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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Tipton, IA, USA

A supposed employee of microsoft called and said I had something in my computer which would cause the computer to crash. Viruses or unwanted programs, the terms he used varied a bit. I talked to this guy for too long and kept asking questions, example how do you know

that these things are are in my computer, are you illegally in my computer, give me your phone number, etc? The guy said I had to do it immediately or it would be too late. I stated that this conversation was ridiculous, and hung up. Then I got 7 callbacks from the same number.

This was also a land line.

- Dubuque, IA, USA

I kept receiving calls that I am owed a refund from Microsoft for a tech service I was overcharged for back in 2015 or 2016. Although I was part of a class action suit, I am suspicious of this because it was not Microsoft, it was a business out of India that kept talking me into buying more and more protection. This call just took my general info, not any bank numbers or anything but when they had me give them access to my computer to "verify" who I was, I canceled the whole process. But now I am afraid they somehow got access to my passwords, etc. I quickly reset my bank password. Should I worry about this or do anything else to safeguard my info?

I received a call on my cell phone (which I have listed on the do not call list) which was a computer generated call and was told from the computer voice that I was due a refund from Microsoft for tech support on my computer. I was then instructed to press 1 to get my refund. Since I did not pay Microsoft for any tech support I was curious to see what this was all about. After pressing the number 1 I immediately heard a male voice (which was east Indian accent) he asked if I was on a desktop or laptop and to press the ctrl plus r which brought up a box and was told to enter which brought up a Supremo Control website. I was then told to press the download button. At that point I hung up on the person and was then called back by that person and he called me by name, and I hung up again. He called me again and I did not answer. Before he could call again, I blocked his number. He wanted me to download a remote control software so he could gain control of my computer.

- Eastlake, OH, USA

I have been receiving calls from Microsoft. The caller is a man and has an accent. They have called numerous times. Their phone number is 888-405-7554. The caller stated Microsoft owes me a $300 refund. Services I paid for and did not use. Wanted me to go to my computer and let them into my computer. I told him my computer does not work. I asked if they were with the and he hung up on me. I know it is a scam and wanted to report the call.

My mother got "apparently" from Microsoft (a foreign male) saying if this isn't taken care of on my mom's computer or Microsoft will be shut off. My mom brought this to my attention and I call the 855-900-0376 and tried to talk to hanged up 3 times and the 4th they wanted me to get on mine and I didn't fall for it. I know this a scam and would like this to investigated and let me know what you can do. I would really appreciate it.

*** *** ** *** (where you can contact me)

- Waynesburg, PA, USA

Received a phone message saying my Microsoft license key had expired and all computer functions would be stopped; to fix this problem call 1-855-426-3666

Rec'd phone call recorded on voice mail stating:

This is an emergency call from Windows Microsoft. Windows license key had been expired.

All services have been suspended in your computer. To renew call our toll free 1+800-217-0825.

Internet research determined Microsoft does not call for this purpose.

Clearly this is common.

Believe these actions should be pursued by law enforcement.

Trying to scam people nothing new

- Columbus, OH, USA

I am 81 yrs old. I keep getting calls from Microsoft saying they owe me money and want to give me a refund.

On 11-26-18 I got a voice message on my cell phone stating that my Microsoft license for Windows 10 had expired and that I needed to call

855-660-4106 immediately and that the Microsoft key on my keyboard would no longer work. 

- Westerville, OH, USA

Someone called me on 11.21.18 at 3:50 pm from Microsoft, because they helped to fix my computer last year, they wanted to give me a refund. He asked for my credit card number. I was checking my email and saw an email from Western Union. I called WU. Then I called Chase, and they said they withdrew $100 from my checking account and bought a Starbucks gift card. The bank said they would help get my money back. He's still trying to call me.

- Princeton, IL, USA

Saying my computer was hacked and I told him I don’t have one hung up on me and I cannot understand much he said

- Buena Vista, CO, USA

Emergency phone call message stating Microsoft Windows license has expired, all services will be stopped, to renew, call the number 855-426-3666

This is the second time I have received a phone call stating that I am required to pay another windows licensing fee. This message included the phrase "your computer services will be terminated in 1 hour unless you call this number and pay immediately". The initial phone call was listed as "unavailable". The number I am to call is 1-844-474-9777. I did not call them back.

The first time they called ~3 weeks ago, I called them (not necessarily the same number as above). I politely told them "I paid their licensing fee when I bought their product and if they lost that information I will not waste my precious life due to their incompetence!" The phone representative did not like that! He said that if I do not pay, they would terminate all my systems. When I asked him what systems and what account exactly he was talking about he could not come up with definitive answers. He inferred it was a service charge. Again I politely told him that I really did not want Microsoft products but they have monopolized the system and leave me no choice so I bought their product but I would never pay for a Microsoft service because their service has always S----d! He got very irate and said "I don't care! Pay it or throw your damn computer away!" I hung up.

I am pretty sure this is a scam, because I never received any email or Microsoft computerized notifications about this potential problem. If this is legit, then that becomes another issue all together...

I do not think this is targeting any age or gender. The representative had to ask me who I was in order to "acess" my file. These calls and many other nonsensical calls began soon after signing a TV-Phone-Internet contract with Dish-ATT. (The caller is using my mothers home phone number that was used with the contract mentioned above. When signing the microsoft licensing agreement I used another number.) Either the service tech or Dish signed us up for insurance, geek squad. etc. without our approval and we began getting bills for that as well. We dealt with that, but it appears the Dish-ATT-Service Contractor circle has some holes allowing this to happen or they are guilty of unethical practices as well. For the record we have not had any known issues with ATT.

This correspondence is written for your information. I tried to call to discuss if this is worth filling out a formal claim but could get no live person to talk to. Due to my own business concerns I would rather not have my name or any info about me getting out into the public. I have entered my name and phone number below and I would be happy to discuss this with anyone in regards to addressing this formally.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I am receiving many calls on my landline. I had ten total calls this morning. My caller ID shows my own telephone number. The calls started at 7:45 this morning. The caller said your IP has been compromised by other countries. They identified themselves as Microsoft. Caller did not give a name. I need to change my IP. It was a recording. The recording stated to press a number. I just hung up. I thought this is weird the call is coming from my house.

- Pekin, IL, USA

They called our house saying they were Microsoft and we had refund coming from Microsoft. I had other things on my mind, I was leaving house for Dr. appointment. I wasnt thinking I did have refund coming but it was from McAfee. They had me to get on computer go to I did then had me open my bank account up, and I realized this was not the place I had refund coming from, I hurried up and closed out of my bank account, and closed out with the website I thought. They then called me 4 more times on the phone, I told them I was not giving them access to our accoutn. I then left for appointment, thought everything was ok. They had control of my computer and files. I am missing tax returns and social security paperwork. This place got on my facebook and sent nasty messages on my account to my friends. They also took pictures with my computer of my house sent them to my daughter said I have your mother. This scared my daughter, she called police, and they came to our house. We had to change bank accounts, credits cards cancelled, suspend online banking, fill out police reports, call credit bureau, file fraud alert on our credit.This has been the biggest nightmare. Now I have to pay someone to clean up my computer, and see if I can get my files back. Never believe anyone that calls you. Always hang up, luckily for me they didnt get our money, but am afraid they got our identity. I cancelled credit cards, and suspended bank account in time.

- Sheffield, MA, USA

robo calls everyday sometimes twice a day. woman of Indian accent said Microsoft was closing and I should call them at an 800 phone number

- Evansdale, IA, USA

Several years ago received called from "microsoft"? regarding viruses on computer. @ differant times cost me $750 to fix(?)

on 11-5-18 received call from ?Peter saying that I had a refund of $199.99 due because of programs installed the first two times was crashing.

Had me log on so he could remote access.(bad mistake). He said that I had to log into some of my accounts that I access and it would give me a security password that I needed to write down.He said he would transfer the refund into my bank account. He had me log on and I told him

I didn't want him to see my information. he said he couldn't. The page that came up while he was "transferring" was Chase Business Account..

He had me type 199.99 while screen was scanning. He said "Oh my God" $1900.00 went in.I am going to be in so much trouble. When it showed my balance I could see but his reason on how to refund was very odd. After about 4 hours on phone he said I need to go to Apple Store or Best Buy right now and buy 3 $500 gift cards and then call him back with the number on the back of the card.Then I knew something was way off base. He was getting mad and started instant messaging me on computer and texting me.I answered one text and told him I was filing a report and it was a damm scam

I have blocked his phone number and the bank has flagged our accounts.

- Saint Charles, MO, USA

I was logging into my bank account on my computer and I received an alert message stating "Alert Alert" I could not get off of the screen. The message had a number to contact "Microsoft" the message said not to shut down my computer. I called the number for assistance and the guy had me try some things to rectify the issue. As time went on the call did not sound right so I ended the phone call and shut down my computer.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

Received an automated call supposedly from Microsoft stating that a foreign entity was hacking into my computer to obtain personal information such as banking, email addresses, online purchases, etc. I was to press a number to get immediate assistance or I could call back and Microsoft would assist me. I hung up.

Check fields!

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