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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

It was on my computer and when I clicked on a slide to make bows called WHEN I SAW WHAT SHE.... My friend had sent me this clip on Facebook. Then this big red "ALert" popped on a black screen with an audio saying my computer has been hacked and all my mastercard and account numbers are being sent to hackers to use. I was to phone Microsoft at 1-888-323-8692 and they would walk me through the process of stopping it. If I just closed the window, they would be forced to disable my computer because they did not want to harm their company???? I just closed it and am reporting it.

I also did a scan and I have no viruses apparently?Checked the phone number by 411 reverse lookup and they have no record of it.

The computer locked up. Even the power button would not work. After fiddling with it, a message popped up saying you need help from Microsoft and to call 402-323-3200. They help fix the "lockup" and offer to sell a service. After refusing to buy it, they are still "helpful" and have you grant them access to "clean a few things up".

- Toledo, OH, USA

I was viewing a Cleveland Indians game on Yahoo Sports when a window appeared stating a Zeus Virus (from an Adult/Porn website) has infected my computer and to call Microsoft at 1-855-261-9984 to have them unlock the computer. John (the caller) asked for permission to remotely connect to my computer and I said no. I shut down my computer and have not had a problem since. My computer was hijacked before so I am very cautious about what i reply to.

- New Iberia, LA, USA

She called me, asked to speak to me using my name. Told me she was from Microsoft and my computer had a virus on it relating to the Yahoo breach. She had me go to my computer and told me to press the Windows Button and hold down the R key.

Then she had me type in hh h

Then she had me type in cmd

Then she had me type in

This function sent her all my files on my computer

Then she wanted me to give her access to my computer

That's when I hung up

Message on computer saying warning... there is a computer virus on your computer. Do not shutdown. Call microsoft at 1-888-226-3876. (Microsoft says this is not one of their numbers. Screen has frozen.)

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received an email on my yahoo email account. The email appeared like someone hacked my email account. I contacted yahoo who then referred me to Microsoft at a number of 888-542-2080. When I called that number hey were asking me for money. They told me to obtain over $500 in Walmart cards and they would fix my issue. I hung up as I felt this was not right and a scam. I then looked up Microsoft's phone number and this number 888-542-2080 is not a Microsoft phone number.

- Houston, AR, USA

They called and I got a computer generated msg to call the 1877 number. I called them back and they said they were with Microsoft and that my computer has a virus and they received a notification about it. I told them Microsoft doesn't make calls to people and that I don't own a computer and that I was reporting them. They hung up on me.

- Washington, DC, USA

A popup appeared that looked like my computer was infected but it wasn't. It's a known scam where a popup repeatedly hijacks your web browser and tells you to call Microsoft. You can close the web browser. Rebooting solves it.

- San Antonio, TX, USA

Please beware of several unknown pop ups warning that there an UNAUTHORISED ACCESS DETECTED from RUSSIA and to call Microsoft Help Desk immediately@ 1-844-225-1185. Warning: your user name and passwords will be sent using basic authentication on a connection that isn't secure.

When I saw this I was very startled and angry and without thinking first I called the number provided. When I called a man with a foreign voice...sounded Iranian but not certain. He asked what issues did I experience with my computer and I told him of the pop ups and then the warning message that kept me from exiting out of it. The man said that he can help me as he needed my personal information and $200USD wired to an account (which I never received) because I got suspicious when he began asking for my banking information. I asked why he needed that and he said it was needed before he can fix the virus in my computer. I immediately got really suspicious and angry and disconnected the call. I had to go to Best Buy Geek Squad for them to clean my computer and install Webroot protection and I still was out-of-pocket $200 but I'm satisfied nonetheless that I did not go further with the scam artist.

Woman operator with Indian accent got me to say 'Yes' then hung up. They said 'This is Microsoft Calling' then hesitated until I said 'Yes', then laughed and hung up

they have called numerous times saying they are from Microsoft, and that I have an issue with my software.


repeated e-mail and phone messages over the past week implying the my computer was needing upgrade and offering to fix- I made mistake of providing my phone number and e-mail, thinking I was talking to microsoft. I now realize this is a scam and have refused to answer 3 phone calls in the past two days. the voice sounded foriegn from both a male and a female.The said in e-mail that export prog. tecno woul fix my problem for about #339 --- all this occured after I had been getting daily messages from icrosoft over the past few months that my computer was outdated and needed updatefrom windows 7, thus I made mistake of thinking microsoft was actually asking me to call

- Dayton, OH, USA

Robo call, saying MicroSoft license has exspired. MicroSoft has been stopped. To renew license call

1-800-577-1869. I do not have MicroSoft!

- Pearce, AZ, USA

Apparently it's my day to receive these calls. This guy sounded exactly like the last guy who called about an hour ago from a different phone number. He was certainly NOT from microsoft and my computer does not have a virus and I am not giving him $500.

I got a pop-up saying it was Microsoft, informing me that my computer was infected with the Zeus virus, giving a number to call. In fact, my computer was locked, it couldn't be opened. The warning said it would crash if it was turned off. I called and was sold 6 years of computer security for $199.00, 6 instead of 5 because I am a senior. They did clean up the viruses on my computer that day (April 20, 2017), which makes me think that perhaps they have skirted the official or legal definition of a scam. I never received an e-mail confirmation of the purchase. I called back immediately and said I had changed my mind and wanted a refund for the program except for the clean-up they had just done that day. I have also asked several times for an e-mail confirmation of the purchase which I have never received. I was told I would be refunded $50.00, which has not happened, now being told it takes 7-10 business days to process a refund. As mentioned, I realize they may have circumvented the law because they did do some service for my computer, but I still think they are a scam. I was told their headquarters is in West Palm Beach, Florida, which may itself be part of the scam, but I'm e-mailing you anyway. I don't know how to select the image requested in the next entry. It came up in a square on my screen as I was on the computer.

This person had called one of my residents stating that her Microsoft had ran out and that she was to call 844-711-3211. Luckily I had warned my residents to not ever give personal information over the phone, or through e-mail. I had looked this number up on the computer and it is known to be a scam so I called the number back to let them know that they are known as a scam at which he had nothing nice to tell me and then hung up. Luckily she knew it wasn't possible and lost no money.

- Lompoc, CA, USA

Webpage popped up stating my computer was infected with malware and to call 877-767-5509 immediately for assistance from a Microsoft technician.

I called the number and gave the "technician" remote access to my computer.

After talking for awhile he said it would cost $450.00 to fix my computer.

I told him I had to think it over and he said he couldn't help me and hung up.

- Albuquerque, NM, USA

Received numerous calls. Person said he received error message from windows defender and wanted me to log in. I said no computers have been on all day. He called again and i said i dont own a computer and he hung up on me.

- Carlisle, KY, USA

Automated systems says that your "microsoft key" has expired and your computer system has been locked down & you need to call them at number listed above) to purchase new key.

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