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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Altoona, PA, USA

Microsoft service contract had run out. Needed $100 to renew. Went to family dollar gave $100 itunes gift card. Then said they didn't work to call back with $100 in itunes. Then was going to send $100 check.

Guys name was robert johnson.

- New Orleans, LA, USA

Message pop-up "Microsoft secretary advisory, call Microsoft at 855-875-6444". Called number provided and spoke with Jimmy, and said "I've been hacked". Gave him remote access and showed me all the IP addresses and then downloaded some type of software and told me "Once I pay them $299 for six months or $499 for a year and I can call this number 844-865-0393."

They said they were from Microsoft tech support and that my home network was not safe. They proceed to ask if I'm in front of my computer. Then they want me to type in all a bunch of letters in the run program box (I did not do this). And then they wound up cussing me out in the end because I didn't do what they wanted.

- Abilene, TX, USA

Sep, 19, 2017 received a blaring POP while on the internet, stating that my computer notified Microsoft that my system had been hacked and I was to call 1-888-768-7081 immediately or Microsoft will shut down and block the computer, lock me out from using this computer on the internet. Individual at the other end of the phone claimed to be Simon Parker, Microsoft employee, Emp ID: MS 1463, Address: 320 Westlake Ave N, Seattle, WA 98109. Spent 55 minutes on the phone. Accessed my computer, showed me lots of ugly stuff. Asked if I wanted it fixed. Of Course. I know nothing about computers. Passed me off to a technician, from Green Services, claiming to be from Disney Service, Inc, his name Kalvin. Worked the computer, put lots of stuff on, took other stuff off. At 1330 AM received a voice message from a person stating his name is Sam, from billing depart, check did not go through. (I was lucky). Next day I receive email with a bill attached. I will attach both here. I closed all accounts, opened new. I contacted a REAL Microsoft technician, who informed me that Microsoft never contacts customers in this fashion and never "out sources" technical support. Real Microsoft technician removed all stuff placed on computer by Disney Service, Inc tech. Restored my computer to original status. Thank Heavens.. Tried to add email received and page two of bill...I will be happy to drop all by nearest office.

said they were micro soft and they had a problem with his comuter. The consumer didn't even own a computer.

- Chicago, IL, USA

I was contacted today by Microsoft stating I was due a $400.00 refund. They remotely access my bank account. They then transferred $2500.00 into my checking account. They stated in order to get the refund I should go to best buy and purchase 18 itunes cards in the amount of $100.00 each. I did and when I came home they wanted a list of the card numbers which I provided. They then stated that I need to get $500.00 more at Target which I did and then provided them with that. I then checked my savings account only to find out that they transferred the money from my savings account. I am going to file a police report but since the gift cards have already been used, I am now out $2300.00!

I don't know if I will ever receive my money back and I am a senior citizen.

- Detroit, MI, USA

Got a phone call stating that he was from Microsoft an that my computer had been hacked an wanted me to turn my computer on right away so he could remote into it. I hung up he called back 6 times. I then blocked the number.

The Microsoft technical people called my phone and told me that someone was hacking into my computer and they demanded money to "clean" my computer and put up a firewall to prevent futhur reoccurrences. So they told me that they were with Microsoft then they claimed to be with someone else. After I asked for a printout of the services that they were doing to my computer and how much this would cost and if they could take installment payments , they refused and said that they only took credit cards and I would just know if they put up this firewall. This is not their first time attempting to do this and demanding money. I followed all of their instructions and this time they shut down my email. The guy that did this was named Daniel. When I talked to a lady the next day in technical support she was acting like she was helping me with my email and told me that the guy that called me the day before was a scam and I trusted her and she ran some program and went through my computer and was working my computer from wherever she was while I was on the phone and I wasn't touching anything but I could see that she was taking my browser and opening apps and doing things on my computer and she was supposed to be fixing my Microsoft email and she shutdown my computer and changed my password , which I had used earlier that morning, and I had not recently changed my password. There is no way of logging into my laptop and when I called today the technical support people asked me why I had reported the guy that had done this to me and that he is a hacker because we don't make calls to our customers and the guy that was the technical support was also a foreigner also and was acting really strange and asking me creepy questions and things. I don't know what to do now and these people are probably coming back again and they are going to be asking for more money and hacking my computer again.

- Indianapolis, IN, USA

I received a call from Michael Austin (microsoft tech support) who stated my license had expired and he needed to update my system. There would be a fee attached depending on how infected my computer is, in attempt to get a virus off my computer.

- Kansas City, MO, USA

I received a pop up from Microsoft saying that my laptop had a virus,[ Malware] and that I needed to contact Microsoft concerning this matter.

I called the number provided and was informed that they would need access to my computer to check to see what was going on with my desktop, the person that I talked may have been [asian] he said that their would be no charge to see if there was a virus, he said if a virus was found that it would cost from [$99.00 to $199.00. He asked if I WANT IT FIXED I TOLD HIM NO, HE TRIED TO CONVINCE ME TO BUY THE PRODUCT THAT WOULD FIX THE PROBLEM, Mr Williamson then GAVE A SOB STORY THAT HIS BOSS WAS LISTENING IN ON THE CALL AND IF HE DIDN'T MAKE THE SALE HE WOULD BE FIRED, I TOLD HIM NO AGAIN, MR WILLIAMSON THEN SHUT DOWN MY COMPUTER,AND DISCONNECTED THE CALL. I was able to reset my desktop and get it up and running again, THIS IS AWAY FOR MICROSOFT WILL TRY TO FORCE YOU TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT.

- Plymouth, IN, USA

Site posing as Microsoft covered screen with dire warnings about issue that needed to be resolved or files, banking info, credit card info, etc. would be compromised. Called number on screen and permitted some access to computer; when fee was mentioned, I realized it was a scam and hung up. Shut down computer and took to local tech support.

- Nampa, ID, USA

Caller said they were from Microsoft and tried to get me on my computer. I told them I was sorry they worked for a fraud company and hung up.

I got a "warning" that my computer was compromised and if I shut it down it would destroy my hard drive and allow someone to access all my information including credit cards, ect. I call the "tech support" and it was a guy who wanted my name/e-mail/ect. and wanted to remotely access my computer to "fix the issue". I hung up. When I called back three times, the same guy gave me three different names. When I told him I was reporting it, he hung up.

- Chester, VA, USA

Received an alert, that a website I had used many times, was infected by a virus, so called the number to correct, and no answer so hung up. As soon as I hung up, I received a return call, saying my computer had be infected with a virus, and he could help me. I foolishly agreed to his assistance, and he began operating my computer from his end. He was foreign, sounded like he was from Pakistan, and almost convinced me to pay him $250 for security system on computer. When I began asking questions, he was smooth and a fast talker, and when he asked for my password, I refused to give it to him, and he began to operate my computer freezing it and I could not use and had no control. I immediately shut down computer, and took to Geek Squad, where they cleaned up and gave me a security system, which I had failed to realize had expired. The Geek Squad rep told me NEVER, EVER, NEVER respond to anything that pops up on computer, to always go somewhere you trust and are comfortable with. As a result I had to close all credit cards, banking info b/c I was afraid they somehow had gotten my personal information. Could of been much worse, but never fall for any of these scams. I thought I was smarter than that, but they obviously are professional criminals.......much smarter than me.

- Platte City, MO, USA

I recived a loud alert while attempting to get online that a virus was detected and that our personal information would be

compromised. I was unable to exit out of this field so I called the toll free number identified as Microsoft technicians. I did allow them access to our computer. After working with them for several minutes to unsuccessfully attempt to gain access to a help website, they explained that they could help us removing the Trojan virus they found. After hearing there would be a cost we hung up. We are not sure yet whether our personal information has been compromised.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

Person from India stated he was with Microsoft and that my computer was giving off bad information, files, etc. He asked me to turn on my computer so he could fix it. I asked him what IP address he was looking at and he again asked me if my computer was on. When I asked again about the IP address, he put me on hold and got a "supervisor" who asked me to turn on my computer. I asked him about the IP address and then he started getting agitated. I told him he could not know anything about my computer without being to provide the IP address and the reason he didn't know the IP address was that this was a scam. He started arguing with me so I told him he should be ashamed of himself. Then he hung up on me.

- Corsicana, TX, USA

Every time that I get onto the computer the number calls me saying that there is a virus on the computer and that the computer will fail and I won't be able to use it again until I get the Microsoft virus scan in order to keep my computer protected. When I told the man that I already had a virus protector he kept impliying that it was a fake virus service and I needed to buy the service from him. Service was 1000 with a down payment and a monthly payment. I'd number he gave me was 888d8c60.

I received a pop up on my computer August 6.My computer locked up. It was a big red message. Message stated my computer had been hacked and they were going to put a freeze on it. It appeared to be from Microsoft. The phone number on the pop up 888-445-4887. I had called A T&T. I have my internet with them. They told me it was Microsoft. I called the phone number back. They answered with Microsoft. Representative said my computer was infected. They could repair it for $400. Instructed me to purchase four $100 iTune Gift Cards at Walmart. I said I was not familiar with iTune Cards. He put a picture of different iTune Cards on my computer. Different styles and amounts. I purchased the iTune cards at Walmart. I called them back at phone number 844-622-1090. Ext 405. I read the numbers off the cards. Told me they are in California. Person I spoke with was Mac Smith. He had an accent. I called back and spoke with Ben Lawson 844-622-1090 Ext. 2018. He wanted an additional $400. To repair. He wanted my credit card number. I did not send any additional money. Technician is Sean Williams.

- Clarksville, TN, USA

I was called by an automated voice that sounded like text to speech. It claimed to be from Microsoft. It said,"There appears to be malware on your computer." It was then that I could tell it was a scam and hung up. The caller ID was Cortland, NY.

- Birmingham, AL, USA

I received a phone call from someone who stating my license with Microsoft had expired and I would no longer be able to use my computer until I paid them the sum of $300.00. They warned me not to try and use any internet service. They said I should pay as soon as possible, otherwise, my access to the computer would be prohibited.

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