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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

Some guy puts a huge screen on my computer that is flashing "VIRUS" and "B 295 7E" it states that I have a virus and to call this number. It says if I try to remove the page it will delete all my files. So I called the number and this guy answered, "How may I help you"? He then tries to get into my computer and tells me to type in this little box: 0x8024402c/HH_W. He gets angry when I tell him I'm not typing it in and tells me I have to pay $69 to get rid of the virus that they put on my computer. This same person has called me several times saying he is Jason from Microsoft and I have a virus, he then tries to get me to type in some code to fix it or I have to pay to get the virus removed. While I was on the phone with him, my friend calls the number he is calling from. He then hangs up on me to answer his call and tries to scam him.

He is very convincing and I'm sure he gets many people to believe him. There must be some way to track him from some of these phone numbers?

I have gone into Microsoft's site and found that many other people had this same experience.


They will call it saying they are from Microsoft, explaining that they were receiving a notification that your computer has been hacked into. They will tell you that you will need to get on on (regardless is you're on already or not) and tell you steps to follow. They don't care about your age or gender, and whether you have parental permission or not. If you tell them that you don't have permission to, they will try to convince you that it's okay. They will get you to open the DOS program and have you type a few things, like "assoc" to get a list of data. What they already know is what they ask you to look up, the security ID for your internet connection which is near the bottom saying, "ZFormanttoTarget=CLISD" and then your ID number. Not only that, but they know where your address is too.

I got to one step farther before questioning things and then they started to insult me.

This is a group of at least 3 people, both male and female.


Said my computer hardware would be wiped clean if didn't call this number 877-387-3805.

Once we hung up on them they kept calling back from phone number 855-422-2935.

said they were from microsoft..... proceeded to tell us how to save the computer then routed us to (we didn't try it).


Got into my computer. They locked it down. Called Microsoft stated it ws a scam. I had to pay Microsoft $300 to fix my computer. A week later the same company locked my computer. Microsoft fix computer again. Company called yesterday and stated that because of the BBB they will refund money. Now today they stated that I have to buy $100.00 I tune card and send to him. Stated he would call me back after I have purchased the card. Called from number 206.259-6881. The company is getting ready to close down because the BBB is making him refund the money.


somebody called fro Microsoft and said that my license key has expired and wanted me to get on my computer so they could help me to update it .

I did not get on my computer so I just told them that I would call back but instead I called bbb.


Received a call from "Microsoft" stating your computer has been hacked. Has called three times today. Could not understand, Indian. Caller stated he needs me to cut my computer on so he could get into my computer.

- Cheyenne, WY, USA

Female caller @ 12:14pm on 9/23/16 said my Windows License was expired, that my computer would be locked down, and I needed to call 855-532-1444.


People from both these numbers (800-311-5968 & 866-331-6047) claim to be Microsoft. I have confirmed with the real Microsoft corporation that this is not the case. These people called my elderly parents, claiming that our computer had a virus. My parents were instructed to get on the computer and open a dialog box so that tech support could access their computer and fix the problem. The "tech support" also took billing account information from my father and said that they would charge him $600 for their services. Since then they never stop calling! They're always trying to phish for more account info as well as any other personal info. Today a man who claims to be from this business called us from a private number. He said his name was Malik. Instead of sticking with the Microsoft Tech disguise he said that he was from Chase Bank and that we owed him $5000. He said that if we did not give him the money owed by today he would send an agent to take away the family car as well as the house. I called the 866-331-6047 number that Malik had left me and I asked to speak to the center's manager. The "supervisor" David Williams called me back and apologized. He said that no man named Malik worked there but that he started a police in1vestigation to track this imposter down. A few minutes after I hung up with "David Williams" I receive another phone call. This time from the number (425) 440-9501. A man who sounds EXACTLY like "David Williams" tells me that he is a police officer with the Seattle Police Department. He asks me to record any future phone calls from Malik and he asked about my father's banking information. I refused to share any banking info. I also told him that I would not record any phone conversations as I believe that to be illegal. BBB, can you please help? These people are clearly scammers! The fact that they are now posing as law enforcement really disturbs me. I have checked online and both the 866 number and 800 number have multiple complaints against them. What can we do? Thanks.

- Hinckley, MN, USA

Error message pop up came on claiming to be Microsoft. Call such number and they will fix. Called number and they gained control of my computer. Finally after walking through what was wrong with my computer. They wanted credit card info to fix my computer. I did not give info. They then turned on my camera and I shut computer off because that's when I realized I had been lied to. Scarey!!! Did they gain access to all my info on computer???


Every morning between 8am and 9am I get calls from "Microsoft" telling me that they have received info from my computer telling them that my computer has a virus and I am to go to my computer immediately, turn it on and follow their instructions. I never do because, come on, how stupid do they think I am? I ask them to remove me from their calling list and yet every morning they still call, always from a different phone number. They did it again today and when I answered, the guy says "Oh [censored]quot; and hangs up. I never stay on the phone long enough to see where the scam goes but I get so many of these calls that I am about to change my number again.


Second time they have call telling me my personal computer was send out some kind of signal and not responding to them, whoever them is?

Hung up before they were able to finish pitch


My father was looking at a sports page and a pop up about the well being of my Microsoft system was at risk. It gave the phone number listed above. I called the number to see if it was legitimate. I have made several calls to Microsoft in the past. The number listed in the pop-up did not look familiar, nor did the answering system match with the normal Microsoft call system. A foreign male answered the phone and I proceeded to ask him about the pop-up I received. I told him the the number given in his phishing attempt is nowhere near the number Microsoft uses and I told him he would be reported. There sis currently nothing wrong with my Microsoft software.

- Bellevue, NE, USA

Caller informed me that my licensing agreement with MICROSOFT had expired and to call 1-855-4042-8444 to insure no service interruption, I called MICROSOFT and they informed they do not call for licensing expiration but always send emails.

- Cogan Station, PA, USA

Recorded voice message states to call 866-616-9291 as Microsoft has noticed that your computer is sending out a bunch of spam mail. I called Microsoft customer service at 8664932825 and they do not do this and no such number for them


I was on the computer and a pop up came up and my computer froze and I was to call 844-244-9823 which is supposedly Microsoft. When I called and asked if they were Microsoft, they never actually answered the question. They wanted us to pay for them to fix the problem, but we knew they were a scam.


A man with an Indian accent called and said he was from Microsoft. I told him it was a scam. As soon as I said that, he talked about "scratching his balls" and yelled a bunch of profanities. Clearly, this was not a business professional working for Microsoft.

- Henrico, VA, USA

A caller with an Indian accent identified himself as working for Microsoft. He said he had my Microsoft license ID and he told me that my computer had been compromised. He said I needed to click CTRL-start and tell him what I saw. I thought it was a scam. I asked him for a number where I could reach him. He said that his center received no calls. (Red flag!) I checked other online sources and this seems to be a common scam. I received a similar call a month earlier and told them not to call back. I had then checked with computer experts and they said to steer clear of this type of situation since it was a scam. The caller called from the cell #256-470-1947. When I looked it up, it said it was from Albertsville, AL.


I have received several calls from someone claiming to be from Microsoft. There is never any number or name on the caller ID. They tell me they need to issue me a refund and say they have to do it over my computer. They then try to get me to give them access to my system over the phone. I have contacted Microsoft, and they said it is not them and that they would never do something like this. 


Three months ago we were conned into a malware occurring to our computer. The contact was supposedly from Microsoft (which is our server). The company then became Pioneer ent.LLC? They billed us $299.99 for which we stupidly gave our Capitol One Charge no. We immediately called Capitol one for support. WE had no address or tel. No for Pioneer Ent. It was then that we realized we had been scammed. SInce that time we have been contacted by that tel. No at least ten times. The number is 888-569-2564 and they profess to be MICROSOFT.


Received a phone call from Microsoft alerting me about a virus in my computer. I turned on my computer and entered the access code as instructed. He explained that now I needed to re-register with Microsoft. A form came up on my screen. I entered my name, address, phone and email. He wanted by credit card information to pay the $200 fee. I became suspicious. I turned off my computer and disconnected the modem.

Check fields!

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