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Microsoft Reports & Reviews (662)

- Terre Haute, IN, USA

Was doing a Google search and a full screen with Microsoft icon and standard blue color took over the screen and locked my computer. Said a serious virus had infected my machine and gave a toll free number to call. I called and some one with an Indian accent answered. He wanted to have access to my computer. I asked if this Microsoft. He replied they were a team contracted by Microsoft. I told him I wasn't sure it was legit and he assured me he wouldn't do anything to my computer without asking me. I told him I would call back and hung up.

Located the toll free number as a scam. Also, Microsoft says they will never give a toll free number to call. All service calls have to be initiated by the user.

- Yuma, TN, USA

The caller was foreign, possibly asian. Wanted to discuss my Microsoft use. I immediately hung up. However, when first asked if the name they said was correct, I said 'Yes". When he mentioned Microsoft, I knew that this had to be a scam because I have no problems with Microsoft.

- Columbus, OH, USA

Clicked facebook ad. A microsoft looking page popped up with a message stating from microsoft. Message popped up with audio of lady reading message. My computer is being infected and is or may already be in the process of accessing my financial records, photos etc. Had an option to close page, but message saying something neg about closing page, but if did choose to close, a report would be filed to report my computer had been infected through a scam. Said to call number immediately and a level 9 micrsoft technician. Need to call now. Number is free. Computer screen froze. I forced shut down my computer and working. Number to call is 844-454-7212. I called, they asked name. I hung up. The phone number ID was unkown.

I don't know how to answer the following messages about did the scammer attempt to take money. I hung up the phone. I don't know if that was part of the scam or not.

I was looking up my local gas co. on line and all of a sudden a message appeard with alarms and the message told me to call a number to get rid of the error mrssages so i called the number and the person answered the phone and he said (hello my name is johnny from microsoft how can i help you and i said I am calling because the error said to Then he said ill look into this for you He asked me to read the message back to him so i did and he said that i received a viris on my computor then he said ok you want me to remove the viris he asked for my email address and i asked him why he said he needed to get into my computor to fix the viris and i said as long as it does not cost me then he typed out a price list $99 for 1 year $149 for six month $199 for a year and $249 for life timeand i said to him i do not want any of these i just want my computor back the way it was then he said he was ready to fix my computor and fpr him to do this he needed my permission to go into my computor to fix the problem and all this time he kepped saying what service that i wanted and i told him i have no money so then he said for me dont touch the commutor bbecause they are fixing the computor as i was watching my screen i saw in a little box which had my email address and a denial from paypal and i questioned this and he said he was checking my computor to make sure it was working ok then he said it was back to where it was and he said how do i want to pay for this 1 time fix snd i said i told you i didn't have any money. and he said our work is not free and i said is this why you were looking at my pay pal account and he said no and how am i going to pay for this service with a credit card and i said no and he said my computtor was working for now but the problem might happen again without getting our viris protection and i said i am not interested and i said thank you for fixing my computor he said no problem and he said the 1 time fee was $149 and he asked me 1 more time how would you like to pay for this and i said im not paying for this and he said he would call me the next night to see how my computor was running thats when i hung up he has called 4 times already

- Payette, ID, USA

Received a pop on my computer stating that people were hacking into my computer. It stated do not close your computer and to call the number. I called the number. The person that answered the phone sounded foreign. He stated he was John with Microsoft. He asked if he could access the computer so he could show us what was going on. We allowed him. He then wanted money to fix the computer. They had several plans to choose from. I finally said I would check up on this and call him back.

- Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

He told me he was from Microsoft and I asked where and got the state and told him they don't call and he hung up.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

Guy claiming to be from Microsoft said my computer was sending them a message and could I go log into it now. I told him I would all Dell who I pay for Tech Support and he hung up on me.

- Belmont, MI, USA

I am receiving multiple phone calls a day with an automated message stating that I have a security breach on my network. I called once just to see who would answer and it was a person that was very convincing that he needed to "help" me. I informed him that I would not do so until I researched this more and once I did I found that it is in fact a scam. Sad that people go through so much trouble to cheat others.

- Fuquay Varina, NC, USA

I have received numerous phone calls from the 1-844-646-0465 stating that "I have had a Security Breech and I need to call 1-855-3785-3353 or 1-855-403-4200." At times no one is on the internet, I have McFee Security on my computer and have called the phone company(they provide internet services). I don't answer the phone, they leave messages.

- Bunnell, FL, USA

got called my these bums claiming that Microsoft protection that I purchased is dissolving their business and the bbb is requiring them to refund the money I spent. they cant send a check I have to file on my computer. they claim they cant go forward without me being on my computer. I called the police and bbb and was told all I can do is make a report. I paid office depot $172.00 to clean my computer and two months later the scam was back . I called office depot and was told I would have to pay another $172.00 because it only covers a one time cleaning. so I bought a new I'm out $629.00

Robot call claiming to be Microsoft Security response. Stated that 'My network security had been compromised please call back at our toll free number 888-387-7218'. I called back for the fun of it, I have 21+ years as a computer tech. Wanted me to go to a citrix, legal site, to give them remote access to my computer. When I asked which one they stated it did not matter. My I.P. had been hacked by multiple foreign hackers. This is not possible, an I.P. cannot be hacked. It is possible that a computer attached to that I.P. address can be hacked but not the I.P. Beware these low life people who cannot even properly explain the basis of their scam. I actually got transferred to a manager who didn't know any more about computing than the initial tech. I had fun playing with them Tied them up for about 45 minutes. Microsoft will never call you! They don't care about you or me. Keep that in mind.

- Stamford, CT, USA

I am getting at least one phone call a day from one of 2 numbers. Its a recording saying there is a problem with my network and to call a different number. Those are the numbers I have listed above. I called both of them and someone actually answers the phone "tech support". I have asked them to stop calling because I know it is a scam but the phone calls will not stop.

- Lake City, FL, USA

Purchased a new computer....received a call from a Microsoft IT tech to assist me in loading all of my new software. He then stated that my network was corroded and faulty. Four hours later....I severed connections when I finally could take no more. They sent a PDF....

- Cleveland, OH, USA

My 12 year old godson was on my computer. He had a popup on the screen. The computer froze. The screen said your computer has a virus and needs maintenance. It showed it was from Microsoft. Microsoft was alerted that I had a virus and to call 844-208-5170. I called the phone number. They answered the phone Microsoft. I questioned him. He asked me questions. Asked how old my computer is. Told me my computer is not under warranty. He told me to enter a number and controlled my computer. I entered the number. The screen showed my warranty had expired. I would have to pay $199.99 to repair. A red flag went up with me right away when they wanted money. The man spoke broken English. I said there is no way I will pay that money. He reduced the price to $99.99. He tried to make me feel good. That I was a good godmother to my godson. I did not pay any money. I said there is no way I am giving you a dollar and I hung. I only gave my E mail. My computer was blocked. I unplugged it and used it the next day. It is fine now.

- Ballwin, MO, USA

Accented man calls from a company called HQ, says he's calling about Microsoft tech services. He says he won't stop calling me and there's nothing I can do about it.

- Jacksonville, FL, USA

I received a call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft telling me that I was due a refund. I had paid them about a year ago so I didn't question it. They had me download teamviewer 12 and gained access to my computer. They wanted to transfer the money directly into my account, they refused to send a check. They had me access my bank account and then screen went black. Then when the screen came back up it showed two deposits from Microsoft one for $2500 and one for $2400. I said that was nice of them to give me so much money back, and they said that no that was a big mistake. I was only supposed to get $150. They claimed they made a deposit that was meant for one of their bigger clients into my account. They instructed me to go to my bank and withdraw $4600 (I could keep double the refund I was supposedly due $300) and deposit it into a Wells Fargo Account for someone named Arjusultana. I was told that this was the big client that the large deposit was supposed to go to in the first place. I was just helping them out. I later realized that they had transferred $4,900 from my savings account and I had withdrawn my own money and deposited it into a strangers account. They are still trying to contact me.

- Liberty Hill, TX, USA

See the attached document which details the scam.

- Pekin, IL, USA

Received a call stating my Microsoft Office software was expiring and I needed to call this number, 412-504-7005 to renew. I attempted to open my excel file and received an error. It would not open. I thought this was legitimate. I called the number. The specialist introduced himself as an employee of Microsoft, employee #MST9989 and he would walk me through the renewal of my software. He asked me to click on the Windows key along with the 'R' key. Nothing happened. He then told me to type into my browser, and select server 3. So I did. During this time, I am questioning why are we doing this? Why can't I just renew my software? Anyway, he asked me what was on the screen. I read it to him and boom, he was on my computer. Now, my version of windows had expired and it was going to cost me 159.00 to renew it. If not, my computer would be locked and I would not be able to use it until I paid the fee. I told him to log off of my computer and he did. He hung up on me and sure enough, my computer was locked. I asked him if this was a scam before he had hung up the phone and of course, he said no.

- Florence, AL, USA

Had a message on my voicemail telling me Microsoft had a refund for me for a computer protection plan & I needed to call (209) 348-9593. I had no recollection of such a plan but called the number anyway. The man at the other end of the line was very difficult to understand due to his poor English. He told me this section of Microsoft was going out of business & they were trying to resolve all refunds to those that had a computer protection plan with them. He then asked me how much I had paid for the plan, I told him I had no idea & asked him if he didn't have the information since he had initiated me calling him? He said yes, it was $180.00 & told me I needed to fill out a form. I told him I was sure he had my address already then and he could mail it to me at his earliest convenience. Oh-no, no he told me-you will have to get on your computer to fill out the form. He actually wanted me to allow him to access my computer! I told him I wasn't at my computer right now and I would have to call him back. He hung up on me at that point. Just wanted to see where this guy was going to go with his refund scam. All he wanted was access to my computer. Hopefully the number I provided will help catch this crook and my story will prevent someone from falling for this trick!

- Nederland, TX, USA

We had downloaded our financial report...closed out and my husband was on eBay. He received a notice that a block had been put by Microsoft & to contact them immediately. We did, they wanted to remotely take over computer ... did not allow. Also, while speaking to them I was really receiving another call, ignored it. Returned that call after THEY hung up from 1st call. Same guy answered, I asked who he was, he asked me. I told him I was returning a call, he said this is same person you spoke with, I tried to call you. I told him the call came in WHILE we were speaking the 1st time, again he hung up. We did not give them the opportunity to ask for money.

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