Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1086)
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Country United States
Victim Location OH 43125, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
My attorney should call them back to address their offfices
Country United States
Victim Location WA 98632, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WI 53704, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location TX 75035, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location MD 21158, USA
Type of a scam Phishing
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address ? Alabama
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location MA 01606, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Sacremento CA, 916
Country United States
Victim Location SC 29649, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location TX 75104, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
The legal allegations for legal advice and inquiries contact us as soon as possible on 202-804-6191. I repeat 202-804-6191. Thank you.
So i called and talked to Mike Johnston ID# 9043257. they told me i was in trouble by IRS for tax fraud from 2010-2015 and i owed like $2300. They told me they would put a lein on my house and garnish wage. I lf I didnt pay the cops were coming to arrest me.
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location OH 43701, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WA 98903, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location OH 43201, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
I hung up on them.
Country United States
Victim Location OR 97229, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Once expired, taken into custody by local cops for 4 serious allegations against you
Get back to us to discuss this case before taking any legal action
Type of a scam Tax Collection