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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Cleveland, OH, USA

A man keep calling my cell phone. The phone number is 55221144. That is all that shows up. States he is with Microsoft. My computer has a virus. Asked me to go to my computer. They asked for the numbers on back of computer and password. My husband gave out the information. We paid no money. Caller got mad when we would not pay money. Threatened to crash my computer because they have information. Now my computer has a black screen with note your computer has been scammed.

- Peoria, IL, USA

I received a call from a guy stating he was from Microsoft stating that if I gave him $2,700 he would fix my computer. 

- Columbus, OH, USA

Claiming to be from 1. Dell, 2. Microsoft. 2 has said they see the computer has not been ?updating? after I asked how can you tell. I was hung up on. both types of calls have been happening more than once this year. Would having a recording of the conversation and continuing to ask them questions help? No idea where they are from.


Identified themselves as being from Microsoft and that my computer was causing issues. I was not home. Said they would call back in 1 hour. They did. They tried to get me to do some kind of investigation on my computer. I told them I would call back,


Caller said he was from Microsoft advising our computer had been hacked wanting $199.00 to fix requested credit card info which I refused he then locked our computer so we could not use

- Milton, FL, USA

Tele 859-824-5367 this caller is from this area. He wanted to take control of my PC over telephone on November 17, 2015 time 6:54 he stated that he was an employee of Windows and that my computer was sending out eras reports to Windows. Also he said that it will not take all about thirty minutes, I said you are interupting

My dinner time, then...I called Microsoft Windows to report this call, they said it is a bogus call, called Microsoft Windows spoke with Johnny report incident give case #1313606907

- Wentzville, MO, USA

I received a phone call today from someone claiming to be Microsoft telling me that I had a virus on my computer and needed to turn it on. I did not turn my computer on and asked them for a call back number.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I received a phone call today from a company claiming to be Microsoft Windows Service Center. They wanted my computer ID which I did not give to them. They claimed they were alerted of my computer having a virus and that they had sent me notices.

- Saint Louis, MO, USA

I was trying to download Microsoft Outlook on my computer and having issues with it. On Tuesday a box popped up on my screen saying that I needed to call the number that was listed for their assistance. I called them and they got internal access to my computer and held it hostage until I give them money. I sent them $200 worth of MasterCard gift cards to regain access to my computer.

- Boonville, MO, USA

This was a telephone call to my personal cell phone. The number they called from was 850-600-6699. The man said his name was Mark Williams and identified himself as calling from Microsoft. He stated that my computer was sending out error messages to them and Malware. They wanted me to get on my computer, give them control of it so that they could fix it. I told them that it did not sound right and that I would discuss it with my husband. I was not at my computer anyway. They asked me when a good time to call back would be. I told them I would call them back. The number they gave me to call back was 850-610-1009. After I hung up, I immediately looked Microsoft scams on the internet. It said there was one and they requested that anyone receiving this type of scam report it.

- Rotonda West, FL, USA

We are receiving phone calls constantly from this phone number: 877-286-0392. I get ongoing calls from this number. Auto message stating Microsoft has detected multiple viruses on my computer. I have asked them to never call again but they then began to call every five minutes. What can I do to get them to stop?


A gentleman called stating that there is a issue with my computer and he would like to login and fix it. I don't own a computer.

- Indianapolis, IN, USA

I was contacted by a person claiming to be with Microsoft that told me someone was trying to access my personal information. I am 74 years old and believe they talked in circles. I trusted what this person was saying and paid $200 for a guarantee of lifetime protection. This was paid by checking account online.


Phone call saying computer compromised. They tried to get me to type in and i said when i did {which i did not} what did i see. I replied my computer went blank.They had me do it several more time and i came back with some other fail. They hung-up.


Elderly woman had a legitimate malware infection on computer. Screen showed a number to call 'Microsoft' to repair it. Scammer convinced victim he can fix it for a fee via credit card. Elderly woman called son to use his credit card and son detected the fraud. Son told victim to not to talk to scammer anymore yet scammer kept calling and victim kept talking to scammer who attempted to convince her that buying a new computer would not remove malware. Victim's son has since fixed compiter and victim continues to receive increased scam calls.

- Osage Beach, MO, USA

They said they are Microsoft and told me I had a virus. Gave control of my computer. They wanted debit card to charge 20 dollars. They went through western union. They took 789 dollars from my account. Western union stopped the transaction. I will get my money back. They are still calling and want more money to get my money back.


Numerous calls from some group with a heavy eastern (India/Pakistan) accent representing Microsoft. all this started with an online search for assistance from Microsoft and wound up with this group claiming to represent the company for technical support. They installed some "repair" software that turned out to be spyware. For this they charged me $350.00. Consequently they tried again but were interrupted by bank security which cut them off. Since then, I believe because they now have the computer web address, they have tried several times to "infiltrate" my PC. I also found them using D Link, as a technical aid, to try to scam me when I was attempting to upgrade D Link software. This was also found on-line under the D Link name. Since all this has occurred, I have been receiving many calls from them, most using the 1-800 or 1-877 long distance numbers. There has always been one identifiable item: always much chatter in the background in a foreign language. Don't know how to get rid of this annoying menace. The most recent call came from the US...still the same group/person. I recognized the voice!

- Iberia, MO, USA

We received a phone call today from a company claiming to be Microsoft. They told us to turn on our computer and that it had a lot of viruses on it. They instructed us to do certain things on the computer and then they wiped all of our information off of it. Now there is a message that popped up asking us to pay $1200 to gain access back to our computer.

- Salt Lake City, UT, USA

This was a phone call from Jack Parker claiming to call on behalf of Microsoft stating that he (they) had received information that my personal computer was being scammed by hackers and attackers. He said after 30 min of trying to convince me of this happening that I would have to buy protection from him that ranged from $149.95 to $349.95. He gave bogus contact information for a helpline 1-800-709-2110 and his own extension number 0108. When I called I got a recorded message stating that I did not have authorization to dial this number. He spoke with a heavy India accent. .I cannot remember how or even when he obtained my permission to have remote control of my computer but he blocked me from using it by putting a protection password on it. I have taken my computer to PC Laptops to have this all repaired.

- Brookpark, OH, USA

I was receiving many calls from Microsoft since I got  computer about a year ago. Callers are always difficult to understand. Told me there was a problem with Microsoft. Wanted me to go to my computer so they could remotely repair the computer. I know it is a scam and did not go to mu computer. I told them to stop calling but they continue to call. I hung up on them.  I asked for their phone number and they would not provide it.

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