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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

- Huntley, MT, USA

Voicemail left on my phone: Very serious emergency and time sensitive we are calling you from investigation team of I.R.S. We have just received a notification regarding your tax filings from the headquarters which will get expired in next 24 working hours and once it get expired after that you will be taken under custody by the local cops as there are 4 serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment we would request you to get back to us so that we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you the number to reach us is 347-434-5334 I repeat 347-434-5334 thank you

- Aurora, CO, USA

Automated call told me if I didn't call this number (4433279083) back within 24-48 hours I would be arrested. They stated I had 4 contacts against me because of an IRS situation. Threatening call.

Message Claims call from IRS Fraud. Wants you to call 316 243 0216 (which is the number they call from) before they file suit.

- Lubbock, TX, USA

I was contacted by a person with a very heavy accent stating they were with the IRS and I owe back taxes. I was told if I did not make arrangements for payment of $100 by noon a warrant would be issued for my arrest. I called the Sheriffs office and was told there was no warrant for me and that this was a scam and to report it to the

- Jackson, WI, USA

I received a message on my machine stating that there was a warrant out for my arrest & a lawsuit due to not paying taxes. I called the BBB to see if this was for real and found out it is a scam. I did not call them back.

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

The scammer called me claiming to be the IRS, and told me that I had a warrant out for my arrest. They told me it was a government recorded call and even gave me a government ID number. They also knew my location by tracking my phone each time I went into a store. They wanted me to buy ITunes gift cards. I was to give the codes because they said they could give me the money back that way since the IRS would freeze all my accounts. The scammer was very aggressive and threatened me if I did not cooperate.

At the hour of 10:19am, a person called me and stated that their is an arrest warrant out for (my baby sister, her name to be undisclosed)they are trying to collect a debt for my sister. She is disabled and is on low income and doesn't have a job. They said for the past 4-5 years she hasn't paid any debt to IRS..right their it was automatically phishy because , (to me it would of been an exact time,and not a time frame that is left up in the air of being hesitant), before her accident she was only on low income welfare collecting snap (food stamp), so what does she owe to the IRS.?? I asked the person over the phone if I could get names and numbers of people to contact in this matter and all the guy did was say"Oh, oh,oh" , and hang up the phone.!!! I do believe that when u owe IRS they will send a letter out stating what ,and what is happening and of what it is that a person owes, and not be hesitant about out for that person trying to SCAM for taxes, no get caught in other people's ugliness of robbing the poor. I ask for the to please look into this matter and help the people in matters like this, something really need to be done about this and fast, because if the government is talking about all these other financial scams of lottering, laundering,embezeling, and all that other stuff why not something about this matter, it's coming to be problematic and innocent hard working people are being penalized due to lies of SCAMMING POVERTY

Called and left a voicemail stating that I had several charges and that they were going to come and arrest me.

- Nampa, ID, USA

Received a phone call. Recorded message from the IRS. Said there were 4 different charges against me and if I did not call this number back (281-674-5610) within 24 hours I would be prosecuted.

- Spartanburg, SC, USA

IRS called and said that his name was Louis Martin. Mr. Martin said that I had tax fraud and needed to pay $5,000.00 back to the IRS. He stated that he has been trying to contact me. I had another call today from a lady asking for my husband. She would not leave a message. Did not send money. I called the number back and they did answer IRS. If I don't pay the money within 72 hours, they will arrest me.

Called and said wanted for tax fraud and gonna warrant out for arrest if you don't immediately contact this number.

I had a voicemail from a gentleman who says he is Officer David Hoffman. The voicemail said that they would take legal action within 24 hours if Marylu did not call them and that she would be arrested.

My caller ID said the call was from Patrick Osas

- Cape Coral, FL, USA

People called me and claimed to be with IRS. They said i have 4 allegations against me and if i didnt call the number provided (518)-772-1445 and pay asap, local police would be here to areest me!!! I am a tax preparer and deal with the IRS on a daily basis. I knew this was a scam right away.

- Greenville, SC, USA

Called and stated that they are the IRS and they are going to arrest me. If you don't call back we are going to press charges and lock you up.

- Albany, NY, USA

Fist call from 206# was from an man who sounded like he was from India and it sounded like he was in a call center from all the background noise.

The 2nd call in the same day(3/27/18) came from the 202# and was actually automated stating they were from the IRS and there is a warrant for my arrest.

- Roseburg, OR, USA

Victim received several phone calls from an automated message stating to call the IRS in regards to a tax collection court case filed against him.

- Dallas, TX, USA

Left a voicemail stating that I’m being taken into custody, with 4 tax allegations against me. Voice was clearly a computer programmed message/robot.

- Union, SC, USA

They left a threatening voicemail about the IRS filing a lawsuit against me for intentional tax fraud because they had be trying to contact me for 6 months and this was the first time ever receiving a call from this number so I called it back and spoke with someone named Emily who gave me a case number and something about a GS number then she proceeded to read me an affidavit and when she was done reading asked how was I going to be paying the amount owed $5680 in back taxes I advised her to contact me by mail from now own and that I would follow up with IRS myself because I was sure this was not one of their numbers and I ended the call

Call center called offering IRS relief. I did not stay on line long for more information

- Inman, SC, USA

Called stating I had not complied with the IRS standards. They stated they have an arrest warrant because I had not paid my taxes. When I asked for a claim number they hung up.

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