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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

these scamers are using emails on metv i was looking at some infomation and they locked on this email stating that my laptop is frozen and do not turn off contact microsoft which was them.they are using an i 800 # i dont have i turn off my laptop twice and restarted it to clear them they call me back twice trying to get me to talk tothem i just hung up on them the person that tried make with me is using this name MILL VALLE TELEPHONE # 415 322 7455 contact me on 1/19/22 on the telephone no con tact since i hung up on them.

I received an E-mail from Windows Defender Order (Microsoft Accounts).

It stated that my subscription of Defender Premium protection plus subscription was coming up for renewal and they were going to charge $399.99 (auto pay enabled).

It had a customer ID in the letter and a due date.

On 12/11/21 early in the morning I was searching the web for some deals at the stores I shop to make my shopping easily at when my laptop begin sounding that it had been blocked and don't attempt to shut down my computer but call the number it was providing to Microsoft for help and my computer would be unlocked when I called a guy answered he sounded foreign I had a hard time understanding him so I hung up and he called back and the name on the caller ID was KAUNAKAKAI HI and the phone number 18086427676 he begin to tell me my computer, TV and phone was hacked and I was being watched and shouldn't attempt to use my phone or computer for 4 hours he asked for my name and zipcode he said that myinformation was being used in illegal acts that could get me in trouble but he was notifying the police and making out a report he ask for the number of my bank so nobody could get into my account I told him I would go personally to do this he said no I would have to do call for you so I can make out the report but he wanted me to use the automotive reporter so I began to get suspicious and hung up the phone he called back and told me not to hang up because he was connected to Microsoft and every time I hang up he had to make a report so I hung up about 2more times and he called back I didn't think Microsoft would be that interested in me I told him something was was wrong with the phone he gave me his personal line as2537507326 and his name as Kelvin Baker badge MS106080 and my case number as********* I went to my bank and told them about the occurrence and was told I did right I also froze my credit card as a precaution

As a soon to be new grandmother few weeks ago, I was looking through YouTube sites about how to make a baby quilt when suddenly,as I clicked on a baby quilt, this message took over my computer. It made a blaring noise noise telling me that my computer had a virus disabling it, a warning not to shut off the computer, and a phone number to call. claiming to be microsoft.

I called the number and when someone answered he directed me to press the control button and another button (which probably did nothing) and then to shut off my computer. The horrible noise finally stopped. then he went on to say they could fix it for a one time payment and after some discussion back and forth I asked how much? he said, $199.I also asked if I could think about it and call back he said "no, it's a one time offer". When he prompted me what my decision was; yes or no. After a little thought, I am retired, don't use the computer much and it's just a little tablet that only cost about that much. I said, No. Any doubts were confirmed when he said, "[censored] off"

I said, "Excuse me!" and he repeated, "[censored] off". I hung up. My computer is fine.

This was a scam targeting grandmothers as it was linked to sewing baby quilts.

My father-in-law clicked on a message saying his computer was infected and proceeded to then be coerced by Nancy claiming to be from Microsoft to withdraw $4000 dollars from his personal account believing it to be a mistaken transfer that is owed back. The kicker being he was then to take this Monday and purchase gift cards with it to share with the scammer.

They sent me an email saying that I made a recent purchase, which I didn't. They asked me to contact them.

A pop-up came up on my sister’s laptop, notifying her that there was a virus. The pop-up blocked her from using her laptop and looked like her computer format. She was told to call a number that the pop-up gave her. A man by the name Jack Perkins claimed to be with Microsoft. She gave him remote control of her laptop in which she could see everything he was doing to the laptop. It seemed very suspicious. She gave him her debit card information as he said he was going to install virus protection on her laptop.

I am a victim of a gift card scam. First I received a pop up alert on my computer on September 2,2021, telling me to call this certain number which I did. I do not recall exactly what the alert said but it was something like a virus alert or infection or whatever and I needed to call this certain number within a certain amount of time and do not shut down the computer. I did call this number and told whoever answered the phone there was this alert on my computer. Next thing I knew I received a phone call from this person named Rose McGrath, who alleged she works for Microsoft. I have a letter sent to my e-mail from what appeared to be from Microsoft, which I can send to you if you need it. Since I thought she was really working for microsoft, I gave her remote access to my computer. The letter I have in my possession said I had a security breach. She gained access to my bank account. She insisted I purchase gift cards from certain local businesses--Kroger, Lowes, CVS, Dollar General, Office Max, etc. I still have the gift cards. She had me scratch off the back of the cards and read back the codes to her which I did. What did seem odd was she remained on the phone (cell) while i went to purchase these cards from the establishments. I was not aware of scams going on and did not think it would happen to me till it was too late. Some of the places I purchased them from did tell me there was a scam going on and trying to protect me I guess, ask if I was being scammed. I said I did not think so. This alleged Microsoft person said if they asked what I was getting the cards for tell them it was wedding gifts, birthday gifts or whatever. I kept the phone numbers on my cell phone and will gladly provide them to you. Who knows they may be spoof numbers. She was calling me every day up till September 10 or 11. 2021. After that and I guess when the damage was done, I never heard beep from her. I tried calling back to her and no one answered the phone. The gift cards were Apple gift cards, Sephora gift cards and Target gift cards, and 1 Nike gift card--each card was $500 denomination.

This is in addition to the previous report I just sent in to you. I forgot to add that I tried to contact two of the gift card companies--Apple and Sephora--Apple seemed to be helpful somewhat--I scanned to them copies of the codes of the back of the cards and they checked and they had no balance on any of them and said there was nothing they could do to assist me in recovering any of the money spent on them. Sephora more or less said if you did not purchase them from The Sephora store they were not going to help whatsoever--they said I purchased them from a third party so to speak. I have not reached out to Target yet. I suppose they will tell me the same in that they will not help. Let me know if you need the phone numbers on my caller ID that this scammer called me from. I will gladly provide them to you. This individual may have a co-conspirator named David Chin

A warning suddenly came up on my computer that seemed to be from Microsoft that said my laptop had been hacked and gave a number to call. The "technician" I got had such a bad accent I could barely understand him, but I figured he was legit because he really seemed to be from Microsoft. He gave his name as Aiden Harper, his ID as 9089733 (or....83, not sure) and his IP address as I downloaded something that gave him remote access to my computer. He poked around after having me press the Windows and R keys, and the Windows and D keys. Eventually, he forwarded my call to another Microsoft "expert" who had me download another program that also gave him remote access. I was starting to get suspicious at this point and said why do I need another download, etc, but I -- stupidly -- allowed things to continue. Loud ringing bells finally went off when he wanted me to log in to my bank account so he could supposedly set up protections for it. I suddenly realized I was being scammed and immediately shut down my computer. I consider my self pretty computer savvy, but they got me good. Everything was very believable. Looking back, what should have tipped me off initially was the supposed alarm that popped up - it had blinking lights, blaring noise, and an annoying, screeching female voice. I couldn't shut it off. (The Geek Squad, where I later took my computer, said I could have just pushed the Power button for a long time. ) I feel violated and hate the guts of these scammers who want to rip off ordinary people who are just trying to live their lives. In fact, I CURSE the rotten bums and hope THEY ROT IN HELL FOREVER!!!

- Columbus, OH, USA

I'm 67 yrs old. Last Friday, I got a warning on my laptop saying to call Microsoft. I talked to Michael Patel and he said he worked for Microsoft. He asked for remote control of my computer which I gave him. He said to purchase the app to run a virus search i would need to send him $800 in Google Playcards which I bought from Walgreens. He said I would be reimbursed by Microsoft, and through my computer he showed me a certficate. The clerk advised me it was a scam, but I didn't think it was. I called Michael and asked where my refund was as he promised it would come form FedEx. He said I would get it when his supervisor approved it.

I was on the computer and a red screen popped up. It said it was an alert from Microsoft with a phone number to call. I called the number, a guy answered named Brian Turner 334.336.2389. I allowed him remote access into my computer, he started clicking around and said that there was a broken down firewall. After he "worked" on my computer he asked me to pay for added protection. He asked me to purchase two $500 Apple gift cards. After I gave him the first two card numbers he had me to get two more $500 gift cards. He told me he was able to get all of the hackers off of my computer and he is going to report this to Homeland Security.

I went ahead and took my computer to a local computer store to take a look at. They were able to delete a bunch a stuff, didn't find any viruses but said they were able to break into my IP firewall.

A woman called claiming to be tech support from Microsoft. She used my mother's full name and indicated her location as being Vancouver, B.C. in Canada. She mumbled a name that I could not make out and she would not spell. She indicated the number for the business was 710084 before I hung up on the call.

A person called claiming they were with Microsoft and needed all of our information (date of birth, full name, address, etc) to verify our identity and to update the subscription. We do not even have a Microsoft account. They targeted a 72 year old woman. Possibly targeting an older generation.

2nd part for Liz Network protection 1 $449 10 % $399.00 Dear, If You didn't make this purchase or if you believe an unauthorized person is attempting to access your Microsoft account Call to our customer care representative +1 (888) 236-1178 (Toll Free). You may contact Microsoft for a full refund within 48 Hrs. of a monthly Subscription upgrade or within 72 Hrs. after yearly payment. Partial refunds are available where required by law. Thank you for using our services Microsoft Defender Team Subtotal $449.00 Discounts $50 Total $399.00 Copyright @ Microsoft Corporation, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052 USA

Sent from Sherrie Raymond ([email protected])


My email was compromised. These guys reached out as a so called recognized Microsoft affiliate offering firewall security to enhance home security. After getting my email address back (which in hind sight they held for random) and after 3 months of supplying a so called 3 year fire wall program for $999 they started reporting higher level security threats penetrating this so called firewall and a need to work on my computer remotely. End result was wire fraud of $2500 on May 18th that my bank is not able to retrieve as of yet. A scam of the worst kind, out right wire fraud was the goal.

Called and said computer needed update or it would crash

they asked for money card, open checking accounts and PayPal accounts.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received an unauthorized charge on my credit card of $499 for Microsoft. I do not have a Microsoft account. I never made this purchase. I reported this to my bank and the Credit Bureau.

My FB account was hacked - I received a video from an unknown porn website, so I went to my laptop to change my FB password. I was met by a screen full of large flashing warnings and notifications that my computer had been locked due to suspicious activity and I was to call Microsoft at the number on screen to get help. I called the number and the scam was on.

They were able to gain access to my computer remotely, with my help, and appeared to be doing all kinds of diagnostics to help sort the problem and delete unauthorized programs. The man I spoke with was very convincing and seemed very interested in helping me…ha! He then told me I needed to go to Walmart and purchase 5 $100 Steam Cards, Google Play Cards, or to Best Buy for their GC. Stupidly I complied. I read off the numbers on the back of the cards after removing the silver protection strip to the scammer. He appeared to continue “fixing” my computer and “rebuilding my firewall.” He then told me I needed to go purchase another $500 worth of gift cards to use for a test to ensure the system was operating correctly again. He said to keep the receipt so I could be reimbursed for this second $500. I texted by BF to ask if he could help me purchase the second gift cards…he drove to my house right away and told me to hang up and that this was a scam. I didn’t believe him at first because I honestly thought I was talking to a representative of Microsoft. It finally dawned on me that he was right and I disconnected the call. I was on the line with the scammer for 3 hours, even while I did the Walmart run!! How could I be so stupid!!

- Rapid City, SD, USA

Classic "Important message, your computer has been locked up, your IP address was used without your knowledge or your consent to visit websites that contain identity theft virus. To unlock the computer please call Support immediately. Please do not try to shut off your computer as that may lead to Data loss & Identity Fraud. The lock is designed to protect you, please call support immedietaly."

He locked my computer told me to call this # which had Microsoft name with it. I had all these alert screens. I called and he start telling my IP number had been hacked. He go on and when it started not sounding right I told him I had to get my son on the line. When my son get on there and asked him why I had to pay 199.99 he goes off. He called my son a piece of [censored]. He then hung up. Then my son after thinking about it was able to tell me how to get this off my computer and it worked.. I have called Microsoft and told them.

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