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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Fort Worth, TX, USA

Received a phone call on my phone from my phone #.Out of curiosity, I answered. A man with an Indian accent said he was from Microsoft and that my IP address had been compromised and he needed to go in and secure my computer. I let him do this. Then he asked if I did my bank account on line and told him yes. He said he needed to secure my account. I was a little uncomfortable with this but he assured me it was so no one could get into my account. He said they were putting $190.00 in my account just because my IP had been compromised. When ask to look at my bank account to see if was there it was credited with 1900.00. I told him 1900.00 and he said that was a mistake and I needed to go right then to this special store and buy three $500.00 gift cards and I could keep the extra $400.00. I told him I didn't have a car and he got all upset and started hollering at me. I finally said I don't think this is on the up and up and hung up. I went immediately to my bank account and changed my password and looked to see if the 1900.00 was still there. It wasn't. They had already removed it. I am still checking my account every day. Hope this well help someone.

- Lorain, OH, USA

I received a message on my home answering machine. It was a recording. Said something like my contract is up. They wanted me to press a number to speak with a representative. I did not press and numbers. Stated my credit card would be charged. They don't have my credit card number. My own name and number showed in the caller ID. I don't answer calls from anyone I don't know. I have had several calls.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

I answered a call on my home phone. An actual person was on the line. He was difficult to understand. Callers name was Michael Williams with Microsoft. My caller ID showed phone number 203-717-4158. Told me if I did not renew my Microsoft account they would just withdraw $300 out of my bank account. He told me to go to my computer and turn it on. I knew it was a scam. I tried not to laugh. I do not have a Microsoft account. I said I have a refurbished computer. I just play games on my computer. He said OK we are taking $300 out of account. I did not let him ask for money or my account. He hung up on me.

- Fayetteville, NC, USA

They have called me for months now and just recently I started answering their calls to figure out who they were. They’re scammers who threaten you that your Microsoft account is past due or something along those lines and when I call back asking what it’s like scam people they hang up.

Called and said he works for microsoft and in order to renew or cancel upgrade support need to pay $299 or if want to cancel subscription need to be on front of the computer to walk you thru steps. He was impatient, rude, and pushy. I did not give him any info or got on my computer. Has heavy accent.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

Sat, 9/14, Called by tech support from Microsoft because they detected serious breach to my system. I had talked to Microsoft approx. 3 months ago because several red boxes popped up on my screen saying a serious virus was detected and to call Microsoft immediately. I did call the number on my computer screen. Talked to someone who said he was a tech supporter. Don't remember his name but his accent was Indian or Pakistani. He pulled up files, showing be breaches and promising to clean it up. At that time, he said I could purchase a lifetime firewall for $599 to guarantee no one else could ever hack into my computer. So I paid that money by a debit card. He took the info over the phone, and it was deducted from my bank. End of that story. On Saturday, 9/14, Victor *** pulled up on my screen a web page of himself, his name Victor ***, as a Microsoft employee. He started by apologizing that Microsoft didn't live up to their contract of protecting my computer, and they would be sending me a refund of the $599. Because while going over their accounts, he noticed that I had been hacked again. Again, the hours long and countless search of files on my computer pointing out to me where breaches had occurred and the content. I hung up while he and his team searched and worked on my computer files, cleaning them up. Literally hours later he called again and said they had completed their work and I need to have a license key in addition of a new firewall. Because my computer was, at that time, "open", they couldn't take any banking information over the phone, nor could I transfer money to them from my bank because they didn't want my banking information anywhere online. He asked what kind of protection wall I wanted. A one-year plan, $299.00; a five year plan, $599.00, or a lifetime firewall for $1000.00, which included the license key fee, and that would protect all of my equipment, i.e. two computers and my kindle and my iPhone. I opted for the lifetime plan. As directed, I went to Walmart and purchased 2 $500 g.c.s and gave the card number to Victor. By the way, once I left my house, he called my cell number and we stayed on the line talking until I bought the cards and drove home. Gave him the card numbers, he put me on hold to make sure the cards went through. He came back on line and said they were receiving an error message and the cards wouldn't be accepted. There was a loud "tone" in the background and he said that was the signal that the gift cards weren't being processed. He called Walmart on a conference call with both of us. The Walmart employee who answered said their system had gone down, they were freezing any gift cards purchased because of security reasons, and my money would be refunded to my account in approx. 2 hours. Didn't get the name of the WalMart employee.

So, Victor instructs me to buy more gift cards so they can close this account and send their official report to WalMart to ensure that my funds would be refunded to me. Plus, he said, I'd get the refund from Microsoft so on Monday, today, I'd have $1600 returned to my bank account.

As stupid as it sounds, I did go purchase gift cards for Target, two more for $500 each. Gave Victor *** the card numbers and within 30 minutes our transaction was concluded. He gave me his direct phone number with extension. Plus I had the original number from which he called logged on my telephone.

There is no reimbursement of two $500 gift cards in my account today. I called Walmart, told them the whole incident and was informed that I had been scammed. After speaking with her, I called the phone number he gave me and it won't connect. I called the number logged on my phone, and it is also an invalid phone number.

I now realize that the $599.00 I paid months ago to "Microsoft" for the permanent firewall, was also bogus no doubt carried out by this same "team" who identifies with Microsoft. And you can actually find Victor *** on Google with a profile of him working at Microsoft. Clearly, it's not the same person. As I type this, I am overdrawn at my bank in a small amount, and obviously won't be receiving refunds from Walmart nor "Microsoft".

Please do not use my name or personal identity if this is posted on your website or any other public media site.

- North Olmsted, OH, USA

I received a call regarding my Microsoft account. Offer a refund of about $299.00. He said if I did not do anything now I would be charged for it. He wanted me to go to my computer. I refused. Caller said the refund is for material I purchased. I said I did not purchase anything. I kept questioning him. I said why do I have to go to my computer if you are going to send me $299. He started stammering and hung. up. I do not have their phone number. I have had tech support scam calls in the past.

- Pataskala, OH, USA

I got a call from our land phone number. I thought it might be my husband, but it was Microsoft Computer and I will be charged $200 if I press 2. I don't even have a computer.

- Prestonsburg, KY, USA

Received a voice mail that did not identify itself saying an amount would be debited from my account today. I called the number and told them they did not have my permission to debit my account. He said I had to get in front of my computer to fill out a cancellation form and it would take about 10 minutes. I repeated numerous times that he did not have my permission to debit my account for anything and hung up.

- Chicago, IL, USA

Received voicemail from Microsoft (I have office 360 subscription) claiming they were going to auto deduct $300 from my account. If I didn't want this to happen, I was to call 312-500-7144 & request credit. When I called, It was an Indian gentleman in an Indian call center. I asked him if he was in India & he confirmed. Assuming it was MICROSOFT, I allowed them remote access into my computer. Got to a screen where he asked me to type in $300. I accidently typed in $3000. He freaked out & said the only way to credit back $2700 was for me to go to Best Buy or Target, purchase 2700 worth of gift cards & give this guy the redemption numbers. (OK not the smartest thing Ive agreed to do), but I was panicked! This went on from 1PM - 530 PM on 8/31/2019. THis guy had me on speaker phone the entire time including driving to Target to get cards. As it turns out, this particular "representative" after the fact felt guilty, has continuously been texting me up thru today to tell me he was quitting because he felt bad about this? He gave me names & numbers of the people he said are operating this illegal call center in Kolkata India. It doesn't make sense to me hed provide this info because, there has been no additional requests or access to my computer. He gave me names & numbers of individuals responsible & it seems like it couldn't hurt to investigate to learn if he gave me accurate info. Microsoft (real Microsoft) instructed me to complete a scam report on their website, which I did on 9/2. I called them today to give this info & a representative informed me my case was closed? They never followed up with me after I filled out the report & have just closed it? The names & numbers given to me are as follows: Owner, Azhar 918910552431, Manager, Shanawaz 918420487957 & 917595937660, Partner/Investor, Razi 918100594619. He said this is happening in a call center in Kolkata India

Repeated calls from "Microsoft" saying they will pull my license to change my IP address because it was compromised in several countries. The worst part is they call using my telephone number. Not too smart. I don't answer calls from anyone but I was curious enough to see who was spoofing my number.

They claimed we need to call 208-844-2137 if we use Microsoft windows. Our identity would be stolen including our social security number and other important information. Also we would not be able to use our computer if we did not call the number.

- Covington, LA, USA

volume if calls in past 2wks.

request to call back by tecording or voicemail;now a person wanting to give a refund for Microsoft plan.

i asked to be taken off list-said they could not.i keep blocking calls/they just use another line

i have not responded.

- Concord, AR, USA

Man with foreign accent said he was from Microsoft and that something I purchased when I got my computer had expired, and I needed to renew my subscription.

I never purchased my computer; it was given to me when a business closed and was getting rid of old computers. I purchased nothing from Microsoft. My computer is over ten years old.

I asked the man when it was first purchased, and he first said he did not understand my question. After repeating it a little more clearly for him to understand,he could not answer and went back to his initial reason for calling.

He wanted to charge me $299 for a renewal subscription. I said no. He said he would then refund me the $299 that I had paid. I said I had not paid that to begin with. He said everyone who gets a computer has to pay that. He said he had to send me a form for me to cancel the subscription.

He said to check my computer and fill out the form to cancel the subscription with Microsoft and to receive a $299 refund. I asked how he would get my information to send me anything. He was trying to get that information when I told him I was through talking and going to hang up and that not one penny was to be charged to me or removed from my account if he should somehow have access to it. He was still talking when I hung up.

- Deerfield Beach, FL, USA

I was trying to register my microsoft product, got this website online, These guys called me and said my network is hacked, thats why its not installing & they locked all my computers until i pay $2800, so once its paid, they made my brand new computer crash permanently.

- Erie, MI, USA

I have received about 18 phone calls over the past month. 2 just today where I actually talked to a person with a foreign accent. They leave a message that the are going to withdraw $398 from my debt account for Microsoft renewal services to call back immediately. I called back today and told them I don’t have Microsoft or a computer so do not cal this number again. About 2 hours later I received the exact same call. Again I told them the same thing and that I was reporting them to the Better Business Bureau. They hung up on me. I have put 2 blocks on the numbers this is coming from Chicago Illinois. This is the third number the have called me from. I do not ever answer my phone if it is a number I do not know and block those that leave messages as well. Today I was sick and tired of the constant calls from Chicago Illinois so I answered. The second time I answered because I couldn’t believe they were calling again.

- Cleveland, OH, USA

A man with an Indian accent called me claiming to be from Microsoft. He said my software had expired and quoted me $199 to renew. I did not proceed with the offer but called instead.

- Grove City, OH, USA

I got a phone call. It began with an automated recording, then switched to a man from Microsoft with an Indian accent. He wanted access to my computer. He told me my computer had a virus which shows my computer has been hacked. It says not to use my computer for any banking.

- Lafayette, LA, USA

As of August 16, 2019:

For the past week, we have been receiving automated phone calls multiple times per day which appear to be coming FROM OUR HOME PHONE NUMBER!!

We answered the first few times just to see what would be said. It's a computerized call with a woman's voice saying that she is Kathleen or a similar-sounding name, from Microsoft, and the reason for the call is that our Microsoft license will expire in 48 hours, and to press 1 to talk to a representative. We hang up at that point.

We were told by our local BBB that this is a common scam going on, and the thing to do is to NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. Microsoft would NEVER call us. The scammer could then try disguising their phone number with a different phone number, so if we don't recognize a phone number when the phone rings, let it go to voicemail. If it's a legitimate caller, they will leave a message.

A woman named Kathareen says your Microsoft license will expire in 24 hours and your IP address was compromised by other countries. Press 1 to speak to a technician.

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