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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Delavan, IL, USA • Jul 04, 2024

was on computer this am and alert came up to contact Microsoft as I had a virus and to contact them @ 8779615315 which I did talked to a James Raymond and he gave me a number: 425-908-1756 after doing a little troubleshooting on my computer then I became suspicous

- La Quinta, CA, USA • Apr 15, 2024

I had a alert on my computer regarding a virus, it locked the computer and gave me a message to call the phone number which pretended to be MicroSoft support. They took control of my computer and require me to go to the grocery store to obtain a $500 VISA gift card. The payment was process and they resolved the issue. I later hired a tech person who removed multiple files from my computer planted by the tech person. His name was Ron Grebe and he claimed to be an employee of MST no. 20731

• Feb 08, 2024

I received a a txt with a link to teams Microsoft. Went through a “virtual interview” asked for my information including social and license through Google documents, and then asked me to give them my log in and paswoord

- Glenview, IL, USA • Jan 09, 2024

They scammer tried to say my computer was closed down because someone was using my IP address

- Chicago, IL, USA • Dec 09, 2023

got message my computer was locked and that i should call Microsoft at the number provided by the warning message. I called and the person tried to sell me a $300 protection plan and asked for my credit card. I suspected scam and hung up and unlocked my compute. No transaction was accomplished. I scanned my computer for malware and none were found.

- Las Vegas, NV, USA

I was on my computer on my computer suddenly froze and the Microsoft emblem and a phone number appeared stating that my computer was hacked and my identity was stolen...I called the number and the person claimed that they were from Microsoft tech support...they had me put in a command to see what was going on and it was strange IP addresses there and she stated that I was being spied on...she had me put in another command on my computer and it scrolled down and my user name was there and some account numbers saying that my name was being used to purchase pornhub and child porn and my bank account was hacked and she said that she was switching me over to my bank on a secured had my banks normal greeting and a gentleman started to speak with me...who was allegedly from my bank and he had all of my info...he stated that the charges were pending and in order to stop them them I could draw the money out and do a duplicate charge...I done as instructed and drew the money out and he told me to take it to a certified crypto machine and deposit it there and sent a Qpc/Vr code for my digital wallet...I did as instructed and received an text saying my charges were clear and I will get my money back in 4 to 5 business days...and saying thanks for banking with them...I then later on that day after research saw I was scammed...I'm so angry

Seems to have added as a security backup to my email,I do not know this person.Im concerned.This is a new one.

- North Las Vegas, NV, USA

Received an email saying my account was compromised, clicked report, but the email looked to be a personal email instead of a microsoft business email

I forgot how I got to the website, but I can see that it is just in Google Chrome so that means that this is a Scam. This scam is about Microsoft Tech Support and are saying that "Your computer is locked." and "Call our Support immediently." I am try to keep you all safe so don't go to these links or reply/answer a call or email.

I was contacted by email about a purchase from Microsoft that I needed to pay an invoice of 359.00 for a purchase of Microsoft defender.

I never ordered anything from Microsoft. I contact Microsoft and changed my password and security codes. Again I never ordered any thing.

They contacted me via my email saying that they were micro soft and that they had taken 511.11 dollars out of my bank account to pay for Microsoft defenders anti virus. I was never charged this before, the defenders anti virus seems to come with the computer. I call them 845 789-4427, and told them that I did not need this I already had an anti virus in my computer, and I want to cancel that and get my money back. They directed me, via my computer to their refund page. when I typed in the amount that they would return back to my account, it came out as 5111 they them told me that they sent me 5 thousand ,one hundred and 11 dollars, and that I owed them 4 thousand and six hundred dollars. I told them I would have to call my bank to see if that money was in there, they were trying to get me to go to my bank on line. I told them I have never used my computer or phone to do that , then they said I should go to the bank. I new they had used me to hack my computer and they were trying to scam me and told them so, now I can't use that computer. I feel so stupid, I should have caught on to it. I didn't give them enough info to get to my bank account.

Had a error message pop up on computer with a phone number at the bottom of the screen. Called the number to resolve the frozen screen issue and was told to reset IP address, they also attempted to gain access to bank account over the phone.

Turned on computer to play games computer started to freeze and a message popped up to call Microsoft at a 1800 number (this number is showing on my called ID 1-425 496-7080). Contacted Microsoft and was informed that my computer had been hacked. Asked that I put in a code and then another number the computer started switching thing around. She asked me what was happening and had me to click on an icon and letter at the same time it started to bring up different sites she kept asking what did I see. So she had me do it again and said don't touch anything not to use the computer or regular phone and she would call me on my cell phone. She told me my account was hacked and $11,000 purchase for a sex site. She transferred me to fraud line spoke to a gentlemen asked me what type of accounts do I have and how money was in each account. Told me again not use anything computer, phone, don't talk to anybody, don't tell my neighbors and he will call me in the morning. I did check accounts nothing missing now hopefully they didn't succeed. However, my computer still going thru whatever they're trying to access. For the questions below answering "no" only because as I stated nothing missing at the time this scam is being reported and I'm sing my daughter's email address due to the situation.

While I was on my laptop a popup box appeared indicating my PC had been blocked for security reasons. Microsoft Window support phone to call 1-833-377-1905 (Security Helpline).

They loaded the following software on my laptop; Network Security, Support Live24x7, Computer help, Webroot SecureAnywhere, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft 365-en-us and Microsoft Office Home and Student 2019 - en us.

I called and then they said they were Microsoft Tech Support and needed access to my computer to help me. Since I thought they were Microsoft it was legit. They walk me through and then they had access to my computer and my home network.

I was on my laptop reading an article on facebook when alarms went off saying they were Microsoft and to an 800#. I called they ran through some "troubleshooting" so my computer would be usable again but then they said it was an encryption issue and I needed to buy a card to increase security/fix the issue. I can't believe I fell for it but now I am out $1,500. 1K on MC and $500 checking account. They do not have any of that info I don't believe.

Error message saying computer infected, call number man identified himself as Donnie Anderson had middle eastern accent. Said he was a Microsoft tech and would clean up viruses and malware and secure my computer for $500 lifetime senior price and took over remote control of my computer Would only accept Zelle Bitcoin or visa vanilla gift card. Once I bought the 1st card the scam began first he said that card was invalid so he'd deposit $500 in my acct then said he'd accidentally deposited $2k instead he showed me a fake screenshot of my acct with an extra $2k. Said I needed to get 4 more cards to pay him back less 1 for the refund he owed me.

I complied, he took pics of the cards front and back. He told me not to open any banking apps that's where the tiny banker trojan virus was. Next day he said he'd paid $3k on my credit card we argued I told him to reverse it he said he couldn't and sent a fake print out of the account so I needed to get 6 cards to pay him back. At this point I felt blackmailed it was either do what this guy said or he'd put all my financial information all over the internet. I was only able to get 5 cards he had told me he was 90% finished with the security and once I got the cards he would finish up. But once he got the card numbers he said he was done for the day. That's when I realized I had been scammed I immediately deleted his remote access both in my computer and phone I changed all passwords and unhooked my computer.. he called several times the next day until I finally blocked him. The night I bought the 5 cards I called and asked CVS to deactivate the 2 visa cards I bought there and that I was scammed they said they couldn't help me and to call the number on the back of the card which I immediately did exactly that and spent 25 minutes giving them all the card numbers and asking them to deactivate the cards I had purchased just a few hours earlier 2 at CVS , 1 at Walgreens and 1 at Dollar general 1 at CVS turned out to be AE. I made it clear I had been scammed and these cards were obtained by fraud but I was told they couldn't deactivate them and the card numbers would be on hold for 7 days pending investigation which was untrue. I checked every card# and they were all used within the first 24 hours. The next day when I called visa again there was no record of the call the night before so I gave the numbers again and was then finally given a dispute number and filed it. I filed fraud claims with local PD, IC3, FTC, my bank, credit cards used and AARP fraud watch. When I turned to the only people that could have stopped the fraud they slammed the door shut instead of stopping the crime that was being committed when they could have..makes you wonder who's side they're on seems to me it's not the victim but the perpetrators. I do not want my name published.

Consumer was on her computer doing insurance business. A black screen appeared on the side panel of her monitor with the name Microsoft Edge and a loud beeping noise. She texted her son-in-law who is a tech person. She wanted to get her work finished so she called the number that showed up on the black screen. She spoke to a man who said his name was Ethan Gray. She said he had a very heavy accent. When she called they said they were Microsoft Edge and her computer had a virus. He had her type "netstat" in the Windows bar and a black page came up and had part of her email. He then had her click the windows button and space bar and had her type things in the window a couple of times (windows button and R and windows button and C and hit enter) He asked her to get on her bank site and he would get on the line with her bank but she could not be on that call because the bank did not do three way calls. She hung up. He then popped up a number on the black screen on her computer and sent her the message "Please answer my calls," while she was on the phone with her bank. She replied that she was investigating the call and talking to her bank. He told her not to get on her phone, didn't she know the scammers were listening? She said the word "listening" came up on the black screen on her computer.

He gave her another number to call as well.

The victim tried to enter FaceBook. When she entered it in her url a voice alerted her not to do anything. Team viewer action required came up. Team viewer Germany mbh.




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This victim was led to believe she had an issue and needed to turn her computer access over. She did that after an hour and a half the caller wanted information to set up billing for security. She new that Microsoft would not do this so she ended the session and checked with her Credit Card Company and filed with the police. Her computer is in a shop hopefully being recovered.

My computer froze while searching a website with a warning message that it had been compromised and required a phone call to Microsoft immediately. Foolishly I called the number and connected with a technician. While following the steps he requested I saw that it was opening stored files with attached passwords. As he continued to keep me on the line it finally dawned on me that I was being scammed and I hung up. My computer is completely locked up and I froze my banking and resetting my passwords out of caution. Not sure what damage has been done yet.

Received an email that my password was set to expire today. Very official looking as they also advised they would not be responsible for any loss. good replication of their logo, too.

However, there were red flags that this was a scam. The email did not match their url. Microsoft does not advise of this information in that way. So I reported to our I.T. service provider, reported on scamtracker, blocked the email and deleted.

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