Internal Revenue Service IRS - IMPOSTER Reports & Reviews (1086)
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Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address N/A
Scammer's email N/A
Country United States
Victim Location WA 98011, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Anyways, they have admitted to being both the IRS and a scam. TAKE THESE SUCKERS DOWN! :)
Type of a scam Tax Collection
"Notification regarding your filing from the headquarters which will get expired in next 24 working hours and once again, once expired that you will be taken into custody by the local cops as there are serious allegations pressed on your name at this moment. We would request that you to get back to us so we can discuss about this case before taking any legal action against you. The number to reach us is 530-763-7781, I repeat 530-763-7781. Thank you".
Definitely a scam
Country United States
Victim Location ID 83204, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Victim Location OH 43219, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 14526, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
These types of scams must be stopped. It is inexcusable to threaten people and misrepresent yourself as a government entity. Please do something to stop these types of scams. I did not send money, but I'm sure someone else will. The call was very intimating, aggressive and demanding- about a subject that already makes people uneasy! Please stop them. The phone number they left on my answering machine that I called back was 1-470-777-9089. When I tried to call it back later, no answer.
Country United States
Victim Location OH 43211, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address Unknown
Country United States
Victim Location MD 21117, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Country United States
Victim Location WI 53045, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location ID 83709, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location VA 23237, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location NY 14454, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WA 99011, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Country United States
Victim Location WA 99027, USA
Type of a scam Debt Collections
Type of a scam Tax Collection
Scammer's address CA, USA
Country United States
Victim Location NY 14514, USA
Type of a scam Tax Collection