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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Trenton, MI, USA

Man called me telling me he was getting reports that there are viruses on my computer. He said unneeded to go onto my computer. When I said I was just on it and it was running fine he told me, ok you go to sleep and I will come and XXXX XXXX, then hung up. Seriously the most disturbing thing anyone has ever said to me.

- De Forest, WI, USA

I don't know were to start. My computer was making a noise and froze. A number for Mirco Soft came up on the screen. I have Mirco Soft on my computer so I called the number. Well I think you know the rest of the story. He claimed he down loaded Anti everything on the computer. Well when I asked for a invoice for the service, the man was tripping on his tongue. I was stupid though, I gave my credit card number to him by this point. I did cancel the card the next day with the bank. Well they wanted 435 dollars from me. I have been contacted only once since that night by phone. The man left message on my phone and he TEXTED ME! No company texts you and says " Hi xxxx! This is Alex!" I did not responded to him at all. I came across a website by Captain James Van Thach and realized that my identity could be stolen from me. This man named Alex Xavier has not contacted me since that day. Probably because I was so firm about having a invoice and I know He knew I cancelled my card. Alex Xavier said he worked for Microsoft and that he was a Senior Technician, Windows Department. Phone# 650-300-1575. I am not computer smart. I would like to know just what happened to me.? Could you please help me. Signed feeling stupid

- Hooper Bay, AK, USA

Adam Smith from Microsoft called and seai my computer was at risk. I explained I did not hace a computer. He asked me "why are you wasting my time then?" I said "you are wasting min. I'm calling the BBB!" Then he humg up.


My mother received a message on her brand new computer stating her Windows 10 expired and that she needed to pay $99.99 to repair her computer. She has no control of her computer.

- Oakland, TN, USA

I just received a phone call from a Middle Eastern person stating that they were calling on behalf of Microsoft, and was calling about concerns for our security. I believe I stated yes before any of this information was provided, but I can not recall as it happened so fast. After the lady stated something about security, I said "okay" in a confused tone. The phone made a double beep and hung up. I immediately feared this was a cramming scam. I called the number back to verify my gut feeling, and the number goes straight to a voicemail of a different lady than I spoke to. I just wanted to pass along this information. I saw the news story a few weeks ago, and I fell for it. Thank you for your time.

- Carbondale, PA, USA

They tell you your computer is infected and need to buy spyware to protect it then ask to open a camera to look at you. They control your computer.and keep calling and harassing you with nasty phone calls.

- Westerville, OH, USA

To renew the license key please call toll free 1-800-642-2818. This is an emergency call to notify you that the license key of your Microsoft Windows has expired. To renew the license key please call toll free 1-800-642-2818.

- Traverse City, MI, USA

Received this call today (2/18/2017 12:30pm eastern) from a male with thick "India" accent who had my name! and land line phone (which I don't give out). He claimed that he works for Microsoft and that my "Windows" program has been "infected" and "will crash" if I don't let the caller walk me through the "steps" to avoid my computer crashing....he became upset when I said I wouldn't go through the computer steps with him but asked him to just tell me the steps and I would do it myself....(just testing) He became upset when I refused to let him have access to my computer....

Isn't anyone doing anything about this???? I am savy enough to avoid this but there are many people who will get fooled by this call.

- Ware, MA, USA

Alert box when laptop was logged on warning "Error 268D3" as stated above. This consumer called 888-495 8041. Tech claimed he could not hear me or my husband and asked for call back number. He called back, attempted to convince us to work with him but would not give work I'd or his employee I'd. Terminated call by telling him we would bring laptop to Staples were we purchased laptop. He hung up.

- Boise, ID, USA

cold call from Microsoft claiming that pc infected and asking for remote access to pc. called back to offer anti virus/ maint. contract....when my tech answered and warned of reporting scammer they hung up and called back multiple times and tech answered and warned again and person on other end started using threatening and foul language.

- Media, PA, USA

I received a message on my cell phone from 800-956-4126 indicating that my Microsoft license key was expiring and that I should return the call to renew.


I believe this was a scam where they try to get you to say yes, and unfortunately I did. They asked for me by name, then said something about a Microsoft program not working on my computer. When I said I didn't have a computer, they hung up!!

- Saint George, UT, USA

Contacted via computer screen warning that our laptop was infected with a virus which would endanger all our personal information and we needed to call the number above to allow tech support to remove the virus threat asap.

- Sioux Falls, SD, USA

Call from India about the usual wirus scam on my dextop vindows dewice. I called him a marchedo scammer and he hung up after a few choice profanities.

- Rome, GA, USA

Robotic phone call informed me that my Microsoft Windows liscense key had expired and Microsoft had canceled windows service on my computer. Call instructed me to call an 800 number


Stated he was from Microsoft and was calling about my computer. Then asked if that was okay. I know about the "say Yes" scam and hung up.

- Milwaukee, WI, USA

Woman with heavy accent called and asked if I was the primary computer user in the house. I told her it was none of her business, don't call again and I hung up. Three more phone calls in the next 3 days. I told the fourth one this is a scam and don't call again. She said it was not a scam and she will keep calling until the problem is fixed.

- Sierra Vista, AZ, USA

says to call the 800 nr immediately as my microsoft windows contract has expired and my computer will be shut down if i do not call immediately-at lest 3 phone calls today starting ard 10 am.s

- Tobyhanna, PA, USA

On 12/17/2016Window popped up on my computer stating need to call above phone number before going further if not computer would crash and run entire system. So I called and person spoke with was very knowledgeable and believable asking permission to access remote access to find ,show and fix the issues. The transferred me to another for virus,spam,etc protection on my computer 2 or 5years or lifetime protection .I purchased lifetime are of $599.00. The when I had an issued and emailed them never received a reply.a month later I found out their was a scam going on with another 800 number same as mine luckily it used my charge card and reported it to them they are still investigating it also. I have not been credited the $599.00 at this time

- Newark, DE, USA

Guy called saying he was from Microsoft and I had malicious software on my computer. I am disabled and don't always think right. I allowed him access to my computer where they installed malicious software and I believe documents from my computer.

Scammer with poor English attempts to convince you that your computer has a virus even though it does not. He will then sell you a "fix" which is actually malware and will cause more harm.

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