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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Zanesville, OH, USA

I'm 72 years old. I received a call today from a man with an Indian accent. He said I owed $4000 in taxes. I told him it was noisy and I couldn't understand him. He hung up.

- Yakima, WA, USA

I was called 2/23/18 around 7:45 am and missed the call. I called back around 8:00 am and stated "I missed a call from the number a few minutes ago, (I told the woman I could barely understand her due to a very thick accent)" Woman asked "is this *** *** " I told her "Yes what is this about" she stated "I am calling about your past taxes" and I said "I'm sorry you are going to have to be more clear because I can't understand you." I saw on the news a few weeks ago that if the IRS wants to contact you they will send you a letter in the mail and if they call it is a scam

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a call this morning on my home phone. I am a Senior. I picked the phone up. It was a recording. Stated it was the IRS. Filing charges against me and my family. They have been trying to reach me.They read a phone number off and wanted me to call it. I could be arrested if I don't call the number. It sounded funny to me. I have not done anything wrong. I did not call the number back.

Stated they were the IRS and owed back taxes. They will be coming to arrest me and sue me for my belongings for the back taxes that is owed.

I hung up on them.

- Portland, OR, USA

Tax filing expires in 24 hours

Once expired, taken into custody by local cops for 4 serious allegations against you

Get back to us to discuss this case before taking any legal action


IRS Imposter they ask for name and then day I owe back taxs.

- Nampa, ID, USA

Tax scam.

Phone call received claiming to be a I.R.S agent and that a warrant was being issued for failure to pay taxes.

Victim was contacted via phone from a Texas number 325-305-0585, when he picked up there was an automated recording saying to call them back immediately "You have been selected for fraud by the Internal Revenue Service,". Victim called back and was asked for his name and address, when he told the female on the other end of the phone he did not believe they are apart of the IRS she disconnected the phone call and he has not been able to call them back as he believes they blocked his number.

- Electra, TX, USA

On the road, working, I drive for a trucking company. Got a call on my cell phone. Answered it and they said I would be arrested if I didn't call in and identified themselves as the IRS.

- Cobleskill, NY, USA

Stated to be the IRS and wanted me to give personal information over the phone I did not verify any information with the caller, just wanted to make the BBB aware of this number

- Dallas, TX, USA

An automated machine left a VM on my phone saying the IRS has a lawsuit filed against me.

- Tampa, FL, USA

A call from a (false) IRS agent stating that there was an arrest warrant against me.

- Sarasota, FL, USA

Robo call from Seattle, WA stating this is the IRS, and we have a lawsuit against you for unpaid taxes. To stop my arrest on this non-bailable offense, I was directed to call 206-495-9251.

- Dallas, TX, USA

A voicemail message was left on my cell phone saying there was an IRS law suit pending in my name and to contact them immediately. It was a recorded message, not a real person. They left a phone number to call, which I didn't call. The IRS has contacted me in the past and they did it by mail so I know not to respond to voicemail messages.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

received and the message said it was from IRS and that there was a lawsuit pending by IRS and I should not disregard this message and I should call them back immediately

Victim contacted by text message by IRS Agent. Victim has $2,800 in unpaid taxes. IRS Agent stated for Victim to purchase $1,000 in Google Gift Cards and contact provided telephone number with Gift Card numbers.

- La Crosse, WI, USA

I received a call saying that there was a federal arrest warrant out for my arrest and stating that I haven't paid taxes in 3 years. I knew that I had so I hung up on them.

- Saint Petersburg, FL, USA

Pre recorded message Caller says from IRS and they have been calling for the past 6 months . My name never was said and no name from the caller .If I do not call back they will file court papers against me .

- Milton, FL, USA

Message sounding like a recording when I answered my cell phone saying that this is the IRS and warning me to contact them at 850-615-7521 within 24 hours or I may be taken into custody. They did not use my name so it may have been a random call.

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