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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

I received this voicemail “?18174020091 Depositing new message There will be auto deduction $299 from your bank account. In case you don't want to get charges. Please call us to cancel our subscription. Our toll free number is 1-817-402-0091. I repeat the number to call is 1-817-402-0091. This call maybe recorded for quality and training purposes.. Click here: 13608424004 to listen to full voice message.” when I called back, he said he was with Microsoft. His language and tone did not seem professional (more improvisational), and there was a lot of noise in the background, so I was initially skeptical. He said that I was being charged because I have a Microsoft computer, and I had not told him my name or any information other than that I received that voicemail. I asked who he believed he was speaking to, and he replied “hold on.” After 30 seconds or so of shuffling and a side conversation, he told me a name very similar to my own. He asked if I had a Microsoft computer, and I said no. He asked what kind I had, and I said which kind I have. I asked for his name and company. Again he said “Microsoft” and told me his name was “*** ***.” I asked which call center he was calling from, and someone in the background told him to hang up, which he did.

- Ringgold, GA, USA

Male with Indian accent called me at work and asked "is the ML" (perpetrator knew my full name). I responded "what can I do for you" he asked again "is this ML" and again I responded "what can I do for you" . He asked yet again if I was ML and this time I asked "who's calling" and he responded "Microsoft". He then asked if I was a "SA at PX" (he knew my occupation and company) and when I did confirm that, he promptly hung up. I think I may have said "that's correct", but; I'm not positive. Confirmation was all he needed. I'm checking to make sure my credit reports are locked!!!

I have received numerous call from different phone numbers about a subscription of some kind. Yesterday I finally had someone to talk to. He said it was Microsoft and I was being billed for a renewal. He is supposed to call today to give me information how to cancel and apply for a refund ! If I go to my computer and he will help me do these things.

I looked up the number on Google and see many listings for this number and some of the other frequent number that are said to be untrustworthy or a scam. How do we stop these calls so the innocent believer don’t get trapped. .

- Ashtabula, OH, USA

I wanted to report a call I keep getting from Microsoft. Something about computer protection. Sounds like it could be a recording. Caller has an accent. They mentioned $299. I did not send any money. Wanted to report the calls from phone number 609-312-5728

The lady said was Katherine called three times on Saturday morning beginning at 7:30 am and that she was calling to inform you that your Microsoft had been broken into and that your licenses were compromised. On the phone if she wanted more information on how to correct this to press '1' on her phone.

- Broadview Heights, OH, USA

I received an e-mail that said "Thank you for your recent purchase." I called 855-700-0591 and was told I ordered an MS Surface computer for $3500. When I told them I had not placed an order they said they needed to get into my computer in order to cancel. They also asked for my bank account information. I did not provide it.

- Belvidere, IL, USA

I received a call on my landline. The automated voice said, "My name is *** ***. I am calling your from the ***  *** ***."

I know *** doesn't call people, so at this point I hung up.

I do not have caller ID, so I can't provide a telephone number.

- Amarillo, TX, USA

I was contacted on 6/24/18 by someone claiming to be Microsoft. They took control of my computer and locked it down. I paid them $599.99 from one of my Credit Cards to clean my computer. Fast forward to 3/16/19. The contacted me again with a warning message and then a call to say it was time to run a check again, results where my firewall had expired. They wanted $399.99 to fix. I told them no this time and turned off computer. Then called the to get further instruction as to what I needed to do.

- Smyrna, TN, USA

When I answered it was a recorded message saying my Microsoft subscription was due and $599 would be charged to my bank account or card on file. Then it said to call 803-302-8672 regarding this payment. I knew this was someone attempting to falsely obtain my info and money. An online search shows many people report receiving a similar message during March 2019, only the dollar amount varies, as if an attempt to seem authentic.

A pop-up "error" showed up on my computer screen with a phone number to call Microsoft. I called the number and a man named Albert Dawson answered the phone. He had an Indian accent. He said a virus had been uploaded onto my computer and that my malware software had expired and I needed to renew it for $200.00. He said I needed to pay with gift cards because they will never ask for my credit card number or other personal info because there are too many "scammers" out there and that they are an honest company.

So I did this and to provide "services", he said he needed remote access to my computer. He brought up a list on my computer that showed the supposed "porn virus" that my computer had and that all my personal data would be stolen if I didn't get the new software. A few days later he called back and said that due to an error, they uploaded an out of date version of the virus detection software and so they owed me a refund.

In order to do this, they needed my bank information so that they could do a direct transfer of the refund into my account. They said they would also refund me the $300 I spent on anti-virus software when I initially purchased the computer 3 years ago. So total refund of $500. I went along with it because I thought "oh...they are giving me money back, not asking for it, so how could it be a scam?" They brought up a screen that was supposedly "encrypted" so I could type in my bank info securely. He specifically said not to make any errors or back space or the money would not be transferred to me. He even said that once everything was squared away, that I needed to go back into my accounts and change my password and ID for security against scammers!

I had to type in $500.00 on the screen for the transfer but it came up as $5000 instead. I KNOW I did not make this mistake on my end. They said I made a huge error and that now $5000 would be transferred into my account instead of only $500. I would have to pay them back $4500. Which means, I had to purchase $4500 in visa gift cards and google play cards. They were even able to show that the $5000 had transferred into my account. I had all kinds of problems getting the gift cards because either the stores where I got them were limited in how many they could sell (due to scams!) or I reached my daily withdrawal limit on my accounts. I ended up having to draw from two accounts to get the $4500. Iater I received a call from Albert saying that the company could only receive funds from one account so they transferred the $4500 back in told me I had to go back and get more gift cards to re-do the transaction.

In the mean time, I received e-mails saying both my accounts had reached had been overdrawn. At this point, my bank froze my accounts because of the unusual activity and suspected fraud. I called Albert and told him this and he said it must have been a "server" error and that they would need to "fix it". They had also changed my password, user id and e-mail address on my bank account without my authorization. They had also transferred money between my two accounts without my authorization. I called Albert out on this as well and he just explained they had to do that so that they could transfer the money back in. I finally went to my bank and explained everything and they verified it was a scam and I filed a fraud report, closed my accounts and opened new ones. In the end, I lost about $7000 because the money they said they put back in my accounts was never put back in. They somehow managed to make it look like it had been. In the end I inadvertently gave them $4500 of my own they stole the remainder of my money from both accounts. All these interactions happened over the course of about 10 days. I texted Albert to tell him I thought he was scamming me and he insisted he wasn't and that all I needed to do was give him my bank info again so he could make the transfer. I of course did not do this, but offered other ways he could get my money back to me, like a cashiers check or western union transfer with cash pick-up. He was of course resistant to these options and said they would charge his company a fee. I said then just subtract the fee out from what you owe me. After some further exchange, he finally broke down and said for me to pay him $200 in gift cards and then I would have my money...if I did not do that then I would never get my money back or hear from him again, and he threatened to use my SS# to steal from me. Thus ended any further contact. Since all this, I've changed passwords on all my accounts and put a freeze on my credit reports with all the credit bureaus, and have downloaded some extra software to remove any viruses and spyware that might be lingering on my computer. I was completely unaware of the "gift card" scam and the "tech support scam" until now. It seems they are getting more and more sophisticated and convincing in these scams and I really hope these people will all eventually be shut down.

Was told that Microsoft was going out of business and I was due a refund

- Mason, MI, USA

Scammer said Microsoft owed me refund of $299 for tech support pmt. He took over my computer to transfer the refund to my checking acct, but instead he wired $1000 to himself.

- Reynoldsburg, OH, USA

I got a voicemail from a woman who said she was from Microsoft, and I was due a refund. She wanted me to call her back. I didn't call her back.

Left message telling the consumer they needed to pay $399.00 for an anti virus to be put on their computer. Consumer didn't call back.

- Lancaster, OH, USA

I've received three calls this morning from Allen Ambsu from Microsoft. He said we are owed $299.99 for a refund for tech support services because their company is now going out of business. He told me to go to my computer. The number I was to call back was 855-693-5999.

At my 75 year old mothers today visiting and phone rings and she said answer this, they call every day for the last month but I don't answer it. answer and a recording comes on that I must call the number back because "your internet has been hacked" so I call back. Man answers and says "How may I help you" I answer "you tell me, your the one that is calling my house everyday for the last month". He replies, "your internet has been hacked and I am here to help". So I lie and say "Sir, I dont even own a computer" He then says, thats ok, people can still get your personal information through your wifi/cable line. I said, well then that is something my cable company will deal with and protect me from. He says, no m'am they will not, I am here to help with that. I say well, what is it that you need from me? He flat out say MONEY. I say NO Way are you getting money from me. He says, I need money so I can fix this problem for you. I laugh and said well I am not giving you my money. He then hangs up on me. I call back and get a different person, explain to them that I was hung up on, and they tell me the same story that they need money from me and I tell them to remove my number from their list and that they are a scam, and she hangs up on me. I call back and get the same girl, tell her that she just hung up on me, and ask again to remove my number and that I am turning them in to the and she hangs up on me again. Tried calling again and it just rang and rang and finally got a recording that all lines were busy. Tried one more time and got the same thing. Now I know there are alot of people paying them money out there that dont know any better. I feel bad for them. Hope somebody does something about this.

Automated call stating they are from Microsoft and that our IP address has been compromised and is being used in several foreign countries. Choose 1 to speak with a representative. You need to set up a new IP address or your Microsoft Account will be shut down in 48 hours.

They call pretty much every day, up to 10 times a day.

The first, The man in the phone with an accent approached me by calling my land phone number by a woman's voice which generated by a computer. It Left 1-888 number. I called back to find the detail of the call. He stated that the Microsoft will pay me back for my computer internet security system that I bought 7 or 8 months ago,$299.00. Because Microsoft security system was hacked and MS must pay by the law of USA because it can not protect the customers any longer. He also stated that he cannot reveal any customer because MS program was hacked and cannot find the customer lists. He said it can be inquired the it's number by 1800.... When I requested the 1800 number he hung up the phone. I was able to keep 1-888-402-9182 and I am reporting it.

Left a message stating they were Microsoft and there system was going to be shut off. Said to call back. Consumer did not call.

- Marianna, FL, USA

Just contacted by phone by a man with an East Indian accent stating he is helping people who paid for computer technical support for Microsoft get a refund of $300 thru the because that tech support business was closing down. Asked me if I ever paid for tech support. Said I would need to write down a "License Number" and be at my computer to verify the license number he just gave me. Then he would tell me how to get online refund paperwork from BBB to receive a refund. Didn't get his name, but he gave me a call back phone number of 252.346.2558 and to call back after 6pm. I told him I was too busy to get on the computer and needed the number to call back. He was reluctant to give it to me but finally did. I asked him where he was calling from and answered Austin, Texas. He also said he would put a temporary lock on my computer until I called him back. I then told him forget it, I don't want the refund. He said ok, you don't have to take it. That ended the conversation. The license # he gave me is 888DCA60-FC0A-11CF-8F0F-00C04FD7D062 (Said this is the "service license #".

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