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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

Consumer received a voice call from Zoe Connors -  Microsoft Company Phone number (845) 262-3745




I was online February 6, 2016 and received a notice that my computer has a virus and to call 877.509.8360. I called and someone answered saying Microsoft. I gave remote access to my computer and Microsoft downloaded software showing that I had a virus. I was told today's service was free, but I had to pay for their antivirus software for $149. I had to fill out a form and wrote a check out. They took a picture of the check with my computer's camera.

While I was on the phone a friend called and I placed Microsoft on hold. I explained what was happening and the friend said it sounded like a scam. I ended the call from Microsoft, contacted my bank and had my computer serviced. Luckily, I did not loose any money.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

For now 3 months I've been getting a mysterious call on the ID is says ( Lachine Pa), I chose to answer the call one time just to amuse them. So I answered the call and the caller said (this is his exact words) *India language* then transitions to english "Hello sir, my name in Ewanda Buragra I am with Microsoft Tech Support; we have found some errors coming from your computer. Is your computer on sir?"

I answered no, and told him "no your not from Microsoft Tech Support" he then got defensive saying he will transfer my call to Microsoft to prove he is with them, he transfered me to Microsoft but it wasn't Microsoft because it was another man who spoke like he was from India and I could hear electric shocks like torture happening in the background as if they were watching a movie or something while making the call. This new guy that I was talking with said "Hello sir, my name is Kevin Walalalalalala Microsoft's supervisor how may I help you?" and so I was saying "Yeah you all say you have some kind of proof that my computer has errors, but I don't believe your Bagabaga person and I would like to have a full email on this so called proof" this guy was different, he go pissed off when I told him I wasn't going to allow him to have remote access to my computer, he asked me if the computer on and I said yes, he then said "give me remote access then you can trust us" I told him no; he then said "you can trust me" and I said to him "I don't trust people who have movies playing while supposedly making professional calls" he then said "*** it, well can I at least tell you the website to go to for our protection program" and I said "well since you asked so nicely I guess so" so he told me to go to or something like that and he then explained to me that this software is the best protection a computer can have and I asked him how much does it go for? He said "For 1 yr-$75, for 5 yrs-$200, for 7 yrs-$5,000" and I said okay well I will think about it and be sure to let you know. When I never called back they chose to call back multiple times but they were very different it was same Caller ID ( Lachine PA) but this is what they were saying on the answering machine: "You son of a *** you answer this phone right now" "We know your in your house" "Answer your *** phone" "Buy our ***" "Mother [censored] Pick Up" "We will find you" "We will keep this up forever till we have your money"

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

On 2/03/2016 received call (caller ID said "Nassau NY") from someone who knew my name and said he was from Microsoft and that my computer was sending hacking messages through the Internet. He ask me to turn on my computer so he could do "remote service" and fix my computer. He did not seem to understand much English and his accent suggested he might be from India or somewhere in that area. I told him if he wanted to fix my computer he should come to my house to do it, then I terminated the phone connection.


Microsoft telling me there was a problem with my computer. When I asked if it was ok to record the conversation I was told only if I sucked his d___ first.

- Bullhead City, AZ, USA received an email from a consumer reporting their place of business received multiple calls from "Microsoft" to help them with a Windows crashing problem. Two people in the same office received back-to-back calls, assuming they were calling numbers in sequence. The consumer reported he let the phony Microsoft caller read his script. Then confronted him with, "the only thing crashing is your phony and illegal pitch. I know you're a scam, you know you're a scam, and if you weren't 10,000 miles away you'd be in jail right now." He sputtered, and I clammed up waiting for him to say something. He didn't, although he stayed on the line, and after another 20 seconds of dead air I just hung up.

- Sioux Falls, SD, USA

The old scam about my computer putting out error messages to Microsoft. I received two bot calls last week around noon and got another call today which was "Jack" (a gook) who knew my name. When I mentioned the word "scam" we were disconnected. Probably by someone in the sweat shop at a higher level monitoring the conversation.

- Reno, NV, USA

i received email from microsoft saying i had viruses by calling their microsoft company they would fix my computer problems i did call they said i had to pay for repairs which i understood cost me $249 my pc seemed to be fixed i had no problems because i then had phone problem i called att in the conversation i mentioned that microsoft had just fixed my pc they said microsoft does not do repair then i looked on google and saw that microsoft repair was a scam amex removed the charge for me now microsoft keeps calling saying they will secretly remove all the fixes on my pc the phone #'s they use are 800 499 3734 or 718 709 4636


- Middle Brook, MO, USA

Told me my computer had a bunch of hack attempts and there fore my license agreement was no longer any good. They had me do some things to the computer first and then they took control of my computer. They told me I could buy a new certificate of license for $214 for three years or $389 for a lifetime or they would lock me out of my computer. I told them I had no money and they said they could send it through the Singapore through Compass Solutions and it would only cost $14. I told them I could not afford that and they locked me out of my computer. The computer now says that a password is required and I have never had a password. I have to hold the power button down for several seconds in order to turn it off.

- Toledo, OH, USA

I have received 5 calls in the last two days telling me that there is a problem with my computer. The phone numbers they are from are as follows:

Trunzo Arthur S (today)

586.221.6997 (once)

425.685.4330 (twice yesterday)

80.036.5116 (yesterday)

The minute they started their call (the last one even stated my name), I told them that everyone knows its a scan and to give it up! I also told them not to call again!!

- Plymouth Meeting, PA, USA

I continue to get a call from a man with a broken English accent at "Microsoft" telling me my computer is running slow and needs to be repaired. The number they originally called from was coming up as Hillside, ILL. Then another number with the (708) area code. Every time I call them out on something (how did you monitor my computer, I'm using an Apple, not running Microsoft, etc..) they hang right up.

- Southgate, MI, USA

Computer has virus


A guy called from a skype number saying he was from Microsoft and told us that our computer was under attack and that he could help fix it.

- Saint Cloud, MN, USA

I have received at least 5 calls from an accented male stating he was from Microsoft and his company was going out of business. Supposedly I purchased their tech support two years ago and they want to refund me. Two of the calls were for different amounts but both around $200. He gets very hostile when I refuse to do what he tells me to. I told him I know this is a scam call ("how do you know that" he says) and I am ending the call.


a female claiming to be from Microsoft tech support, naming herself as Leanne, asked for me by first name, I hung up immediately, called at around 1 p.m. local time.


On January 9th, 2016 in the evening I received a call that showed Private; I answer the call. Person called me by my last name and immediately started to tell me that my computer has been comprise by relatives in a foreign country(Japan) and they are using my license number on my computer to commit fraud, scams etc., and I need them

Microsoft to clean up my computer right away so therefore know more damages would be done plus they would give me a new license number for my computer, they would continue to service my computer: 24 hours service but this needs to be done right away, he offer to show me what was happening in my computer, told me to press the windows sign on the left side of key board and R at the same time, I did; I wanted to see how for this would go and I wrote down everything he was telling me to do. At this point I typed in cmd a white box comes up; it enter and a black box shows at the top of screen with a bunch of mess, he directed me to go down to the bottom which shows this per se license number and that is what relatives in Japan are using. He then directed me to type in assoc and it enter. I stop at this point and ask him how much would this cost me? Mam, Mam don't worry about that, this needs to be done right now, now type in This is where they get control of your computer. I went back to the cost (never typing in the above information) he went to ask someone about cost and said it would be $59.95 I said I don't have that much and I would have to see about other resources, he replied can you have it by Monday or Tuesday, I said I would try. He never ask for a card number which lead me to believe he already had it but needed additional information. He put a per se Supervisor on the phone by the name of Christa Smith. I repeated my per se situation to her and ask for a telephone number where I can reach her on Monday, she replied 1-866-383-1010, I thank her and hung up, I call technician at Cox Cable Solution and convey all information that I had written down. The technician typed in information given all came up blank. He commended me for being smart and suggested that I call BBB Fraud Division. The technician also stated that he receives call like this all the time and people give the caller money and he ends up repairing there computer; yet all personal information had been comprised.

- Philadelphia, PA, USA

Consumer was called by someone claiming to be from Microsoft. 856-234-5632. She said they voice told her that her computer has a virus and she needs to allow them access. She hung up before they could say anything else. She googled the phone number and said it bounced back as a scam number.

- Cleveland, NC, USA

today 1/5/16 I received a phone call from 402-669-5879 the person spoke with a Indian Accent. He claimed he was from Microsoft and for the last 14 days my computer had sent warnings of a virus and he was calling to help me. I told him I knew this was a scam as I had checked on the BBB website. He proceeded to argue with me that all he wanted to do was to "help" me. I hung up and tried to call the number back it just says the number you have dialed is incorrect. This is the second call in one month. People in the North Carolina area should be made aware of this scam by public service announcement covered by local TV

- Manchester, NH, USA

Over the past month I've received multiple phone calls from men and women with an Indian accent claiming that my computer is sending error messages to them at Microsoft. They keep trying to direct me to a website to fix the error. I never let them get far enough to actually go to the website, because I know this is a scam. 

- Cleveland, NC, USA

I received a phone call that had a foreign accent. The Caller said they were from "Microsoft" and my computer had been sending information to Microsoft for two weeks that it was infected and they were calling me to help correct the problem. I told the caller I thought Microsoft had more to do than call individuals and I knew this had to be a fake call and hung up. I have not heard back and had no problems with my computer. I tried to call the number on my caller ID and it would not connect with any business or number.

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