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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

My ip Address had been compromised by many countries and they had to take care of it immediately asked me to go to my computer and type in numbers and repeat back to them.

After I asked him to repeat the numbers a bunch of times you told me I was wasting his time and hung up

- Grubville, MO, USA

I got calls from Microsoft saying that my internet security was being cancelled, the warranty was out. I had paid for two years when I got the computer. They were going to automatically renew unless I called them back to cancel. When I called them back, they had already charged me. In order to get my money back I had to fill out a cancelation form. I didn't fill out the form because they asked for too much information. They took over my computer.

- Borger, TX, USA

I was contacted on my cell phone at 1:54 pm and they claimed to be from Microsoft and there was $299.00 charge that would be debited from my account if I did not cancel the subscription to their firewall program. My spouse in the meantime sends me a email that states Account Temporarily Blocked by our internet provider. I texted him to shut the system down and delete that email. Strange coincidence that it is the same time that I have these Indian/Pakistani ? fellas on the phone giving me the run around. They were just adamant that I be in front of my computer for some reason. Then it was they would give me the $299.00 as a credit! Had to be in front of my computer. Luckily I am at work and have the sense to tell them it is a scam and I would be reporting them. Which was not well received. He did tell me that he was recording me also and proceeded to call me a SOB. They called from 1-360-208-8438 which shows to be from South Bend, WA. The map on the reverse look up is right smack downtown Seattle. It was also listed as a land line. Hope you have a look at these guys! I know they are taking advantage of the naive public. Happy Hunting!

Received voicemail stating Microsoft went out of business and they have a refund waiting for me.

- Hillsboro, TX, USA

I was working on my computer when I received a message from Microsoft Edge stating I need to contact them due to an issue on my computer at that time my computer was completely locked up. I could not do anything on it. so I called 855-233-2947 and a foreign gentleman answered the phone and said he was Microsoft and the reason my computer was locked down was this was a fail safe of Windows 10 to prevent the computer from completely crashing and the computer alerted Microsoft to come to my rescue before the computer crashed.

He said various other things and said if I didn't believe him I could hang up and verify his company was indeed Microsoft and call back when I was ready but if I tried to use my computer again my computer would most certainly crash. Well this was the only computer I had so I allow him remote access and paid the 299.99 he asked my for to fix the computer and it took about a half hour with him showing me progress along the way. I took much longer than and half hour by the way and after two hours I told him my phone was dying and he allowed me to get my phone charger and was most impatient with me, also a half hour after that he allowed me a break for a whopping 5 mins (yippee!) After 3 hrs of being on the phone all was fixed and my computer was up and running again but he explains I have no virus protection and no malware protection and I tell him that is why I have Windows defender and he says to me I don't have windows defender on my computer and I tell him I do, its built in to windows 10 and he says its no longer there but for a mere 599.99 he will put it back on and give me a malware protection software and a guarantee for 3yrs at this point I realize I'm being scammed.

I tell him I'm not paying any more money to him and I want to get my money back from the original money I paid. He told me the original work was done but he will turn on windows defender for me as a courtesy, TURN ON?? he told me it was not there, how can he turn on something that is non existent? That's when I knew I was had. I hung up the phone and waited until Monday to contact my cc company and the Federal Trade Commission, the BBB, the Attorney General and the and you guys out there to let you know. Also READ the message that locks up your computer cause the message has a misspelled word in it and I knew it was wrong when I read it but I bit anyway :(

- Pekin, IL, USA

Received automated call stating if I did not respond I would be charged $399.99.

- Wichita, KS, USA

Received a voicemail from "Microsoft" stating my service was expired and that I needed to pay them $200. I don't have a computer.

This number has called our business a minimum of 6 times in one day. Calling back the number; as when you pick up you get a pre-recorded message; you get a person. I have tried several times to inform them it is unlawful to call a business to this effect during business hours but get hung up on each time. Please know that microsoft has not gone out of business!

I got a call I didn’t answer that left me a message so I called it back. I asked the person on the phone what it was about and they said for a subscription for $299. Now I use Apple everything but my Xbox. The only subscription I have is Xbox Live. He was like it’s a scam why are you calling back report it. Which threw me off. This is the message they left: 15304646645 Depositing new message There will be auto deduction $299 from your account. In case you don't want to get charges. Please call us to cancel our subscription. Our toll free number is 1-530-464-6645. I repeat the number to call is 1-530-464-6645. This call maybe recorded for quality and training purpose.. Click here: 13608424014 to listen to full voice message.

They called my home phone but came up on my caller ID as my home number. Telling me that my ip address is compromised in several countries and will be disconnected.

- Erie, PA, USA

Consumer has received multiple phone calls from this phone number stating they are from "Microsoft Office" and insist he must pay $299 or his computer will crash. The consumer has advised that the caller sounds like they are calling from a call center as well. Once the consumer attempted to gather additional information the caller would hang up on the consumer.

Both my mom (July 2019) and sister (January 2019) received these calls.

The caller states that you have a Microsoft Security Service and it's about to expire so the want to know if you want to renew the service. Then they tell you that you should cancel and renew later and we'll send you $299.99. So you're convinced to cancel and then they get you to go on your computer so that they can remote in to 'refund' your money. Then they get into your accounts and transfer money (your own) but too much and claim it was a mistake and they will be fired if they don't get that money back. Then they try to get you to go get gift cards to replace what was overpaid.

Both my mom and sister allowed these scammers to remote into their computers, in my sister's case a worker at CVS alerted her to the scam when she tried to purchase several thousand dollars worth of Google gift cards. In my mom's case she hung up with the scammers and was going to get lunch with a friend and told the friend she had to stop at Rite Aid to get gift cards and her friend alerted her to the scam, as her cousin had been bilked out of $12,000. They had my mom on the hook for $9,000, but we got her bank to close down her accounts and my husband went over to her house and wiped her computer of all of the software installed by the scammers.

- Shreveport, LA, USA

The number called and was an automated message. The message said they were calling in regards to our Microsoft Account and that it was needing renewed. The message stated if we did not call them back, they would automatically withdraw $299 from our bank account.

- Wayne, OK, USA

This is MY OWN phone number. I am being called by my own phone number by a robot claiming to be from Microsoft saying they are going to delete something because multiple countries are using my router or something like that.

I am receiving calls from Microsoft. They were calling regarding someone is trying to gain access to my computer. Advised me to go to my computer. I did not and hung up. they said said is sending sexual videos from my computer. He said you have been notified and hung up.

It was a pop up tech support scam. The pop up said it was a virus and said to call Microsoft’s tech support. They said my daughters computer had a virus and that they had to fix, and that she had to pay 500 dollars for it. They then called her back a year or so later saying her computer needed updated and fixed again, her computer had just had an issue so she believed them. She again paid them. They called her a third time a year or so later, she noticed the pattern, looked up the number and realized she had been scammed. She remembers three people, two males and a female, but only one name for one of them, Adam. They used mostly fear tactics on someone who knew very little about computers. She remembers they had heavy accents, possibly Indian.

Saying if want to keep their service $299 will be deducted from my account if I wish to cancel to call them otherwise they're going to charge my account well I don't have a computer that's what it's due to Microsoft for a computer I don't have a computer and they hung up on me

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I got a call supposedly from Microsoft saying that they were going out of business and that I was entitled to a refund. I asked him some questions and he got aggravated.

- Columbus, OH, USA

A couple of months ago I was on my computer and it wouldn't work. There was a message from Microsoft about a virus. I called the number and talked to an Indian guy. Sometimes he said he was Brian, other times, Brett. He said if I pay $199 I would have 3 months protection and he would take care of this for me. So I gave him my debit card number and my checking account was debited $199.

About the end of June I still had trouble with my computer. Somehow he contacted me about my computer. I told him I couldn't afford to have paid $199 and my computer not work. He asked for more money. I said no. He told me he had to get this taken care of or he would be fired because he didn't get his money. He said I'm going to give you a deal, you'll get four years protection. Then he suggested I pay with gift cards. He told me to go to Walmart. I said I never go there. I told him it would be easier to go to Home Depot.

So, at eighty years old, on July 3rd, I drove in the rain to Home Depot. He stayed on the phone with me. He told me to buy 2 Home Depot cards: $1200 and $1500. I bought several cards because I couldn't put that much on 2 cards. He was on the phone with me while I was in Home Depot. He said not to talk to the clerk. He told me to tell the clerk I was buying the cards for gifts. After I purchased them he told me to go to the car, and scratch off the numbers and give him the security numbers from the back. Then he told me to destroy the cards. So I cut through them, put them in a bag and threw them in the trash.

He has called me back a couple of times since then, but I just let the phone ring. My computer works but I'm afraid to use it.

I filed a police report. My bank gave me a new debit card and a new account.

- Marianna, FL, USA

Some female called - very difficult to understand- was attempting to get me to renew warranty on my computer- said charge would be $498 and would be deducted from my account. If cancelled, charge would be $99.00. Had to strongly explain several times that I never had this warranty- she was vehement about I had and would deduct one or the other. I bought computer at a repair shop, 2nd hand, about 10 years ago and nothing has been changed on it. Despise someone trying to take advantage and would not listen. She hung up on me when I denied any service, and never had any. I told her I would report this!

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