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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

Left message that there Microsoft was going to be turned off and they needed to call back. Consumer didn't call back.

- Magalia, CA, USA

a call to my home was received from Microsoft saying that there was and security issue and that since we are having this issue they would refund us our money from the security that we bought in the process of walking us through gaining access to our computer and access to our bank accounts afterwards so they can put money back into our account to refund the money from the security program that we purchased they made it look like the money was put in by transferring money from one account to another the guy thankfully on our end messed up and added a one in front of the amount so it looks like he put more than he was supposed to in our account and we were supposed to get a Walmart card and say it was for a grandson cuz this is my mother's doing this and that's when the red flag came on and then I called Microsoft shut off my computer and changed everything on the bank accounts but we are one of very few people that did not have the unfortunate luck to have our money taken because we caught it just in time but yet they're still calling our house thinking we're going to fall for it again

About a year ago I was downloading a textbook for school when I encountered a virus and I heard sirens and my computer was telling me to call Microsoft at this number, so in a panic I did. The guy sounded East Indian and asked me what happened. I told him about the virus and he sounded very concerned and asked me to enter something in my computer which gave him remote access. Then he did some things that looked legitimately like virus scans, etc and then began telling me my identity was at risk, along with everything else on my network. He then began to go over my options for protection packages and was very adamant that I would be protected and had nothing to worry about. That ran me about $400CAD.

Now just yesterday this same guy calls me back saying that they have been receiving security notifications from my computer. He was very concerned again and insisted he show me what was happening on my computer. It looked like a lot of activity that someone else was accessing my IP address and therefore my network. He explained that bad people have powerful tools to hack into networks and use people’s identity and/or IP address for sexually explicit material involving children. I was completely freaked out and he went over my options again and this time it cost me closer to $2000 CAD for lifetime protection guaranteed my network was safe for life no matter how many new computers I got.

The name on my credit statement was ‘Management K Inc’ which I then looked up (of course, after the fact) and it doesn’t exist. I called the number they left me and it either hangs up or someone answers but doesn’t speak.

I’m very disappointed with myself for falling victim to this bull[censored]. I hope this message gets out so it doesn’t happen to others. I’m going to the police to report this fraud.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I received a message on my home phone today. Jessica Woods with Microsoft located in McLean VA. She sounded foreign. The message stated if I did not call them back within the hour they would turn off my computer. I was not having any trouble with my computer now I am. Phone number 855-501-6333. I called the number back. I said what is this going to cost me. For one year of computer service the cost would be $149.99. I did not pay any money.

- Roseville, CA, USA

1-12-19 AM I’m looking at the MSN news on my laptop suddenly a grey box flashing & a voice saying This computer has be put under corrupt and has an Error system from a porn site. Freaked me out so I called the 800 Num an hour + on the ph w guy that knows his business. He wanted $500 google play card and then call him back give him the number and he can make all my computer problems go away.

I didn’t do it. He called me 3-4 times a day until last week or longer. He said if I didn’t calll him w the info my computer is dead. Well he’s right. I can’t change anything in Safe Mode and I can’t seem to find it first!

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

As I was working on my computer, a message came across the screen, it read from Microsoft saying that my computer was being hacked and to call a number immediately. I panicked and called the number. A man, named Sebastian Braun, employee #ms294151 said he was with Microsoft and my computer was being hacked and he was showing me where it was being hacked because he was already in my computer showing me different places where he said hackers were able to get into my computer and that I would need a firewall to keep them out. He said that would cost me $1000 but when I told him that I didn't have that he asked how much I did have. When I told him only about $800 he asked if he could put me on hold while he checked with his supervisor. He then came back and said that would be fine and then said that I would need to get a google play card from Walgreens. I asked why couldn't I just put it on a credit card and he said that he couldn't accept anything with my personal information. I didn't understand it but I did what he asked and then scratched off the back of the card and read him the numbers. I should have followed my first mind just hang up the phone but I didn't. This was a very hard lesson to learn. Please be careful and never give money to anyone without verifying they're from the actual company.

The caller claimed to be from Microsoft and threatened that my microsoft account would be deleted / shut down immediately if I did not speak to their technicians. They have called us several times each day for the last few days.

They keep calling me and want me to give them my on line banking information so they can give a refund of $499 for tech support on my computer which I did take out a year ago but at the time I only paid them $399. I don't due on line banking so I ask them to just send me a check and they said they can't they insist on me giving my banking information. They also took control of my computer when all this was happening. How do I get this to stop? They continue to call me from this 833-228-1902 phone number every couple of hours. Please help me.

Got a voicemail from the above number stating that 299.00 would be deducted from my bank account unless I called them back.when I called back a man told me he was from Microsoft and that I had overpaid for service on my computer and they wanted to send me the money through direct deposit. After informing the man that I had never gotten any services from Microsoft and I believed him to be a scammer, he hung up on me.

- Edgewater, FL, USA

Severe, relentless pressure to get in front of my computer because Microsoft’s technical off-shoot Dept had detected a VERY serious problem with it! Even my caller ID said MICROSOFT! I didn’t fall for it but did thoroughly enjoy wasting 20 minutes of THEIR time before they hung up on ME, LOL. Rec’d 2 of these calls one day + another the following day.

- Greenville, PA, USA

Victim was contacted by Cathy Jackson with Microsoft saying she is owed a refund for over payment. Victim was told to call 844-386-8578.

- Columbus, OH, USA

About 4 days ago, an orange border appeared on the top of my computer saying someone was trying to access my bank account and directing me to call them. I called and spoke to a man who sounded Indian. He said he was w/Microsoft. He said he was going to charge my credit card $400 for services.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

Got a obsence reactions when I told him no longer own a computer.

- Gardner, KS, USA

I’m receiving voicemails from “Microsoft” telling me $299 will be taken from my bank account if I do not call to let them know what I want to do about my “already existing” service. The return call results in an Eastern man saying HI! No business name, just hi, and reiterating money will be deducted from my account. He then indicates, in order to cancel you must fill out a form that can only be emailed to you. I did not supply this information. Told him I no longer have a computer, he told me he would cancel. The calls continue.

- Matthews, NC, USA

On January 7, 2019 starting at 7:45am Microsoft started calling our phone saying that our account needed to be update with personal information. We do not own a computer nor do we know how to work the internet. Since then they have called us 5 times for noon.

- Wilmington, DE, USA

"Dave" from Microsoft. Claims my Microsoft Licenses have been transfered to him. He's ready to do a License Survey.

- Columbus, OH, USA

I've received about 50 calls from a place calling itself Microsoft 844-850-9552 telling me I'm owed a refund. They wanted my bank account number. They call over and over, and cuss me out.

We had been getting calls on our phone number and we have an old computer system. We received one call from a guy representing Microsoft and he was saying something was wrong with our network. He said he could help us resolve the issue but we would need to provide a payment of $500 for the work to be done and suggested we use a prepaid card. At one point he told us that the $500 was not enough to cover the protection and that we needed to provide more money. this time the request was for $2,000. At this point we knew we were being scammed. Later we contacted actual Microsoft and it cost us $300 to fix what the scammer did on our computer because he'd been trying for a year.

- Bossier City, LA, USA

I was contacted on dec 4 by a person claiming to work for microsoft and that my microsoft license had expired. He stated there was a one time fee of $500 and that I would never have to renew it again. He then said i could pay it with a prepaid gift card, which i purchased and then gave him the numbers. he then contacted me and said it didn't go through and to buy a different one and that he would refund the second $500 but the minimum Microsoft cound refund was $1500 and that I would have to but several more gift cards. He also showed me what appeared to be a valid check from microsoft made out to me for $1500.00 It wasn't until Alex Brown contacted me and said they needed an additional $2000.00 that I started getting suspicious. I then asked to speak with a supervisor and was transferred to a person who said his name was Henry Green. When I questioned why they couldn't send me the check he said they were not able to direct deposit it. When I told I didn't have the money and asked why it couldn't wait a day or two he stated it had to be done that day and that it couldn't go beyond that. He then transferred me back to Mr Brown who said he would credit y credit account once I provided him with the other 2000.00. WHen i questioned him about how he was going to do that because he didn't have my credit card number he assured make could do it. I then contacted Discover Card to see if this was true and they informed me that I was being scammed. They attempted to contact several more times claiming they were going to lose their jobs. When i told them I wasn't able to do anymore Mr Brown got mad and hung up.

- Alexander City, AL, USA

Scammer called me on the phone because we had talked before. I am also one of the people that they grabbed with the "red screen" call this number and I'll fix it. Those cost me about $200.00. On Dec.10, 2018, the same person, *** ***, aka *** ***, *** called me to tell me I was due a refund form my previous purchases. I was instructed to go purchase a Google Play Card in the amount of $500.00 without telling them what it was for. If I did that, my refund would be placed on that card. He just kept on and on until he told me I had to do this by a certain deadline. Never told me the deadline. I told him not until tomorrow. He did not like that. Still trying to reach me. Don't fall for this please.

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