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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Neenah, WI, USA

There was a message on my machine stating that they were the IRS & they were calling about the taxes that I was hiding from the Government & that I must rectify immediately. I did not call them back.

- Naples, FL, USA

The guy called me a week ago. He said I owe $4521 to the IRS. He said to go to the Best Buy and buy the Fedral ITunes Vouchers. SCAM!!

Call came in and I did not answer. Voice mail left saying the local sheriff would be coming after me. Etc

I called the number back 2 hrs later. Foreign accent man ask for my name. Told him I was filing fraud charges against him . He called me a choice name and hung up

- Baltimore, MD, USA

A recording call gave me a number to call back once I called the number back a female name Jessica Martin said I can settle my case 2 ways first was in court and all of my belongings will need frozen or second I can pay $5500 and it will go away. She was rude spoke face and was persistent that I pay the money.

- Goleta, CA, USA

Left voicemail: “arrest warrant has been issued on your name by the internal revenue service so before we move forward with the lawsuit call us back as soon as possible on the number 509-240-9210 I repeat the number is 509-240-9210 thank you”

David Miller claimed to be IRS and stated we owed a large amount of money. Stated we could pay now avoid be jailed in 15 days.

I was just contacted by this phone Number 1-509-240-6210 stating they were the IRS and to contact them ASAP because I owed back taxes. If not a warrant would be put out for my arrest. I have a voice mail and phone number on my cellphone. I WANT TO PRESS CHARGES

They called I called back and I gave a different name and they were looking for me don't like that they associated my name with my phone number when my name is not on the phone bill. When I gave different name I figured they would continue with the scam but they did not and they said they were looking for my name and hung up.

- Bothell, WA, USA

I spoke with a number of lovely individuals as the "IRS". Conversations ranged from one woman singing, two people arguing then hanging up, a gentlemen who answered the phone by saying "Hello, I am a scam artist, how can I help you?", and a fellow who said he had a video of him [censored]ing my wife, to which I congratulated him on actually finding me a wife!

Anyways, they have admitted to being both the IRS and a scam. TAKE THESE SUCKERS DOWN! :)

I received a call on my personal cell phone from a computer generated script (female voice) stating -

"Notification regarding your filing from the headquarters which will get expired in next 24 working hours and once again, once expired that you will be taken into custody by the local cops as there are serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment. We would request that you to get back to us so we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you. The number to reach us is 530-763-7781, I repeat 530-763-7781. Thank you".

Definitely a scam

- Pocatello, ID, USA

The caller advised that they were with the IRS and there was a lawsuit filed against me and I owe them money. I hung up and called the number back to see if I would get a voice on the other line and the caller did not speak very good English. He had a middle eastern accent. I hung up but there was a lot of noise in the back ground like a call center. This number seems suspicious.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a call from a man, he was foreign, he had an Middle Eastern accent. He said he was Ray Jackson w/the IRS at 10:13 am on 3.9.18. I asked why he was Arabic, and he hung up. The caller ID said US Government.

- Penfield, NY, USA

Received a call from people claiming to be the IRS. The two people I spoke with gave me fake government ID numbers (GS #####), were calling from a very noisy place and both spoke with an Indian accent. They insisted they were calling from the Internal Revenue Service and that the government was going to sue me because I had underpaid taxes. They said the IRS had audited my taxes the last 5 years and even if an accountant did my taxes I was responsible and this was my fault for intentionally defrauding the government. They read me an "affidavit" and threatened to place a hold on my bank accounts, take our house, etc. if I didn't pay what was owed today. The tone of the call was very threatening and intimidating.

These types of scams must be stopped. It is inexcusable to threaten people and misrepresent yourself as a government entity. Please do something to stop these types of scams. I did not send money, but I'm sure someone else will. The call was very intimating, aggressive and demanding- about a subject that already makes people uneasy! Please stop them. The phone number they left on my answering machine that I called back was 1-470-777-9089. When I tried to call it back later, no answer.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I received a call this afternoon from a foreign man. He said he was with the IRS. He said I would be sued, because they've tried to reach me for the last six months. It was a harsh threat. He asked if I was married and if I lived alone.

- Owings Mills, MD, USA

I have received FOUR phone calls today with a recording claiming to be the IRS threatening legal action if I don't call a number. I know about these scams claiming to be "my final warning before legal action..." Two have come from 612-256-4892, one from 410-784-2719 and one from 202-506-9798. At first I just hung up. The last one I called back and when they answered "IRS". I said, "No you are NOT the IRS!" The woman said "okay". I said, "If you don't stop calling this number, I'm going to report you and get a cop on your ***!" I hung up. But when I thought about it, there were obviously other "operators" in the background talking to other people. I thought, what if there were other people talking to these clowns and giving them their information? Now I feel bad because I can't stop them!

- Brookfield, WI, USA

I received a call saying they were the IRS. When I told them I knew they were scammers, they hung up on me.

- Boise, ID, USA

Two people male and femake posing as federal agents

Was called once, once they said they were the IRS- she hung up

I received a recorded message telling me it was the IRS and I needed to call them back at 859-592-0549 to take care of the matter. I didn't call them back.

- Richmond, VA, USA

Message on answering machine advised I was being investigated for tax fraud and to call the above number or my case would be downloaded to the Federal Court System. They also advised they had been trying to reach me for the past 6 months.

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