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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER

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Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1072)

Called and stated that they were going to have me arrested if I didn't call this number back. A warrant will be processed. I called the number back and talked with a gentleman, sound like an Indian Guy with badge number IR0356. he asked me my name, date of birth and zip code. I gave him that information. he was transferring me over to an investigator, and he hung up on me. I called the number back and talked with a lady, who had the same badge number. As soon as I talked with the lady and talked to her about her badge number, she hung up on me.

- Buffalo, NY, USA

Stated I had to call back the number or I would face severe legal charges and be put into jail.

I received a call from 1-800-829-1444 stating I owed back taxes from 2013-2016. The person barely spoke English. Couldn’t say my name. When I asked them to spell my name they hung up.

- Bradenton, FL, USA

Two calls today 2/9/18. I need to call back as I have some issues pressing with taxes. If I don’t call back within 24 hours they will have police come and arrest me!!! I called back on a landline and asked what they were calling about ~ I had to tell them. Lol. They wanted my name so they could “verify” if I was the person in question. I to,d them Thank you , Ill call IRS myself and hung up. Heavy foreign accent and sounds like they are in a tunnel

- Boise, ID, USA

Calling from 202-869-4922 and say they are a deputy of the IRS and have a warrant for my arrest. They want me to pay for back taxes that don't exist.

Bogus call saying the IRS has a lawsuit against me. We know the IRS wouldn’t ingage a lawsuit. They take there money every way possible I let the call go to voicemail.

- Pocatello, ID, USA

They keep calling me from 470-300-5227, leaving messages for a warrant of my arrest. They're demanding money or I will go to jail!

- Boise, ID, USA

This number called on 2/5/18 at 8:28 am left a voice message that stated " This call is to inform you that the IRS is filing lawsuit against you to get more information about this case file please call immediately on our department number 540-736-7236 I repeat 54-736-7236 thank you.."

I did not call back as I new it was a scam.

- Vancouver, WA, USA

Received a voicemail this morning 02/05/2018. They claim to be the IRS and that a warrant was issue because I misfiled my taxes.

Left as a message on my phone: A case file has issued an arrest warrant has been released under my name for misfiling. I was told to call back. (I didn't.)

- Richmond, VA, USA

The IRS has an arrest warrant against you. They left a voice mail message. I received the same message a few days ago, but from the 509 area code.

- Clearwater, FL, USA

I was called by someone claiming to be with the IRS. she said they wanted me to call them back and that it's very important and if i didn't call they would have me picked up by the police.

- Clifton, SC, USA

I have received 2calls today from the same number claiming I owe back taxes and local law enforcement would be at my house in 48 hours to seize my property, car , and my bank account if I didn't pay the first amount was 2987.00 and the other amount was different .

- Appleton, WI, USA

IRS caller threatening arrest for unpaid taxes. I called him back and told him I don't owe any back taxes. He hung up on me.

Recieved a voicemail from Michael Sinclair at 3158880907.

- Spokane, WA, USA

I received a call stating criminal charges are being brought against me from IRS due to tax decrepencies from previous years of filing my income taxes.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

IRS scam call, threatening my arrest for unpaid taxes, pertaining to my maiden name records. I gave them only my mailing address and married name, but no other personal information. Each time I objected to their threats, they hung up on me.

A recording called me to say I owed money to the IRS and they have been trying to contact me and this was the final attempt Gave me a number to which I did a man answered I told him do not call me with his scams and remove my name and number from the calling list.

phone call says, this call is from he internal revenue and you owe some money and if you don't contact us within a certain amount of time then a policeman will be at your door

- Wichita Falls, TX, USA

Someone called my cell phone and Iit was a recording saying I owed taxes and the irs was starting legal action against me. I need to call them back

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