect that they would try to take money.
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Not given
Scammer's email Not given
Type of a scam Tax Collection
I called the 206 736 6896 number shown on my phone. They were hard to understand but said the were the IRS and I owed $5k plus in taxes.
I owe nothing, my taxes are current.
Victim Location NY 13088, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WI 54722, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection