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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Astoria, NY, USA

I just received a call that I've received before - MANY TIMES - and fell for once a few years back.

The person calls. Says they are from Microsoft and need remote access to your computer to install an update, virus protection, etc.

It's a scam, they try to get you to screenshare with them on their fake website. Guess what happens when the "update is complete"? They payment want payment and "it doesn't go through" so they want you to check a number on your bank account portal.

Then, they try to show you the html code. I'm assuming at this point they'd take a screenshot of the code. I closed my computer immediately and disabled wifi.

- Pensacola, FL, USA

Wednesday 4/18/2018, I got about 6 phone calls telling me that they would be closing at the end of the day please call 8503472505 so they could get me my refund. I call the number to find out what this was all about, a guy answered his name Robert Hernandez, badge # N827146 this was Microsoft. This guy told me to go to Microsoft web page he knew exactly how to get you through the Microsoft web page as if he was a employee tell you what steps to take to get you to the point where you could get your refund back. Did not want any banking information just the mane of your bank & what your name was, They pretend to put money into your account & ask you what amount was in the account I told them like a dummy,he said they put to much money in the account that I need to refund them the difference. In order to pay them back their money I was to go Dollar General or Walgreens & get a Google Play gift card in the amount of $400.00 & give him the numbers off of the back of the card then he hung up. I called the 8503472505 a American man answered, all the calls to me was an American man, Robert was a foreigner.

I was sent an email saying I had purchased a Microsoft surface pro for $3765. I was given a confirmation number with no other billing details. Just call the number on email.

- Morganton, NC, USA

This guy with a heavy Indian accent called and told me that I had software that was incompatible with my computer. He then told me that he would install new software and refund my money. He wanted me to go to the teamviewer website to presumably install the software so that he could access my computer. I told him that I wasn't that gullible and that I was reporting the number. They then tried to call back and used a computer voice that said that I had purchased software 3 months ago from Microsoft and that the company was shutting down and they wanted to refund my money.

Caller left a message saying this was an emergency phone call my windows license on my computer has expired and all access is blocked. Please call to restore service.

- Fayetteville, NC, USA

Received a call on my cell phone from a foreign man who called himself “Peter”, insisting that I contacted Microsoft about a refund. When I stated that I had not spoken to him he insisted that I did and wanted to know my location. He wanted to know if I was at home near my computer. When I started asking questions about who he was and let him know that I was not providing him any information, he hung up on me. When I checked my home phone, I had received several calls with no messages from the same number.

- Winsted, MN, USA

I received a phone call at 11:57 am on 4/12/18 from a man stating he was from Microsoft and wanted to let me know that my security with my personal computer was in jeopardy. I asked him "which computer" and he said "your personal computer" and that point I said "which one". He stopped for a split second and said "I have the license key". I said "ya do, do ya". After that I said "I think this is a scam and don't call me again or I'll report you to the". He hung up before I could finish.

- Ogden, UT, USA

Was on my computer, message came up Trojan had infected my computer to not leave this page or shut it off. if I did it would ruin my computer and to call Microsoft now. They provided a phone 1-877-645-7329. I called like a dummy was on the line with him for about 10 minutes then he sent a link to allow him access to my computer. He ran some scans for virus. (No virus) Then told me it would be $160.00 to have the Trojan removed. Ask him if it was a scam he said “ that I had called him”. At that point I began thinking something was not right. Unfortunately I have allowed access to my computer.

- Columbus, OH, USA

About March 9th, I got a phone call from a woman. She said I had a computer virus. She transferred the call to a man, with a foreign accent calling himself Mark Wilson. His number is 315-944-2408. He told me to get ID Blockers. He said he would transfer money to my checking account. He deposited close to $2000 into my checking account. He ordered ID Blockers from Best Buy in Grove City, OH. The next day I went into Best Buy and picked them up. I left my phone in the car. The ID Blockers were Apple iTune gift cards. He used the money that he deposited into my account to pay for them. I went out to my car and he was already on the phone. He told me not to take the phone into the store. I read the security numbers off the back of the card to him. He said we need some more ID Blockers. He said go to Walmart, Walgreens or CVS, take your card, I've put money on it, go buy more ID Blockers. He wanted me to buy $500 worth of ID Blockers (cards). So I went to Walmart. Walmart said they would only sell me $200 worth of iTunes gift cards. The clerk didn't ask me what I needed the card for. I left Walmart, returned to my car, and gave him the security number off the back of the card. He told me to go to Walgreens. I did. I bought more ID Blockers (iTunes gift cards) . He wanted me to buy $500, but my card only let me buy $200. He told me to go to the bank and withdraw $300. I took the $300 and went to Turkey Hill gas station and they sold me $200 worth of iTunes gift cards, and then I went to CVS on S High St. I bought $200 worth of iTune gift cards. I went back to the car and got my phone and gave him the security numbers off the back. Two days ago, he called me back and asked me to borrow $300 from somebody to buy more iTune gift cards. I said no. I said I would report him to the police. He said please don';t do that I will lose my job. I told him I couldn't borrow any money. I've tried calling him back, and he won't take my calls. I told my BMI Credit Union to put a block on my account. They put a block on it. I did not say anything to them about the money that had been deposited. They said my account was overdrawn by $300.00. I gave him control of my computer. I shut my computer down. I need to find a computer repair place.

- Waterloo, IA, USA

Yesterday, April 4, 2018, I received a recorded phone call saying "This is Microsoft." The caller said they noticed that someone was trying to access my computer, and that I should call this number right away (I did not write down the number). If I did not call the number, they would be forced to shut down my computer. I did not call the number and my computer has not been shut down.

My computer was taking over stating I need to call Microsoft at 1-855 number.  I called the number and ask the man was this Microsoft and he said yeah then I hung up he called back and I asked was this Microsoft support he said yes. In the process I was on my phone pulling up information about Microsoft and they do not tell you to call by taking over your computer nor would they call your phone back so I knew it was a scam I took the battery out of my computer and left it out and reported the number that he called me back from.

- Hollywood, FL, USA


My home computer screen went all blue with Microsoft coming through the speaker telling me to call this number 800-737-7162. of course I called (UGH) Sean Marcus answered and said my computer was being hacked, and my Webroot was not working. they need to clean my computer, he showed me in my computer where the scammers were tracking me..... we'll give a $50.00 discount today because we did the work already - so pay 299.99 make check payable to Spec Technology, Sean gave me the phone number 800-737-7162, employee number MST116 his ext 1117.. yet when calling the number back is was busy! I called my bank with in 15min, cancelled the check and stopped all on-line transactions so they would not get any money. I won't fall for that again.... a family member also get this same thing only a red screen comes up. You can shut down your computer --- do not call the number!!!!

- Pipe Creek, TX, USA

Received a phone call from (855) 340-0555, with a recorded message informing me that the caller was with Microsoft and that the license on my Microsoft Windows product had expired. To prevent losing the ability to use my Windows product, I should call that number back as soon as possible.

I did not return the call, so I don't know what their intent was - to charge money to renew my license, to get information to enable identity theft, other...

Indicated that someone overseas was trying to access my microsoft account. Also said for my safety my account was going to be blocked for usage. Obviously a scam. My account is still working. Caller wanted me to call the above listed phone number to fix.

- Kenner, LA, USA

Got a message on my home telephone base stating that my email and my Facebook account shows signs of very suspicious activity, and has been shut down temporarily until l call 1-877-904-0889 to talk with a Microsoft technician, prior to attempting to log in to any banking information, Facebook, or email. Now, l have enough sense to know that Microsoft never initiates contact, you your self have to do this. I Googled this number and it was not yet recorded as happening yet in Louisiana. F.Y.I.

A pop-up window appeared saying the computer was infected and to call Microsoft at this "company's" number. They gave high pressure to purchase their antivirus/clean up help for $299.

- Latrobe, PA, USA

alert over laptop to call Microsoft about a breech on laptop, if you close laptop all information will be open for hackers. spoke to 2 men, Jason and David both with accents, stating I have no firewall and they will install and cover for 3 years for $300 in Googleplay. once obtained was told cards did not work and I would be refunded the amount and to buy $300 more, I bulked and was convinced they were on the up and up. Being a trusting person I obtained them. Received a call today that the applications did not work and I will need to have a special device with down payment and will receive the deposit back. I checked with IT employee and was told this was a scam that Microsoft would never ask for Googleplay. I took my laptop to my computer guy and he confirmed this as well. So beware of any alerts on you computer!

- Whitewood, SD, USA

Thanks for BBB's page about the "Microsoft Firewall Alert: You must call the number listed below to restore your computer. Your bank accounts, facebook log, e-mails logs. . . .are all compromised. . . ." A Microsoft looking website was what came up plus a recorded voice when I clicked the google link to Walmart. I didn't call the number. Will run virus scan after this post. Hope it is just a phishing scam.

- San Diego, CA, USA

Random call stating from Microsoft technical support engineers who are 3rd party group looking to prevent security issues.

They asked me to go to computer command prompt and type "ASSOC" and verify my CLS, which I believe is Computer License Signature.

He then asked me to verify it as he read it to me.

I stopped half way and hung up.

I was using my work computer, which operates on a VPN, so I cancelled that connection and started a new one.

Phone# they used for me to verify company 800-316-2052. They have someone there to answer.

Check fields!

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