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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Albuquerque, NM, USA

Apparently there is adware/malware on my computer that redirects websites to random websites. Some of these have been reputable but others have attempted to install viruses (but unable to due to my virus blocker). One of the sites opens a popup that makes noise and says that a virus has infected your computer and to call this number of 844-526-1405 to contact "Microsoft support" to remove it.

- Phoenix, AZ, USA

Told me my Microsoft license was expiring and demanded immediate payment to renew. Called 6 times in one day until I blocked their number.

- Glendale, AZ, USA

Claiming to be Microsoft and that my computer is infected.

- Reno, NV, USA

Man with Indian (India) accent told me that there was a problem with my computer, and he wanted to help me. He asked me to go to my computer and turn it on. I told him that I was not interested and hung up.

- West Sacramento, CA, USA

I receive phone calls from 770-355-0610 almost daily. When I answered the phone there was silence on the other end for a couple of seconds, then I heard it ring once before a woman with an accent came on the line and represented herself as working for Microsoft Technical Support. Being familiar with tech support scams, I played along. She told me that they had detected errors on my computer and tried to get me to log into my computer so that she could show me the errors she had detected. At this point I didn't feel like playing along anymore and hung up.

- Oak Run, CA, USA

The individual called me on my home phone claiming to be from Microsoft. He was asking me for personal information and trying to get me to go to a website. I asked him if he had a phone number that I could call him back on and he provided a different number than the one he was calling from.

- Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Received a phone call telling me caller is feom Microsoft and is aware of problems with my computer. They want remote access to my computer.


One of my clients received a fake FedEx email. Since she was waiting for a delivery, she clicked on it and it showed a message like "Your internet connection is blocked". Then she received a warning on her computer saying that Microsoft security system has detected that her computer is hacked and infected by a virus. In order to get help, call 844-893-1761 and a Microsoft Tech will help her. Unknowingly that it's a scam, she called that number and a person in an Indian accent picked up the phone and told her that he is from the Windows Security department and work for Microsoft in India. He told her that Microsoft normally charges $700 for such service, but they are giving a break due to the holidays and he would charge only $450 to her. He was browsing in her computer and did something that her all data files in a second changed their color from black to red. Fortunately, her husband took her car and she didn't have her credit card with her to pay him, but it badly infected her computer. Here are some of the links online that are showing some links to this scam. />

- Roanoke, VA, USA

got a popup on computer saying detected a virus.  Called the number on the popup and the guy had a foreign accent.  Said detected a virus and let him in the computer.  Now can't get into the computer.  Wanted $299 - $599 to fix, said had to call husband.

- Blanchard, OK, USA

A pop up on my laptop advised Microsoft detected major virus and to call 1 877 877-758-0163 claimed they could have a Microsoft tech 5 call to assist the call came from 1 0206092002 and stated they could fix & protect my computer for a fee $556 one year or $776 for two years & he would take my check or card now I refused told him to call me back which that number did call but I declined . I called Microsoft and was advised they do not request any form of payment via phone.


Ransom ware


One day sitting at my computer I heard warning bells going off. A pop up came up and said I had a serious virus and to call Microsoft at the number listed above. I was scared, so I called. Long story short they talked me into paying for five years of tech support, payment was through a check - when I gave them my router # and a check #. They encouraged me to contact them once a month so they could scan my computer for anything further. I called back about six weeks later and they said I had a driver problem. I was leery but paid them to solve the problem. A month later I called so they could determine if I had any computer issues and they said my computer had visited some "porn" sites and wanted me to pay to get extra anti-virus protection. This time I would not buy. I knew that had not happened. By this time I contacted a friend who had done some computer work for me and he said I had been scammed. There was no damage to my computer and my computer tech guy said there was nothing unusual in his scan of my computer, thank goodness.

I am so embarrassed by this. I thought I was computer savvy, but I fell for this one hook like and sinker. The alarms is what convinced me I had a problem.

Are there any other reported scams like this going around?

Any advice for me?


call from 1.984.856.3220 (I googled it, Pakistan/India)

Man with foreign accent said he was from Microsoft tech support and they were getting a “Windows crash notification” from my computer – Asked for my PC ID#. And was willing to “walk me through it” …take me thru the steps to fix it.


Convinced consumer they were microsoft techs Robin-ext ID 7273 and employee ID 909, then transfer to Loyd ext 004 then transfer took info off CC Discover $99.99. tried to get $149. Got info. Called CC company to cancel card.


I contacted this company believing they are affiliated with Microsoft. They charged me 149 to fix my computer. Not only was my computer not fixed but there was a suspicious charge on my bank account.

Microsoft Online Support


I received a pop up saying to call number or all my information will be leaked from my computer .


A company identifying itself as Microsoft shut my computer down. Pop up said call 8886012707 and do no shut off

my computer. Said I have virus in my computer. If they didn't shut me down until it was fixed their computers would

crash. I called the number and they tried to sell me a warranty and they would take the spyware off, for 139.00.

I refused to give them any money. At which time they left me with a blocked system, where I could not use my computer. I installed AVG on my computer, and it came unblocked. AVG a anti virus program. I recognize these scamers, because they have done this before to me, its like they have control over my computer.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received a popup on my pc that said Cannot verify authenticity of domain. Afterwards I received a pop up that said Malicious error on Windows 10 Microsoft Edge. It offered a tech support number to get assistance. I spoke with an Eric Williams with an accent who said he was a certified technician who worked with a company that was contracted by Microsoft and he got into my computer without a password and downloaded anti malware software. I have my contact info and credit card numbers for the service and it took about 1 1/2 hrs to complete. Afterward I noticed the anti malware software was uninstalled so I called the 800 # given looking to receive status on the job and couldn't get through to anyone. I contacted my credit card company and my bank to see if any charges went though. I had entered my info through a service called for Eric Williams and there was a charge on my card for Time for Shopping for $99.99.


Calling from Microsoft tell me that there is a virus in my computer. They wanted the numbers for the computer so they could get in the computer.

- Vinton, IA, USA

Indian English speaking males call telling me that they are calling from Microsoft because there is something wrong with my computer. We have received these calls many times, and quickly hang up on them. Has been going on for a long time.

Check fields!

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