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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

Alice with "Microsoft" has called me many times each day for the last few weeks wanting to change my I/P address claiming that my email has been used to send out erroneous emails to over 400 persons. After many calls from an unrecognizable no. on my cell phone has begun using my own cell number as making the calls. I had 6 or 7 yesterday and many in previous days. I contacted Microsoft and they report as a scam and advised to not fall for it. I cannot block the caller since it is my own cell number.

- Amherst, OH, USA

I received a voicemail stating that unless I called this company within 48 hours my computer was going to shut down. They said they were Microsoft but other than that the message was very vague and made little sense. They called back on Labor day, two days later, and after that I disconnected my answering machine.

- Meriden, CT, USA

Calling me about an account using my phone number

- Albuquerque, NM, USA

Was paying a bill and a website popped up and call let the person in my computer was not smart

8/27 was Jennifer Gomez

8/28 Samuel Wilson

8/29 Brad

This started two years ago when I stupidly fell for the initial scam and allowed them (because they said they were a subsidiary of Microsoft) access to my computer.  So they dialed in and placed a security system on my computer for which again I stupidly paid them by CHECK. Nothing bad happened to my computer so I assumed all was well.  On Monday July 16, they called again and said they were going to be doing something different and the company was no longer going to be handling computer security so they wanted to remove the software or what ever they put on, and refund my money!  So to make a long story short, because he had my check information and was able to log into my computer, he said he was going to place the refund into my account .... Before I knew it, he had transferred $1200 from my savings account to my checking account then tried to tell me that he had overpaid me and I owed him $1000.00 in the form of two $500.00 Walmart Gift cards.  I told him he was crazy that I owed him nothing and this was just a scam .... He didn't overpay me a penny.  He proceeded to tell me that when I get to Walmart I was not to tell the clerk at the register who was receiving the money????  He said he would stay on the phone with me as I drive to the store and then I was to read him the numbers on the back of the cards so he could get his money refunded or else his boss would fire him. I told him he was a scammer and a thief and I wasn't going to give him a penny he then said to me , I'll destroy your computer I still have access ..... I shut off my computer at that moment .....and hung up the phone .He proceeded to tell me that he could still destroy my computer even if it's shut down which is incorrect ..

I regret making the first mistake two years ago .... he fortunately didn't get any money from me ....other than the $ 200.00 I gave them two years ago .... and I shut my bank accounts as soon as I hung up the phone .... and I had a computer expert examine my computer , he removed the software they put on and assured me there was no damage to my computer .

This was a very stressful experience , oh when they call their name registers on the phone as UNKNOWN CALLER, they also have very heavy Indian accents , the man I spoke with said his name was Barry, and the technician us Jay ! When I said I wanted to call the number on the bogus website which by the way has a Logo on it ... he said that the 250 number was disconnected he also refused to give me his office number so I could phone him back ......

I have to say the more I resisted him the angrier he became , then he would calm down,,, but as I continued to resist him he would blow up and scream that I was going to cost him his job and I said how can I you didn't send me any money you just transferred mine and your trying to scam me out of $1000.00 at which point after at least 30 minutes on the phone I hung up. By the way when they first call they are incredibly insistent, I never respond to unknown number but they call every 5 minutes if you don't respond,,,, then if you do answer they tell you We are a company working with Micro Soft and you have serious issues with your computer .. that's how they got me in the first place. I am sure they scam most older people ( like me ) who are not terribly computer savvy.... however I should have been smarter the first time around.

Anyway while I didn't loose the $1000, I did loose the initial $ 200.00

- Loyal, WI, USA

I’ve gotten a phone call 3x from “Microsoft” in Amsterdam, New York claiming they have been notified that someone has attempted to hack my laptop. The lady, with very broken English, told me that Microsoft gets notified anytime someone tries to hack into my laptop. I asked how she would know and she couldn’t answer. She then wanted me to turn on my Microsoft laptop (I do not have a laptop) and wanted me to find my IP address so she could see what kind of security I needed. I asked how much this costs and she said, “Oh, at least $1,000.” I said $1,000 for what?! She said to add security on my Microsoft laptop (she only referred to my computer as a ‘Microsoft laptop’) She then started pushing for my information and I told her to never call again and hung up.

Early morning calls that showed up as Voicemail with my phone number that continued throughout the day. After getting that blocked by my carrier, I received a call from the above number that had the same automated message from Microsoft wanting me to turn on my computer and wait for a representative. I hung up. They state that Microsoft has detected suspicious activity.

Someone calling me from my own home number claiming they are named Alice and with Microsoft.

They are using some kind of voice changer or robotic recording. Claiming my Microsoft has been compromised and hacked and that they are shutting me down, that I need to press 1 to speak to their tech dept to fix the issues.

I just hang up, but they have called me using my home number 8 times so far over 2 days.

- Cedar Falls, IA, USA

I got an alert on my computer claiming to be Microsoft with audio and a phone number and I felt weird about it so I found my own number for Microsoft customer service through google but i think i was a random #, not them 300.00 dollars to fix it. They installed a tool bar onto the computer but other than that it seems to be working fine. I finally found the correct Microsoft number and they said they have never heard of this company before and advised me to take my computer to get looked into just in case.

I was reading a news story on Yahoo when my computer froze up and a notice was flashing on my screen telling me not to shut down my computer. There was a number to call to have my computer repaired. I called the number and a man(from the middle east) answered saying it was Microsoft. He was telling me all about how they needed me to follow directions. So I started to do what he said and then noticed that there was no Microsoft logo's on there and nothing looked familiar. So I confronted him about it and he said of course this is Microsoft, you called me remember? I told him I needed to get off the phone. I got task manager to come up, logged out, and logged back in and everything was fine. I now will clean my computer up and plaster this information all over the web.

I was contacted that Microsoft corporation has stopped the windows service on my computer because the licence key has expired. I was told to renew license key, I would be required to call within 48 hours. They gave me the phone number 866-978-1057.

- Boise, ID, USA

The scammer called us using our phone number to call our phone number so that caller id came up as our name and number. When answered the voice told us that they were with Microsoft and needed to fix our Microsoft account. They said they needed to be able to get into our computer to fix our account and to do that they needed - that is when I hung up. To me, having the call coming from our own id and phone number to us was a red flag. In talking to BBB they said the rest of the call probably would have told us that we had to get a cash card at the store and let them know the number of the card and then they would help us. Glad we did not go any further and we would have not paid them for sure. We received the calls for 3 or 4 times a day for over 2 weeks, and they have stopped for now. We also notified our family members that if they received a call from our phone number regarding Microsoft not to respond to it.

I received a call from someone claiming to be Microsoft asking to get into my computer. They said my licence was getting ready to expire and I needed to give them access to the PC and I told him I really don't have my PC available and he said I'll wait. I said I'll call him back and hung up. I called the Geek Squad and they told me this was a scam.

- Dallas, TX, USA


My mom had a phone call that had my name and my mom's landline phone number on the caller ID. There was a robotic voice telling her that her Microsoft account was going to be discontinued because it had been compromised by several countries. Then it directed her to press a number on her phone to be transferred to one of their techs to change her IP address. She handed me the phone and I hung up because I was concerned that it was a scam. I did not talk to a person and did not find out if they wanted money.

- Akron, OH, USA

Microsoft called me and wants to have access to the my computer. CLSID number that he wants to reconfirm. He's a middle eastern person, he was sarcastic and matter-of-factly spouting out my address. I feel violated.

- Mandeville, LA, USA

I received a robo call on my landline and caller ID showed my own home phone number. Recording said it was Microsoft and that my IP address was compromised. Press one to speak to a representative. I just hung up and now reporting this scam to BBB of Greater New Orleans.

- Oak Grove, KY, USA

The person named Justin, called stating there was a problem with my computer. Stating multiple times he was with Microsoft and he would list what was wrong with my computer if I gave him more information.

Actually he stopped the phone maybe because he find it is too difficult to communicate with me. I feel wired why the server of Microsoft will have such kind of heavy accents, and I almost cannot understand what he say. Then I am worried about whether my computer is threatened by the virus( the pop-up tell me whose style is very similar as Microsoft) I looked up information in google, then I realized it may be a scam. ...

He intended to tell me to fully follow what to do, but I am a cautious person and ask for the reason and I cannot understand what he say. Maybe his next step is to ask for money.

I received a phone call from a scammer spoofing my phone number (574) 292-2375 stating that "This is Microsoft. Your product license key is going to be canceled in 48 hours and your IP address has been compromised in many countries. Please stay on the line for a customer service representative to assist you in getting a new IP address."

Given that it was my phone number calling me, I didn't continue the phone call further.

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